Electric Current

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Electric Current

Post by user737 »

Electric current is easy to understand once you properly place the region of origin.

Understanding also brings meaning to the orthogonal relationship of the three constituent motions in each of the three scalar dimensions of speed (or inverse speed, i.e. energy)
1. electric current (s/t) in one scalar dimension
2. magnetism (t2/s2) occupying the remaining two scalar dimensions
3. the cross-product of which (phi-psi) being the vectorial direction of resulting kinematic motion

What we call current (the dimension moving in time above unit speed) is of course inverted in expression as the motion is in time (not space) and our spacial consciousness is capable of converting scalar speeds into spacial coordinate dimensions by way of normalization to unit time, so as to create the ordered, linear progression of clock time necessary to provide for observation of motion in space.

The outward expansion in space is created in one dimension only as gravity in nullified in one dimension only (and the progression being the default takes over). We measure this spacial displacement (ns/1t where n>1) as a scalar magnitude (for a DC system with respect to time) yet do not recognize it for what it is: a speed.

Space (s) normalized to unit time (t)...again, our spacial consciousness normalizes all motion to unit time and so a reduction in time is tantamount to an increase in space...that increase in space then becomes the rate of current flow, typically given in amperes. Conventional connotation is flawed in that the measurement in and of itself IS a rate (with respect to time): space per time, or a speed, and so to call it a rate of a rate is not quite right!

The higher the speed the higher the current.

From whence does the current come? Counterspace. And there it shall return, the poles of which form a counter-space infinity (CSI)...the number of poles depending on the type of current: DC, AC, Impulse, or Oscillating.

There are no electrons flowing (in the strictest sense)... what we call particles really being more like packets of motion or incomplete atoms. Due to the discrete (quantized) yet continuous nature of motion in a low-speed gravitational system we mistake our observance as "particles" which we call "electrons" being a rotating unit of space (or anti-material, i.e. cosmic yet not of sufficient magnitude to comprise anti-matter... an anti-particle).

Again, "how many" electrons being the direct scalar measurement of this motion in equivalent space when normalized to unit time. This makes the inverse (reciprocal) measurement not frequency but units of time, which coincidentally is normalized to space to provide for some related measurement we call duration. (The other factor in the invariant cross-product being unit speed or c, the speed of light.)

This brings a thought to mind: if we're observing current as a counter-spacial motion across the unit speed boundary then the true magnitude of the motion would not be s but rather √s where s is a equivalent space motion, or how time affects space. This is the simplest rotational motion possible... √1 which gives both real (positron) and "imaginary" (electron) roots, the corresponding frequency being the non-local property of the wave aspect.

The other two dimensions (magnetic) are slower than light (i.e. gravitating in space)... 1s/nt where n>1.

This makes either the current (in space) or the magnetic field (in time) the reciprocal "residual" of gravity (three-dimensional speed) slash mass (three-dimensional inverse-speed or energy), depending on your particular point of view.

This is what happens when you don't realize you're already dealing with the first derivative of scalar motion (with respect to clock time).
Infinite Rider on the Big Dogma
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