Future of RS/RS2 research

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Future of RS/RS2 research

Post by bperet »

For those that haven't heard yet, I have been having problems with severe edema in my leg making it very difficult to walk, sit and get around, which is why I have not been able to get on the forum much to answer questions. A CT scan has shows that the lymph nodes are severely inflamed, blocking circulation and causing swelling--the cause: cancer of the lymphatic system. They tell me that it is already at "stage 4" and my condition is terminal. I am doing hormone therapy and chemo, but they are rather devastating to my overall health... it takes me about 10 days to recover from chemo sickness and then they do it again 10 days after that! The chemo is currently holding the cancer in check, but it is no way to live a happy life. The oncologist also tells me that it isn't a cure... it just may extend my life for a while longer. (I am looking at alternative methods to deal with the cancer.)

I'm not sure where this is going to leave RS/RS2 research and the maintenance of these sites. Wsitze is currently doing the admin work; I've asked SoverT if he can take over software maintenance. Hopefully, they can keep the sites going. If anyone else might be able to assist, contact wsitze (admin work) or sovert (software) and let them know. My ability to research has been badly compromised from the drugs (cannot think clearly), so I'm hoping the other regular posters here can follow the lead I've established and finish the RS2 research.

From what I've read of the ideas and questions being posted, there are some very intelligent people here. I ask they you folks take a stab at answering each other's questions... you're a smart bunch and know more than you may realize about this theory. So please don't be shy... put out those ideas, right or wrong. Many times a wrong idea opens the door to a new discovery... just look at many of my posts! One goof lead to the discovery that galaxies are actually solar systems! Sometimes, you just need to take that leap of faith to see where an idea goes.

I will be working with Gopi to try to put together an outline of my research, detailing the differences of RS2 from Larson's RS (the inclusion of the yin/angular components) to show where I was heading. I strongly believe that the inclusion of the quaternion approach is the correct path, and will open the door to many new discoveries.

I will continue to contribute as long as I can. After all, this is my life's work... dedicated 38 years to it!
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Re: Future of RS/RS2 research

Post by Djchrismac »

Thanks for another update Bruce, we are all still praying for you to make a full recovery.

I am more than happy to assist Wsitze and SoverT with anything, admin work might be best but I have a lot of web experience.

As for the forum, we will strive to continue your research no matter what happens although others have a much better grasp of RS2 than I do, so i'll probably continue to do my usual and try to encourage discussions and research while chipping in the occasional bit of info or a fresh tangent and letting those that are much more mathematical than I figure out the stuff I still struggle to understand.

In saying that, I do believe I kept mentioning quaternions when I first posted either here or on the AQ/CH fora many years ago so at least I can rely on my intuition for something and it did lead me to your work in the first place. :D I just wish I could get my head around RS2 a bit more but when the maths and equations come out I really struggle to make sense of it due to having more of an arty/english brain.

Rest assured, we will continue with your work and do our best to advance it for you. Hopefully your luck will change and you will still be able to contribute as nobody knows this work better than you do. You have taught me so much already and I cannot thank you enough for opening my eyes to the truth of our reality, one very different to that sold to us by the mainstream.
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Re: Future of RS/RS2 research

Post by bperet »

My apologies for not being able to participate in the forum recently, but I started chemo a couple of months ago, and the consequences of that poison have been rather severe... landed me in the hospital three times now. It basically knocks me out for 2 weeks after treatment, then I only get a week "off" before the next one. I'll do what I can to answer questions and comment when possible.
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Re: Future of RS/RS2 research

Post by dbundy »

I visited Bruce last Sunday. He is in hospice and was sedated so heavily that we couldn't carry on a conversation. Unfortunately, he's failing fast. Prayers for him are appreciated, and well wishes on his behalf may be sent to Life Care Center of Salt Lake City, 1201 E 4500 S, Millcreek, UT 84117, Room 405.
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Re: Future of RS/RS2 research

Post by Djchrismac »

Gopi KV‎ > Daniel Phoenix III
· 2 hrs ·

Bruce Michael Peret (Jan 29, 1957 - Feb 3, 2020), aka Daniel Phoenix III and LoneBear, breathed his last today at around 7 PM Mountain Time, in Salt Lake City, Utah. He succumbed to kidney failure, because of the meds given for the side effects of chemotherapy. His last few days were peaceful, surrounded by his friends here, who greatly benefited from his guidance and wisdom in his time on Earth. He is sure to have an exciting journey onwards, on par with the one he has had here. Till the end, he was grateful to the friends he had here, and referred to it on his 63rd birthday a few days back: "I have so many good friends on Facebook!"

Thank you all, for your support at this time. I'll keep his account online for another month, so your responses can be posted until then.
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Re: Future of RS/RS2 research

Post by DSKlausler »

I was fortunate to gain his friendship - albeit on-line - and received great assistance from him via e-mail.

I am NOT an expert on anything, but know a bit about a lot of things... I've been around the track a few laps.

In my opinion, this remains the most important topic that I've seen here:

The Search for a Crucial Experiment
...thereby "converting" many legacy scientists to the new way of thinking about the physical universe.
viewto ... f=17&t=666

Thanks to Bruce, and to all of you as well.
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Re: Future of RS/RS2 research

Post by blaine »

Sad to hear he has passed. Good to know that he seemed in good spirits in the end. I haven't been around the forum too long but I was always impressed with his knowledge on a breadth of topics and his grasp of the ideas of a "universe of motion". He will be missed.
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Re: Future of RS/RS2 research

Post by user737 »

This is devastating to me.
Farewell, Bruce.
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adam pogioli
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Re: Future of RS/RS2 research

Post by adam pogioli »

We have truly lost one of the great minds of this generation. I hope we can find a way to make his ideas blossom into new developments in the future. To that end, how long will this website be functional without him? There are so many insights scattered throughout this forum that I hope will not be lost. I almost want to just go through and print out some of his key posts. The papers are helpful but I often found Bruce do be the most insightful when he was in dialog with someone and there is so much here to go through. I hope to be returning to his thoughts throughout my own life. I really hope a good RS2 outline gets written and it would be cool to have some post recommendations to go with the outline for further study in lieu of a comprehensive book. Anyone have recommendations for some great posts of Bruce's to read?

On another note, I am very confused by the Daniel thing. I apparently wasn't paying close enough attention because I really thought he was a different person. Can someone tell me why he created Daniel? Was he just a scfi persona for Bruce? Because many people have been led to believe he was a real person that worked in a secret project. If this was just fiction I would like to know why this wasn't made explicit.
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Re: Future of RS/RS2 research

Post by animus »

adam pogioli wrote: Thu Feb 13, 2020 6:20 pm On another note, I am very confused by the Daniel thing. I apparently wasn't paying close enough attention because I really thought he was a different person. Can someone tell me why he created Daniel? Was he just a scfi persona for Bruce? Because many people have been led to believe he was a real person that worked in a secret project. If this was just fiction I would like to know why this wasn't made explicit.
Because, apparently, it wasn't just fiction! "daniel" as a Montauk insider was first introduced by David Wilcock. See for example this presentation of him, held at the Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo 2008. He starts talking about daniel at 59:42 minutes into the video:
I also had a contact with a man named daniel. You can hear about the story on the free three-and-a-half hour Project Camelot video that's on my website. You can go look it up. I met this guy in New York. I was stranded at the airport. Because of the snow I ended up going to a Denny's. It was the only place that was open. I had brought the Montauk book with me for some reason, even though I thought it was all just a bunch of crap. And this dude walks by in, like, biker gear and a big burly beard; big, big guy. "So you like that stuff, huh, you like that Montauk?" I said, "oh my gosh, this is all a bunch of crap." He says, "you know I used to work for Preston Nichols." "WHAT?" Preston Nichols is one of the authors of the book. And I just started laughing. I said, "look, there's no way that you worked in Montauk 'cause Montauk is a joke. It's fake." Well, he kept on talking and the next thing you know he sat down and we stayed up all night and I had, like, scribbles all over the place mats. And...I mean, this guy...and it's a shame that he doesn't want to go public. Because I'll tell you, he's got an amazing amount of information.
And at 1:19:14 he says this:
daniel is the burly guy that I met. He named himself after Daniel in the Stargate series, Daniel Jackson.
Being an ex-insider with first-hand experience on "foreign" technology would make your life unnecessarily complicated, should you publish such information with your real name. Think of all the reporters and New Age fans who would camp in front of your doormat, trying to get your attention by non-stop nagging you for more detailed information.
Hence the pseudonym plus the route via David Wilcock.
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