Zero Point

An exploration into metaphysics, including the unseen forces manifest by motion in the cosmic sector (time/space) and those aspects that go beyond space and time.
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Zero Point

Post by bperet »

The “zero point” is the energy flux that occurs within the vacuum of space. Legacy science refers to it as “zero” because it should be motionless; nothing should be there—but there is. It is often described as a “sea of electrons”, which pop into existence then back out again, making the capture of electrons a bit tricky since you never know when they will appear, disappear, or even where the event will happen.

Within the projective geometry model of RS2, the region of the observer appears Euclidean, but the regions beyond any unit boundary appear as the geometric inverse, polar-Euclidean, or commonly called “counterspace”. The space/counterspace interaction creates a set of “duals” between the geometric objects within the region. In space, we see a point, but in counterspace, we observe a plane. A planar construct in space is then viewed as a point in counterspace, BUT a line is a line in both regions. This linear intersection, therefore, is the geometry underlying the “zero point” domain.

It makes sense if you consider that the zero point flux is referred to as a “sea of energy”. We know from Larson that “energy” is inverse speed, namely t/s. Speed in space is translational; speed in counterspace (time) is rotational. The linear intersection of translation and rotation is the projection of rotation upon a line, or the projection of a line upon a rotation—namely, linear vibration.

This sea of energy is, therefore, a sea of vibration… not a “zero point” but a “unit line”.

In RS2, the first manifestation of motion is the m-positron or c-positron (electron). They are both simply ’rotating units’ in counterspace (or countertime), without sufficient magnitude of motion to make any effect outside of their unit time (or unit space) boundaries. Also consider that counterspace is the full geometric inverse of space—with a plane at zero and a point at infinity (the center). This means that the first displacement of speed is physically located ON the unit boundary, extending inward. Any displacement, even those that do not have sufficient magnitude to have an outside effect, can still be seen at the unit boundary.

Given that we are not actually looking at “zero space” but at “unit space”, in a vibrational aspect, one would expect to see a totally stationary system, with the material and cosmic sectors perfectly divided at this sub-atomic level. So how does one account for “flux”?
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From observation by experimenters, the zero point is a fluctuating sea of electrons and positrons, winking in and out of existence. But DO they? In RS2, NO. Only the projection upon the measuring instruments is winking in and out; the physical motion, itself, remains constant. The difficulty occurs because of the intersection between space and counterspace—the resultant linear vibration has no orientation. Therefore, at times we view it head-on, and see an electron or positron. Other times, when viewed from the side, it appears as a wave. Other times, when viewed end-on, it disappears entirely. But it is not the motion that disappears! It is the projection of that motion into our coordinate space that disappears.

Based on a new understanding of this “unit line” sea of energy, and the fact that it is the projection that is causing the problems with utilizing it for a source of power—not the motion itself—a new approach can be taken to examine the zero point energy devices, determine exactly how they work, and what can be done to eliminate their problems and increase their efficiency.
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