Instantaneous Transmission of Electric Force

Experiments being conducted by ISUS, primarily on "alternative" systems that the RS provides an explanation for.
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Instantaneous Transmission of Electric Force

Post by bperet »

Dr. Rainer Huck, current President of ISUS, began working on an experiment to see if the electric force, also known as the Coulomb force, is transmitted at the speed of light or, as Larson states, is instantaneous (infinite velocity). He published two papers on the subject, now available on the RS PDF archive:
The experiment documented in the 2nd paper was never successful, due to many, unforeseen problems (such as EM interference from wiring). We recently ran across a paper by Allen Robnett (of the Cumberland Astronomical Society) that described a simple, successful experiment that demonstrated the instantaneous effect of the electric force, in much the same way that Rainer had proposed back in 1976:
So we set out to see if we could reproduce the experiment, obtaining the same equipment (a 75 mhz model airplane transmitter) and ran some tests. At first, they were not successful because the transmitter was not very powerful, and has pulse width modulation embedded in the output to send control signals. After talking with Robin Sims, the current Vice President of ISUS and a HAM radio guy, we moved to a 1-watt, 2-meter transmitter set to a frequency of 6 feet, and constructed an experimental setup to test the theory. And it worked exactly as described by Allen--a clear distinction between the radio waves (moving at the speed of light) and the electric force (infinite velocity).

Larson's concept of the basic forces, electric, magnetic and gravitational, differ considerably from conventional thought in that they are scalar properties of the atoms--not an interaction between them (much like Larson's concept of heat). For example, consider the conventional "force of attraction" on the two masses depicted below:
Diagram-EM.png (23.38 KiB) Viewed 31491 times
According to conventional thought, the mass of the cars will attract each other and they will eventually collide.

Larson's concept, in the gravitational sense, is that the outward, temporal rotation of the atoms, due to the reciprocal relation of space and time, also produces a linear, inward translation in extension space (scalar--no preferred direction so appears as a spherical distribution--gravity). Larson's view of the above situation would be that the car engines, a rotary motion being translated to a linear one by the transmission, is the reason that the cars will collide. In the Reciprocal System, the mass of an atom is directly proportional to it's rotational speed, so the faster the engine goes, the more "mass" the car has. And because of that direct relation, it appears that it is an interaction of "masses," since conventional physics does not have the concept of "temporal rotation."

The Experiment
BifilarLoop.jpg (21.92 KiB) Viewed 31491 times
The experimental setup consisted of a 30-foot section of PVC pipe (with legs), a fixed antenna on one end that could be pointed vertically (radial transmission) or horizontally (electric force transmission), and a moveable antenna at the other end, of the same construction, that could be slid down the pipe which was marked off in 1-foot intervals. The oscilloscope and transmitter were placed 20 feet perpendicular to the fixed, receiving antenna to minimize interference.

During our attempt to reproduce Allen's experiment, we discovered that coaxial cable will change impedance, depending on how much it is bent. This caused a significant problem in taking measurements, as it could not be easily calculated. Rainer came up with an idea--rather than hooking the transmitter directly to the oscilloscope, as Allen did, we would run the reference signal through a bifilar cable to the antenna on the far end, so that any impedance change due to curvature would be negated by the same, opposite change on the return trip. That worked exceptionally well--bending the cable now produced only tiny phase shifts, well within the range of experimental error for the equipment being used.
MoveableTransmitBifilar.jpg (25.24 KiB) Viewed 31491 times
The fixed antenna was connected to channel 2 of a dual-trace, 400 mhz oscilloscope, and the transmitter was connected to one end of the bifilar cable to the moveable antenna, with wire of sufficient length (60 feet) so that there could be a consistent U-loop at the far end to minimize any impedance differences, due to the bending (same bend all the time). The return wire from the antenna was connected to channel 1 of the oscilloscope, to be used as a reference signal.

Measurements were made with the antennas in the vertical (radial transmission) position, which should give the normal, speed-of-light propagation of radio waves.
Diagram-Coulomb.png (18.25 KiB) Viewed 31491 times
A second set of measurements was taken with the antennas in the horizontal (electric/Coulomb force) position.
AxialTransmit.jpg (17.4 KiB) Viewed 31491 times
Experimental-Setup.jpg (20.47 KiB) Viewed 31491 times
We ran a number of tests, and got the same readings that Allen did, demonstrating that the interaction of the electric force is instantaneous, and the corresponding radio signal was at the speed of light. Our first two tests produced reasonable results, but the radio portion was being interfered with due to the proximity of high-tension power cables feeding the transformer to the house.
FTL-experiment_1-2.png (40.22 KiB) Viewed 31491 times
So we moved the setup to another location on the far side of the driveway and ran the experiment again. This cleared up the EM interference. The variations in the axial readings appear to be related to the surrounding environment, including an apple tree branch near the receiving antenna (6'), and Rainer's van, some 20 feet away from the experimental setup (16-22').
FTL-experiment_3.png (32.56 KiB) Viewed 31491 times
But in all test cases, there is a clear, well-defined result showing a major difference between the EM and electric force configurations.
ConventionalForce.png (64.69 KiB) Viewed 31491 times
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Brilliant work from you both,

Post by Djchrismac »

Brilliant work from you both, I take it Allen Robnett will be one of the first to know? Image

So if FTL motion is commonplace as shown in this experiment, I wonder what other ones we could run to find even more evidence... i'm thinking perhaps your lightning post and entering the world of Tesla?

Are you going to run the experiment again with less EM interference?

What are your plans for distributing the results? I'm sure a lot of scientists will be interested but then possibly in a non-official way initially. Mainstream science hasn't exactly embraced RS2, yet... this could be the breakthrough though.
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More tests

Post by bperet »

Are you going to run the experiment again with less EM interference?

What are your plans for distributing the results? I'm sure a lot of scientists will be interested but then possibly in a non-official way initially. Mainstream science hasn't exactly embraced RS2, yet... this could be the breakthrough though.
Rainer had a number of researchers over yesterday to examine the experiment to see if the data we were getting back could be explained by other means. We set up in a different location, out by the barn in the yard so there was plenty of room to maneuver. The first test was a total failure--both measures came in at the speed of light! Roy Curtain suggested we were reflecting off of something, and that was the case--Rainer's 40-ft metal RV that was parked in the barn, on the other side of the wall. We changed the angle of the experiment so it was no longer parallel to the RV, and obtained the FTL results again.

Suggestions were made to try to shield the effect, to verify that the axial antennas were actually transmitting the Coulomb force. This met with failure, as shielding tended to provide for more of a neutral plate than a block of the signal.

Other tests and suggestions were made, but the overall opinion was that there was "something unusual" going on, but still not sure what. My own calculations on the electric field placed it too small to measure at the distances we were obtaining measurements, so it may be a reflection (reflected signals are normally at the opposite phase, so no phase shift would be seen). Apparently there is a point where reflected signals take over from the electric field effect.

With a lot of input from the guests, Rainer is redesigning the antenna setup to create a stronger electric effect. Also, the use of fibre optics was suggested, to get rid of the problems associated with coaxial cable. We are working on these ideas and will test again shortly.

If successful, Rainer intends to bring the equipment and demonstrate the effects at the ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference in Albuquerque, next month.
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New Antenna Design

Post by bperet »

Rainer has come up with a spherical antenna structure, designed to amplify the electric field effect. The idea was to increase the surface area, which will increase the electric field while distributing the RF energy in a more spherical pattern, rather than radial, to lessen the possibility of interference.
SphericalAntennaSetup.jpg (22.18 KiB) Viewed 31491 times
We went to great expense, using stainless steel mixing bowls from Bed, Bath and Beyond.

The sphere on the left is the receiver, which is designed as a capacitor with a dielectric between the halves and an internal coil to make the resonant frequency near the 2-meter transmit frequency (which also helps eliminate noise, which is considerable here in the city).

The right sphere is the transmitter, just two bowls bolted together.

We initially tried to put them on the pole setup from the last experiment, but they were a bit too heavy and kept tipping over. Made some quick pedestals, but the results were only showing the speed of light in all tests, indicating that the RF was dominant. Some checks indicated that the dielectric field was just jumping to ground (only 2 inches away), so we've made some extension pipes to get them up higher and will re-run the tests this evening.

Also, I took some photos of Rainer's vacuum tube experiments that are described in his papers, so you can see what they look like. We may try to fire these up again as well, now that there is much better technology available than there was in 1979.
DualTubes.jpg (20.03 KiB) Viewed 31491 times
SplitTube.jpg (35.43 KiB) Viewed 31491 times
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Extraluminal Transmission Systems

Post by duane »

I just ran across this, haven't read it myself yet ... c-dollard/

Eric Dollard News, Landers Facility, The Long Lines Project

The Extraluminal Transmission Systems of Tesla and Alexanderson by Eric Dollard

July 24, 2014

Eric Dollard

We are excited to release the presentation that Eric Dollard says is his best one yet! The Extraluminal Transmission Systems of Tesla and Alexanderson is jam packed with 4 hours of priceless teachings from the master himself. You will learn not only the history of wireless transmission, but the real science of electrostatic transmission systems that are not restricted to the speed of light. In fact, this is not about “faster than light” but rather INSTANTANEOUS meaning there actually is no velocity! That is why it is called Extraluminal (outside of the speed of light constraints) instead of Superluminal (faster than the speed of light).
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You are picking up the signal

Post by variable »

You are picking up the signal via the reference cable when you measure axially.

Did you add more antenna cable length in your third test (between T splitter and antenna or receiving antenna and oscilloscope)?
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Post by bperet »

You are picking up the signal via the reference cable when you measure axially.
We checked for crosstalk between the cables before taking measurements. My guess is that the zero phase shift is due to a reflected signal, which has the opposite phase as the transmitted signal. With the reflection distances equal, the phase angle just cancels out.

Did you add more antenna cable length in your third test (between T splitter and antenna or receiving antenna and oscilloscope)?
We used a number of different cable lengths while setting up; length does not seem to matter as it justs sets the initial phase angle to measure from.
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What you measure is delay

Post by variable »

What you measure is delay from the reference signal to the antenna signal. Therefore from the T splitter onward it is the cable on one side vs cable+air gap+cable on other side that should match exactly in length for there to be 0 delay.

If your result showed instantaneous transmission then the delay should be negative, as it arrives faster than the reference signal taking the cable.
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What is being measured is the

Post by bperet »

What is being measured is the phase shift between the two signals, as the air gap is varied--a relative change, so the initial delay due to cable lengths does not matter. The first measurement taken determines the initial phase difference due to cable lengths, and relative change is measured from that point forward.

When in vertical (radial) arrangement, the phase shift increased with distance, showing it takes more time to cover more distance (the speed of light).

When in horizontal (axial) arrangement, the phase shift remained constant, indicating that distance was not a factor in the measurement. This was interpreted by Robnett as infinite speed, which I now believe is nothing more than a phase-cancelled reflected signal.

Not giving up yet; we have come up with a better design to improve the dielectric field detection.
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hi Bruce,

Post by duane »

hi Bruce,

I posted the Robnett papers on another site to see what the reaction would be

I've gotten 2 replies, both possibly helpful ... 19&t=56835 ... 03&t=56835
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