Lightning: Shocking New Discoveries

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Lightning: Shocking New Discoveries

Post by bperet »

Recent, high-speed camera footage of lightning has revealed some interesting details, foremost of which is that lightning DOES NOT BEHAVE like static electricity, so that whole concept of a spark between a charged cloud and an oppositely charged ground is no longer holding up.

This shows the "ball lightning" leaders to a bolt, and disproves the old saying that lightning never strikes in the same place twice. If you notice, it repeatedly hits exactly the same spot, through the same discharge channel:

Some energetic balls that can't seem to decide which way to go... not what you'd expect if the ground was a huge, attractive charge:

Then you have the mesospheric lightning, known as a SPRITE, which appears shortly after a substantial ground strike down lower:

If you continue on looking through the videos, there are now FOUR different kinds of visible lightning that occur during a thunderstorm, and TWO invisible kinds...
  1. Tropospheric lightning, the common flashes to ground and across the tropopause.
  2. Blue Jets that shoot upward from the tops of thunder clouds, into the stratosphere.
  3. SPRITES, in the mesosphere, that seem to drop down from the mesopause (mesosphere/thermosphere boundary) and explode, downward in a kind of electrical shower.
  4. ELVES, which are red "bubbles" that appear in the thermosphere and have been seen/videoed by the ISS.
  5. Invisible X-ray lightning (dark lightning), that is usually stratospheric, but also occurs on "positive lightning" that comes up from something pointy on the ground.
  6. Invisible Gamma ray lightning, that occurs in a burst in the upper parts of the atmosphere.
If you examine some of the high-speed footage that was taken at a distance and shows regular lightning, blue jets and sprites, you'll see that they seem to follow a sequence like something was launched from inside the ground, upward.

Also notice that lightning starts with a bright flash, then puts out the streamers and when one of those streamer balls its the ground, you then get the discharge.

In the RS, this behavior is consistent with COSMIC RAY DECAY, not static electricity. The flash is a consequence of cosmic matter entering the material environment (see the Cosmic Matter/Ray sections in NBM for details). Only the magnetic rotation can stabilize itself in the new environment, by exchanging a unit of speed for a unit of energy. In the magnetic system, it becomes a 4-n situation, such that c-Helium, (2)-(1)-0 can become materially stable as m-Argon 3-2-0.

However, the electrical rotation and any vibratory components (anything less than motion in all 3 scalar dimensions), will get "cast off" in the process--namely, electrons, electric rotation, thermal motion, and photons (charge). This would make the lightning, in all these forms, more of a decay product of c-matter entering the material environment, rather than some kind of electrical phenomena. (Essentially a type of "radioactive decay" at a much accelerated rate, as described by Gustave LeBon in The Evolution of Matter.)

Doing some follow-up research on ball lightning (Rainer's favorite topic), I have come to the conclusion that a cosmic ray event is insufficient to describe all these phenomena. What is required is a cosmic-material exchange, where not only cosmic matter enters the material sector, but the inverse situation also occurs--material matter enters the cosmic sector. What you then have is two ranges of effects, the sublight-to-FTL transition, dumping visible light and RF (flashes and radio noise, very common with lightning) of m-matter being accelerated to FTL motion, and the conjugate FTL-to-sublight transition of the incoming cosmic matter, dumping X-rays, gamma rays and neutrinos.

I postulate that there is some kind of catalyst that goes on during thunderstorms that lowers the threshold that keeps the material and cosmic atoms apart, allowing brief--and explosive--exchanges.

Now as to the cause... lightning seems to occur most frequently at thermal transitions, such as the high/low pressure systems of hot/cold air meeting, or during volcanic eruptions, where super-hot air is meeting the ice-cold air of the mountaintops. I have not come to any conclusions as to how this works yet.

Of course, it also "begs the question" as to whether thunderstorms produce lightning, or does something else create this rupture, and cause the thunderstorm to form around it? 96% of lightning strikes are in the tropics, curiously coinciding with the densest aggregation of life (deserts don't seem to have much lightning). In the northern hemisphere, the United States is the most active for lightning, in a belt running from Texas up the Appalachians. Storms leaving that area tend to drift with the Gulf Stream to the British Isles, so the folks in England are just getting "left-overs" from the storms in the U.S.

So if you have some time, take a look at some of these high-speed videos (and others), and I'd like to hear your thoughts about lightning--particularly ball lightning, if you've heard of it.
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Post by philmor »

Prof. Eric Dollard offers a universal cause of lightning in this video.
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Post by Djchrismac »

Those high speed lightning videos are fascinating! Although Bruce don't forget that the other countries in Britain are also getting the leftovers of your storms, we all don't like being associated with the Queen's England! Image

Thanks for the link Philmor, I can't believe I hadn't heard of Dollard until now but then i'm also surprised he hasn't found his way to the RS2 website and forum as all the answers he is looking for are here!
"It's a saturation (of the energy in the water, holding more force than the air which is releasing electricity that has nowhere to go), it's moving in sideways. The energy density is so high at that point that the fire appears and that's why there is the blast."

"So the lightning is not moving vertically, it's a saturation collapse coming in horizontally and it produces what is called this impulse current. It's a saturation into counterspace."
So essentially, what Bruce and Eric Dollard are saying, albeit using different terms, is that lightning is a build up of energy that causes a tear in the fabric of space/time? Or an exchange of energy between the material and cosmic sector to be more precise?

NO WAY! I just saw a flash of lightning then a few seconds later a massive rumble of thunder!! What are the chances, I'm going to film this... back later!!
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Post by Djchrismac »

Well that was weird... just as i'm posting the previous message the sky lit up, must have been sheet lightning but with the blinds closed I didn't get visual confirmation, and about 4 seconds later a huge rumble. So I started filming it and no more... just the rain and strong wind lashing the windows.

About 15 minutes later I went to the toilet and saw a second flash, again through the blind and window frosting, and this time the thunder came about 9 seconds later as the storm moved away. Then back at the PC in the living room the wind and rain REALLY picked up and battered the windows!

It's still pretty horrible out there, can't believe that happened when it did though, that's the first thunder and lightning i've seen in ages, possibly going back to spring/summer!
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Lightning as Particle decay

Post by bperet »

Prof. Eric Dollard offers a universal cause of lightning in this video.
Youtube says, "This video is private. Sorry about that." and cannot be viewed. Got a non-private link?
"It's a saturation (of the energy in the water, holding more force than the air which is releasing electricity that has nowhere to go), it's moving in sideways. The energy density is so high at that point that the fire appears and that's why there is the blast."
This would be consistent with cosmic ray decay; electrons are technically "antimatter" because they are a "rotating unit of space," Larson's space region. Material atoms are rotating units of time, time region. The result of any c-matter breakdown would a LOT of electrons.
"So the lightning is not moving vertically, it's a saturation collapse coming in horizontally and it produces what is called this impulse current. It's a saturation into counterspace."
A "saturation collapse" is basically an implosion, which is what you get when you move FTL. Outward in time = inward in space.
So essentially, what Bruce and Eric Dollard are saying, albeit using different terms, is that lightning is a build up of energy that causes a tear in the fabric of space/time? Or an exchange of energy between the material and cosmic sector to be more precise?
In a universe of motion, there is no "fabric" to tear; all there is, is speed. If your net motion is >1, then you are cosmic, <1, material. I've been doing some further analysis (actually a consequence of my Visibility of Stars problem) and have determined that what is going on, is that you are getting something akin to a contraterrene (Dirac's version) reaction.

Atmospheric conditions are creating a net, spatial displacement in water vapor, probably as a result of thermal motion (spatial vibration) and ionization (spatial rotation). Because of the low, temporal displacements on hydrogen and oxygen, that spatial motion alters the "balance of power," accelerating the net motion of the water vapor past unity, causing it to enter the cosmic sector (shifting 90-degrees out of phase with our spatial reality). The material atoms, a temporal rotation, reverts to linear status causing the atom to enter into radioactive decay in an attempt to stabilize a spatial rotation (cosmic radioactivity, not the stuff we measure). The vapor molecules break up and a particle cascade begins, releasing positrons and radio waves. (That's the "crack" on the radio, when lightning "strikes.")

Then the reverse situation occurs; with an abundance of temporal rotation (ionization) on the cosmic side, c-matter will decelerate below the speed of light, causing it to enter the material sector in a fashion similar to a gamma ray burst. Then it follows the "cosmic ray decay" process that Larson describes in Nothing But Motion, causing chunks of unstable c-matter to streak across the sky, breaking down into smaller and smaller pieces (the shooting balls on the video--a kind of "burning up" in the atmosphere). The trail it leaves will be totally ionized, so when one of these c-matter (antimatter) balls strikes something liquid or solid (there is something going on at the solid/liquid and vapor/gas transition that I do not yet understand). Upon impact, the c-matter will annihilate with the m-matter, causing an x-ray burst (which you get when FTL matter drops sublight) and the associated lightning discharge that we are so familiar with.

As to what exists ON the cosmic side; well, that goes back to my "hollow planet" theory that I wrote the "At the Earth's Core" paper on, years ago. Given that the planet is a dwarf star remnant with a core in the ultra-high speed range, then there will be a temporal version of Earth that is coincident with the spatial version; namely, yank the Earth inside out and exchange the aspects of space and time. In daniel's paper on Homo Sapiens Ethicus, this was described as being the "soul" of the planet, since technically the linkage between the material and cosmic constitutes a living organism. This is still conjecture at this point; I will have to revisit planetary geophysics to see if I can deduce the structure of this altermundi (otherworld), that runs parallel to our environment, but is out of phase with it.

But the point I wanted to make here, is that it appears lightning is a byproduct of a type of atomic oscillation around the unit speed boundary. (And I suspect the same situation is going on in radioactive elements, but within the microcosm of the time region, rather than the macrocosm of sectors.) This could easily explain all the observed phenomenon with high-speed lightning videos.
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Post by duane »

Solar wind 'triggers lightning on Earth' ... 100/&ihp=1

Air Force prepares to dismantle HAARP ahead of summer shutdown

A Shocker: Solar Wind Provokes Lightning on Earth

so we have a situation where the earth is shielded from the solar wind by the earth's magnetic field and atmosphere

this sets up a "charge separation" or "difference of potential" however you want to call it

between the "out there" and down here on earth

this separation with its dielectric (atmosphere) can be seen as a de facto electronic circuit similar to a vacuum tube or transistor

current flow (lightning) occurs when

1. increased potential (higher solar wind) overcomes dielectric

2, decreased separation (compressed atmosphere) caused by higher solar wind, mountains, high buildings, etc overcomes dielectric

3. something degrades the dielectric ( Ionization of the atmosphere)

so ionization of the atmosphere could be used as the control signal

a small signal then would trigger a larger signal

weather modification? (total or partial breakdown of dielectric for formation of low pressure cells)

or Tesla's electricity from the atmosphere? (partial breakdown to allow controlled flow of current)

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atmospheric bions

Post by oreneorg »

Another link in the line of separation space / counterspace, I think that would be the atmospheric bions reichianaos or igneous or lives of Blavatsky Leadbeater vitality globules.

Otro nexo de union en la linea de separacion espacio/contraespacio, pienso que serian los biones atmosfericos reichianaos o vidas igneas de Blavastky o globulos de vitalidad de Leadbeater.
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microwave oven

Post by oreneorg »

sorry for the example, but the morphology of the rays is practically identical to that form on a CD, put it in the microwave :-)))

lo siento por el ejemplo, pero la morfología de los rayos es prácticamente idéntica a la forma de un CD, lo puso en el microondas :-)))
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In a storm generated by a

Post by oreneorg »

In a storm generated by a cloudbuster, there will be continuous charge and discharge as long as the cloudbuster keeps operating. The spot where the discharges take place will be at 90 degrees off the line of draw and the higher the angle of elevation, the closer to the cloudbuster site the lightning strikes will be. This gives a two axis co-ordinate grid which allows the lightning strikes to be aimed at any selected spot.

Nobody will ever suspect a death from a lightning bolt was anything but an unfortunate accident, so this is a great way to asassinate someone. Try it yourself and see if it works!

by Joel Carlinsky
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Re: Lightning: Shocking New Discoveries

Post by bperet »

I took some snapshots of the high-speed lightning video, so one can see the process more clearly.
Process of lightning strike
Process of lightning strike
Lightning.jpg (67.27 KiB) Viewed 34803 times
There are TWO "explosions," the first (#1) is the entry of c-matter into the material sector, which apparently starts to respond to gravity as it "pours down" like a liquid. This light liquid then breaks apart into balls with streamers, most of which continue downward (a few go upwards, probably still possessing 3-x motion), until one contacts the ground (#6). That results in the conventional lightning "flash" that we see, with the bolt discharging the electric component (#8, #9).

This process is consistent for ground-strike lightning, which is consistent with matter in the low speed (1-x) range.

Cloud-to-cloud lightning appears to be in the intermediate speed (2-x) range, so it does not follow gravitational or anti-gravitational contours--it tends to stay at the same altitude.

The upward swing of lightning is the remaining ultra-high speed (3-x) components, that are left over from cosmic matter.
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