Improved Atomic Model--3D Electric Motion

Discussion concerning the first major re-evaluation of Dewey B. Larson's Reciprocal System of theory, updated to include counterspace (Etheric spaces), projective geometry, and the non-local aspects of time/space.
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Improved Atomic Model--3D Electric Motion

Post by bperet »

During my attempt to create an artificial reality based on RS2, I ended up simplifying the "rotation" logic by using quaternions--not only for a 3D rotation, but for 1D and 2D as well, as I then only needed the single function library to perform quaternion math. As a result of that, I ended up simplifying the electric rotation of particles and atoms.

Larson's particle looks like this (atoms are 2 of these "double rotating systems"):
LarsonAtomicDisplacements.jpg (31.81 KiB) Viewed 8001 times
I've included the dimensionality of each of the a, b and c aspects, because while typesetting one of the Nehru-Larson dialogs, Nehru posed a question as to the number of dimensions involved with magnetic rotation. I had assumed the same thing that Nehru did--that BOTH a and b were 2-dimensional, magnetic rotations. But Larson's answer indicated a different structure: The "a" displacement, the "principle rotation" was indeed a 2-dimensional rotation, but the "b" "subordinate rotation" only had a single dimension, because it shared one of the rotational axes with the "a" dimension, so you only needed one more variable to express it. What you end up with is "a x a" orthogonal to "a x b" for the magnetic rotations, making the ellipsoid "double-rotating system" in 3-dimensional time. (Larson's "dimensions" aren't mathematical ones, they are just the number of scalar magnitudes needed to express a concept.) Larson's electric rotation is just this magnetic ellipsoid spinning in space.

Using Larson's structure, I had to handle electric rotation differently than magnetic rotation, since they do not behave the same--needed a quaternion for the 3d temporal rotation, and a complex quantity for the 1d, spatial rotation. Then I discovered that I could just put in a "conjugate" quaternion for the 1D electric rotation and just grab the imaginary part from it to use it to spin the time region, electrically, as Larson describes in SPU. This structure made handling electric and magnetic functions IDENTICAL--the only difference was that magnetic was time region (imaginary) and electric was space region (real).

I ended up with this structure:
RS2AtomicDisplacements.jpg (79.49 KiB) Viewed 8001 times
This is a very interesting structure as it is perfectly symmetric, where electricity and magnetism are conjugates of each other (inside-out, explaining the electric-radial and magnetic-circumferential lines of force). So I've concluded that rotation just has aspects of electric (space) and magnetic (time), BOTH are 3-dimensional and work exactly the same. However, since we only see the net motion across the unit boundary, the effect APPEARS 1-dimensional from observation, even though there is 3-dimensional rotation behind it.

As to the consequences of this model, look to the basic relationships of the quaternion:
  • 1-dimensional rotation: i, j or k, with the others set to 0. This gives the normal, complex quantity that is used in conventional electronics to describe electromagnetic relationships.
  • 2-dimensional rotation ij = -k, jk = -i or ki = -j. Still looks like a normal, 1-dimensional rotation, except is orthogonal (different axis) and going backwards (negative). I believe this is the "motion in a second scalar dimension" that Nehru describes as "coelectric," where opposites repel and likes attract--the polarities are still 1d, but are now acting backwards (remember these are scalar rotations, not coordinate ones, so the behavior is what goes backwards. If you use Gopi's analogy in his Preparing for the Reciprocal System paper, where scalar = touch, push becomes pull, and pull becomes push.)
  • 3-dimensional rotation ijk = -1. Note closely that the imaginary component is gone and the function is real--in other words, motion in all three dimensions has the effect of negating the conjugate component.
    • In the time region, where the imaginary part = time, the result is that the outward progression of space will go backwards--a direction reversal--since +1 x -1 = -1;
    • In the space region, where the imaginary part = space, you get a direction reversal in time--gravity in time, but antigravity in space.
From this structure, the "free energy" devices can be understood. Tesla's radiant energy is 2D electric motion (space region), generating a coelectric effect where like charges attract and opposites repel--his "brush" effect and monopolar electric transmission. Antigravity effects show up with 3D electric motion negating the gravitational influence of atomic rotation, causing effects that move opposite to the "pull of gravity," since it is now a "push of gravity." I believe this structure gives a good start in understanding--and putting into safe practice--these free energy techniques.
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