The Case of Eric Dollard and Anti-Relativity

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The Case of Eric Dollard and Anti-Relativity

Post by duane »

hi Bruce

here's an interesting guy who is getting some internet attention now

Tesla oriented

talks about counter-space (maybe your time dimension)

are you aware of him and what do you think
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Thank you for the link, it is

Post by Gopi »

Thank you for the link, it is VERY interesting. Will get back after reading through Dollard's material.
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Dielectric = Bielectric = Electron pairs

Post by bperet »

I looked at Dollard's stuff years ago. I'm going through it again now... I think he gave the answer to what this new "electricity" is, right in the name he gave it: dielectricity. The prefix "di-" means the same as "bi-" ... TWO. Dielectricity is the SAME as Nehru's bielectricity, birotating electrons, what I call the "electron pair" here on RS2.

The reason it works is that electrons, being a rotation, have area and therefore resistance. When they birotate, as in Cooper pairing, dimensional reduction takes effect (Euler formula) and the rotation is reduced to a wave--a scalar wave with no resistance. Electrons, being cosmic particles, all move faster-than-light, as the speed of light is the LOWER boundary to cosmic motion. Has all the properties of Tesla/Dollard's dielectricity.

What I've never been able to figure out was how these guys were able to produce the massive quantities of electron birotations necessary to do useful work. I've learned a lot since I last looked at Dollard's research. Perhaps it is time to look again.

Thanks for posting this.
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Review of Dollard

Post by bperet »

I went through about 10 hours of video, and have been trying to make sense of his equations in space-time units. This is the best fit I have so far:

φ = t2/s -- Plancks (action), total electrification

ψ = s -- Coulombs (length), total dielectrification

Φ = t2/s2 -- Weber (momentum), total magnetization

All of the basic relations he presents work to standard electric theory using these values. However, they are not even close to the units he suggests for capacitance and inductance:

C = t2/s3 (in RS, s3/t)

L = s (in RS, t3/s3)

I tried adapting with electrostatic units to account for the dielectric field, using statvolts, statamps and statohms, but the units do not balance in the equations. Need to dig some more.

The basic concepts of transverse and longitudinal waves makes sense to me, as does the dual quadrapole (the roots of +11/8). He does make heavy use of complex quantities, which also makes sense, and his "versors" are basically just a quaternion representation of rotation in three dimensions.

I have not looked at Dollard's stuff since the last 1980s, and that was before I ran into Larson, so the review turned up some interesting stuff, conceptually. I particularly like the idea of the photon, EM radiation, being the transverse intersection of magnetic and dielectric lines of force--produced "on the fly." That may explain many of the properties of charge. And it actually matches up quite well with the Miles Mathis stuff. (Tesla's stuff is based on the longitudinal structure, where magnetic and dielectric lines run parallel, don't intersect, and don't produce photons with the resulting storage of energy.)

I'm going to keep digging into it. Unfortunately, the lectures I want to see are those that are locked up by the Tesla society, whom apparently objected to his duplication of the technology.
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Post by bperet »

I've been digging through Steinmetz's work that Dollard refers to (even found the same diagrams he has in the videos). It is interesting, because I actually understand the "transient" concept now and it makes a lot of sense. However, ran into a big stumbling block with Steinmetz because his equations, when translated into space-time units, don't balance. You get all sorts of bizarre, many-dimensioned things. I attempted to reverse-engineer it back, to see if there was a common misunderstanding, and found there was... except it appears it may be on our side, not Steinmetz, regarding the nature of the dielectric and magnetic fields.

In his Elementary Lectures book, Steinmetz lists a table of equations for dielectric and magnetic formula--they are identical (save the use of different symbols). It occurs to me that the Universe would not need to create two things that work exactly the same, the dielectric and magnetic flux. What would be the point? So applying some projective geometry, what I found was that what we believe are two different things, are just two views of the SAME thing, dielectro-magnetism (NOT electromagnetism).

Reverse engineering it from the projective concept reveals that the dielectric and magnetic flux "views" are just like a front view and a side view of a polar velocity forming a spiral (a watch spring). There are two components in any polar measure, radial velocity and angular velocity--what we are calling dielectric (radial) and magnetic (angular). That accounts for the identical formula--the equations are both describing the SAME polar motion from diferent perspectives.

Dollard insists in his videos that there are not multi-dimensional motion, just a single one. This structure may explain it, as it is a single, polar motion that appears as a 1D linear and 2D rotational flux.
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he's back!!!

Post by duane »

he's back!!!

talks from tesla society released
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Analysis of Anti-Relativity

Post by bperet »

I've been digging up the source materials that Dollard refers to, Faraday, Maxwell, Heaviside, Steinmetz, JJ Thomson, etc., and going through the old books. I have to agree that they came up with some interesting stuff, and a different way of looking at the electric phenomenon. I also agree that circa 1920, most of that information regarding generative principles were blocked out of public knowledge by Morgan, Edison, GE and the others that wanted to cash in on poor-quality electricity that needed constant generation from external fuels. Like Dollard, I have read enough now to know that they probably had self-producing electrical energy back in the 1890s.

Thomson is probably the most readable of the bunch, as he isn't heavy into math (heavy math = Heaviside!) and prefers to rely on simple, mechanical analogies. I do like his concept of "Faraday tubes," rather than flux lines, as the tubes have volume, momentum and resistance, whereas a "line" does not. If you understand complex quantities, Steinmetz does a fair job with his math explanations, which are based on Heaviside's differentials.

I have noticed a pattern in the old material, which assumes an "ether" to explain the flux phenomenon. In the RS, the "ether" is just the cosmic side of things, invisible to the material side but able to influence them. So when you read the old books, just substitute Larson's "cosmic sector" for the ether references, and you can find some remarkable research... for example, I'm reading Thomson's Electricity and Magnetism now, and he has identified the dielectric field as having units of space (uncharged electron), the "Faraday tube" has being a volume per time (the Farad = s3/t), and even the distinction of primary mass and mass from charge (electric, magnetic and gravitational). In essence, Thomson published the concept of the "time region" all the way back in 1904! I'm actually learning quite a bit from his research, though I am concluding the same things Dollard did... what we are taught as "electronics" is a "mind virus" to keep us from seeing the real, electric system that these folks were trying to describe. The most difficult time I've had in reading these books, is getting rid of all the preconceptions that I learned when going for my EE degree.

I did piece together this little diagram, based on the Faraday model interpreted by Thomson, in which he asserts that the universe is composed of these Faraday tubes that can capture a quantity of ether: dielectric and magnetic tubes, that exist orthogonal to each other. From this relationship, Dollard's basic concept of "electric," as a combination of dielectric and magnetic flux, can be seen. I have added in Larson's space-time units, where psi = dielectric flux, Phi = magnetic flux and phi (lower case phi) = electricity. When these fluxes are altered with respect to time, the result is voltage, current and energy:
FluxRelations.png (19.89 KiB) Viewed 37881 times
The resulting "electric" motion has the same units as Planck's constant, which is why Dollard uses the "Planck" as a unit.

It is interesting that the dielectric/time = magneto-motive force (current), and magnetic/time = electromotive force (voltage). One would expect that they would be the other way around, where MMF moved magnetism, and EMF moved dielectricity.

There is something else that I noticed and am still evaluating the concept... putting "rotations" on the motions, rather than just concepts.

Dielectricity has units of space, and the only "electric" rotation available with units of space is the uncharged electron, 0-0-(1). So we can associate dielectricity with uncharged electron rotation, perhaps with that angular velocity "rolled out" to a tangential velocity, as to produce a line of force.

Magnetism has units of momentum, which are a 2D, time region rotation (t2) represented in equivalent space (s2). A 2D, temporal rotation is one of Larson's "double rotations" or "magnetic rotations." The simplest expression, a unit double-rotation, would be 1-0-0, distributed over 2 dimensions as ½-½-0... Larson's "massless neutron," later identified as the muon neutrino.

If you place these rotations on the respective axes, then the "electric" motion is not electric at all, because the rotations add up to a well-known particle: 0-0-(1) + ½-½-0 = ½-½-(1) -- the electron neutrino. And if you look at that axis in motion, you have units of energy. Well, the electron neutrino is the only particle with ZERO net displacement, the magnetic and electric rotations cancel out. The only units that are applicable would be those of any charge associated with the neutrino, and charge has units of t/s. This actually makes more sense to me than the charged electron, because an electron has units of space, and charge is t/s, so the charged electron should have units of s x t/s = t, units of time, which it does NOT have in the equations.
FlucRotation.png (20.62 KiB) Viewed 37881 times
So I am proposing a new idea here, based on this structure: that there are two different kinds of vibratory motion, a birotation of the dielectric being the photon (as described in Nehru's papers), and a birotation based on the solid, magnetic rotation: EM radiation. In other words, two structures of the photon, the classic, planar one from dielectricity, and a "solid wave" from the magnetic rotation.

Just an idea at this point, but has some interesting possibilities, particularly when you consider that isotopic mass of atoms is created from electron neutrinos.
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Post by macaddictjay »

I'm happy to have found a forum where my questions might be heard, if not answered. As a seeker of truth, I usually encounter either blank stares, looks of panic, or ridicule ("There's a seeker born every day"). My primary interest (beyond increasing my understanding of how the world works) is bringing together seemingly disparate ideas into a meaningful synthesis.

For example, in the post above (Analysis of Anti-Relativity), you said,

"I am concluding the same things Dollard did... what we are taught as "electronics" is a "mind virus" to keep us from seeing the real, electric system that these folks were trying to describe. The most difficult time I've had in reading these books, is getting rid of all the preconceptions that I learned when going for my EE degree."

I can't help wondering if you are familiar with the work of Tom Bearden (at His view of Heaviside is that he "murdered the quaternion" aspects of Maxwell's equations, probably under the influence of J.P. Morgan.

Being math-challenged, I can't fully comprehend the writings of those who I admire on a practical basis; that is, those who have followed their own path to new theories and then put them to practical use in our everyday world. One example might be the Motionless Electromagnetic Generator of Tom Bearden (and partners), although it has not reached commercial viability. Further along towards commercial viability are Randell Mills' and (further still) Ruggero Santilli's

I have searched for a way to bring great contemporary minds together who may not have had the opportunity (or inclination) to connect with each other, and I'm hoping thatb this forum may be my first success.

I know there are limits on your time, and I don't expect to get my questions answered here. However, I would like to help facilitate synergy between the greatminds I've encountered in my modest research. For starters:

In another thread, you are having a dialogue with a programmer about creating graphic animations that illustrate aspects of rs2 theoory. Randell Mills has developed software that may or may not be directly useful to you, but the programmer who wrote the "Millsian" software (Mills himself?) might be able to assist you in your quest.

One last diversion: a different approach to achieving breakthroughs in advancing human civilization (in addition to the work of yourself and your colleagues) is the campaign for "Disclosure" currently spearheaded by the new movie "Sirius" from Dr. Steven Greer ( The "Disclosure Project" aims to force governments (primarily that of the US) to reveal the technology we are already using in secret, allegedly for military advantage (actually to maintain and extend the power and control of our current global oligarchy).

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One last diversion: a

Post by Detrix »

One last diversion: a different approach to achieving breakthroughs in advancing human civilization (in addition to the work of yourself and your colleagues) is the campaign for "Disclosure" currently spearheaded by the new movie "Sirius" from Dr. Steven Greer ( The "Disclosure Project" aims to force governments (primarily that of the US) to reveal the technology we are already using in secret, allegedly for military advantage (actually to maintain and extend the power and control of our current global oligarchy).
Hi, my name is Jeret, and I am the one who is trying to write a program to graphically show how two bi-rotating motions combine to form a wave function. I am jumping in here to sorta back you up, with your mention of Dr. Steven Greer. I watched a radio talk show (via internet) of him. A 3 hour show. I am very interested in the 6" tall mummy found in a desert of Chile. I have his app on my Android phone. What distubes me is that several countries, especially Canada, have publicly admitted to alien presence here on Earth. So why is American government withholding this information. We are not that stupid, at least not all of us. Which is why I believe that the 6" alien mummy is real. I am hoping that the science being discussed in this forum will advance us to the next tech level (levels based on an RPG I play which no one here had heard of). Anyways, as with the story of Eric Dollard, and Tesla, and many others that have invented awsome device to help mankind, the US Government is so corrupt, and the Oil/Electric cartels, will not let Dr. Steven Greer succeed. What we need is an organized plan (expecting the black helicopters), so the information can not be squashed. The internet is making it hard for them to squash all the info. So we may actually succeed one day. Welcome to this forum.

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Heaviside, disclosure, et al

Post by bperet »

I can't help wondering if you are familiar with the work of Tom Bearden (at His view of Heaviside is that he "murdered the quaternion" aspects of Maxwell's equations, probably under the influence of J.P. Morgan.
Heaviside's equations are an accurate description that covers some electrical irregularities, but are so math-intensive, they scare most people away. I don't think he was bought out, however, as the math is there for those that have the expertise and a massive amount of time to decipher it. I think he just "hid the tree in the forest" of mathematics. Reading his books makes my vision blur... just skip over Heaviside and go straight to Steinmetz.

I am familiar with Bearden and may of the others you mentioned. However, I prefer the "free thinkers" like Dollard and Mathis, that aren't constrained trying to use an interpretation of conventional physics and math. I am currently working with author and journalist Moray B. King on converting his ZPE (zero point energy) information into a model in the Reciprocal System. I'll post more on that as I work the system out. Once you've got the reciprocal relation between space and time down, then you can see that it may appear to violate the conservation of energy, but does not violate conservation of motion--it's a natural consequence.
The "Disclosure Project" aims to force governments (primarily that of the US) to reveal the technology we are already using in secret, allegedly for military advantage (actually to maintain and extend the power and control of our current global oligarchy).
From what I've seen in the old research, "free energy" has been around since the late 1800s and probably resulted in that "airship" craze around the turn of the century. But I don't see much hope for disclosure of that information to the general public. To quote Doctor Who (Pat Troughton), "give a monkey control of his environment, and he'll fill the world with bananas." This world is bananas, already. IMHO, education is needed first--self education. They figured it out, and I see no reason why we can't figure it out for ourselves. We all live in the same Universe, with the same natural laws. And if we figure it out, it's not just a black box--we've enlightened ourselves in the process.
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