Relationship between the Five Organs, Trigrams and states of matter

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diagram of meridians and 5 Organs

Post by Sun »

This wiki link explains more: Meridian_(Chinese_medicine)

Yin/Yang paired meridians are(inward/outward relation):

Sequence of cosmic pathogen infection is from Yang to Yin:
OR directly via Yin/Yang pairs:
Tai-yang→Shao-yin, Yang-ming→Tai-yin, Shao-yang→Jue-yin
Have no idea why.
(Depend on immunity conditions. Poor immunity results in directly disseminating via Yin/Yang pairs)
The same path being driven out. Have no idea why.
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Re: Relationship between the Five Organs, Trigrams and states of matter

Post by bperet »

Sun wrote: Fri Apr 13, 2018 10:49 am Sequence of cosmic pathogen infection is from Yang to Yin:
OR directly via Yin/Yang pairs:
Tai-yang→Shao-yin, Yang-ming→Tai-yin, Shao-yang→Jue-yin
Have no idea why.
You and Zuoqian have gone way over my head on this, but I can point out some "natural consequence" based on RS2 relations...

These yin-yang pairs are "ratios of motion," like Larson's "dimensions of motion." Just as displacement moves sequentially through the dimensions of motions as "units of motion," aka "speed ranges," the same thing may be going on here...
  1. Tai-yang→Shao-yin = first dimension, containing the first 2 units of motion, 1-x (low) and 2-x (intermediate).
  2. Yang-ming→Tai-yin = 2nd dimension, containing the 3rd unit, 3-x (ultra high) and the first "inverse" unit, 3-x.
  3. Shao-yang→Jue-yin = 3rd dimension, containing the remaining inverse units, 2-x and 1-x.
It would proceed in this order for the same logic and reason that atomic motion does... increasing displacement across dimensions.

Our physical senses are design to detect the "yang" aspect of motion as change of space. In life systems, the yang aspect may equate to the "detectable" portion of a pathogen, virus, bacteria, etc. This would give the appearance of the yang aspect occurring first, rather than moving through the ratios.

The yin aspects may be indirectly detectable as an emotional response, in a fashion similar to how the unrepresented dimensions of motion in physics affect the "represented" one, through properties such as magnetic alignment. (For example, Nehru's paper on ferromagnetism.)

Also (obvious by its absence) are three missing dimensions of motion... life units have 12 structural dimensions (two double-rotating (3D) systems in the material, and two in the cosmic), meaning there should be SIX "dimensions of motion" for life units, three of which you are identifying. The other three would be acting in geometric duality to these.

As an analogy, when electric current flows through a wire, you get three "energetic" effects: heat (thermal vibration), a radial dielectric field and a circumferential magnetic field. It would seem a natural consequence that when bioenergy flows through a meridian, something similar would occur--a nonlocal effect that is orthogonal to the meridian line, sort of like energetic "feelers" reaching out from the meridians.

These effects should be there, though I have no idea how they would be expressed in such a philosophy.

One additional thought... the energetic properties of electric current cause interaction between wires and the surrounding components, as they are field effects. Wiring will physically push themselves apart, or pull themselves together in response to the EM field surrounding them. Those fields can also induce current flow in nearby wires (without current), as well as charge up large structures such as iron or other magnetic materials. When the flow of electricity stops, there is often a significant surge of power that returns to the wiring when those fields collapse, as, for example, when a tree falls on a power line and huge, electrical discharges occur.

Might be interesting to observe how meridians interact with each other... not just the flow within. That may reveal these properties.
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Re: Relationship between the Five Organs, Trigrams and states of matter

Post by CarTrev »

The structured diagram of the Wu Xing would make sense placing the Fire heart at the apex of it - it is the Shen, and the visualization is at the top.
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Re: Relationship between the Five Organs, Trigrams and states of matter

Post by CarTrev »

bperet wrote:This would also indicate that there is some kind of reciprocal correspondence between material organs (body) and cosmic organs (soul), as you are indicating with the heart-kidney structure, though I do not yet understand why it isn't a direct mapping, m-heart to c-heart, for example.

Something I did notice that was missing from the 5-organ system was the body's single, largest organ--the skin. On the body, skin is distributed across the organism, forming a concept analogous to the unit boundary. If the mapping of organs is not direct, but reciprocal, than the skin would map to something localized and small in the cosmic body, though I would not know what.
The material organs (body) is the microcosmic, and the cosmic organs is the macrocosmic.

The skin would be the microcosmic element of the lungs (yin).
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