That’s right, π is a centripetal acceleration. Geometry ignores this by just erasing all time variables in its equations. It defines all underlying time as equal. What this means is that all straight lines in the drawing are understood to be drawn at the same velocity, so that everywhere you have a velocity, you can simply turn it into a distance. Everywhere you have a v, you can erase the t in the denominator and you end up with an x.
- Miles Mathis,
From that same article:
A two-dimensional object requires three dimensions for its creation, just as a three-dimensional object requires four dimensions for its creation.
Quite right on all accounts. This is the same process by which the "diagrammatic" 3D coordinate spatial frame is created through the multi-vector (i.e., multi-dimensional) transformation of underlying scalar motions from the Projective → Affine → Metric → Euclidean based on the successive layering of assumptions. The universe, being Nothing but Motion, is defined as simple ratios of space and time, and powers thereof, for which the simplest is known as speed (s/t) - wherein 's' represents a spatial displacement, better known as 'x', a distance, and 't' represents a temporal displacement, a duration - or its inverse (i.e., reciprocal), which also happens to be the conjugate (counter-space): energy (t/s).
We simply drop the 't', or more accurately, 't' is normalized to 1 for all coordinate dimensions - not to be confused with the scalar dimensions which proceed any geometric representation. And of course, a 1 in the denominator might as well not be present at all. Ignored, you could say. There are no points, lines, planes, or volumes (geometry) in the natural reference system (NRS), only ratios, or motion, or change, or whatever you so desire we refer. (Co-incidentally, this is the same process by which 3D computer vision is derived. True to life, the 1's and 0's - magnitudes with no direction, a.k.a. scalars - are converted to a geometric image of height, width and depth using a massive array of GPU tensor cores which do, yep, you guessed it, matrix multiplication.) The universe is indeed 4-dimensional -- A:B/C:D.
It's no wonder π is the relation that scales a line (radius) to a circumference (a curve) vis. a vis. circular motion: C = 2πr. A curve MUST be multi-dimensional (in space) whereas a line is a single dimension (from a coordinate perspective). A curve is planar and requires both an x and y dimension to be diagrammatically modeled. As such, π simply cannot be dimensionless, a fallacy of the utmost degree. Being 2-dimensional, a curve is the simplest spatial representation of a 1-dimensional counter-spatial motion, a process which is known as dimensional expansion. Of course π must be computed as an infinite Taylor expansion... counter-spatial motion is seen as an infinite recursion or "hall of mirrors" effect indicative of motion in time. This is where the orbital "shells" of the atom derive their origin.
Once again, I am continually amazed by what can be distilled from a thorough understanding of Miles' writings, for which Miles himself quite sternly refuses to acknowledge.
Pi is an acceleration
Pi is an acceleration
Infinite Rider on the Big Dogma