Browns Gas (HHO, oxyhydrogen)

Experiments being conducted by ISUS, primarily on "alternative" systems that the RS provides an explanation for.
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Browns Gas (HHO, oxyhydrogen)

Post by bperet »

A couple of months ago, ISUS purchased the assembled ER-50 Brown's Gas electrolyzer from Eagle Research (George Wiseman). Mounting brackets by Rainer Huck.
BG-generator.jpg (34.46 KiB) Viewed 70345 times
Initially, we had problems with the machine operation, which was producing a lot of foam and pushing the electrolyte out of the cells. I contacted George Wiseman with a description of the problems and I am pleased to say he was very responsive and helpful in correcting the situation and getting the machine up and working. (He was also a couple weeks early on delivery, so that was nice, too.)

The basic problem was contamination of the electrolyte from a brownish goo that was apparently a residue from the metal plating. The solution involved basically burning it off. I ran the machine for some time, cleaning out the brown goo that would float to the top of the tower. After it stopped producing it in large quantities, I emptied the electrolyte, flushed the machine with distilled water and re-filled with a clean solution. It has been working good since then--no foam, the electrolyte is now clear, looking through the tubing, and turns white when in operation.

When the machine was contaminated, we did not find any unusual properties--just the typical hydrogen and oxygen gas. After the cleanup, we were still getting primarily the hydrogen and oxygen gas. Moray B. King was visiting last weekend and I showed him the machine (he was the one that suggested we obtain this from Eagle Research) and said that Brown's Gas should be visible as a vapor, which it was not. I checked the machine over for faults and found none, and just for the heck of it, placed a couple of Thorium-232 discs on the tower piece (Geiger counter calibration discs), thinking that the excitation might have some effect. I was making some lunch, then turned around and noticed that "steam" was coming out of the machine--but it was cold--a vapor, not steam--the Brown's Gas that Moray described.
BG-vapor.jpg (10.92 KiB) Viewed 70345 times
The machine now produces the gas shortly after startup, without any radiative assist. Looks like something may have just needed a little priming, but I do not know what at this time. I am continuing to clean the machine of any remaining plate residue, and the cleaner the electrolyte gets, the better the machine works.

I've been running some tests on the gas for the last couple of weeks and have developed an RS-based model of what is going on. I will post what I have found after I get some photos and diagrams made up.
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How an Electrolyzer actually works

Post by bperet »

Using my new understanding of "yin dimensions" as Larson's "speed ranges" has given some insight into how water electrolyzers work, the kind commonly used in the production of Brown's gas or HHO. Found a few errors in the conventional understanding!

First off, conventional electronics does not understand that electric current moves THROUGH the atom, not in the spaces around it (electron is space, atoms are time, space to time constitutes motion--very basic RS principle). When it comes to the water molecule, the electron can move through either the hydrogen or oxygen molecule, but since oxygen is significantly larger than hydrogen, odds are that is where the electron will flow.

But what is missed is that the electron is a "rotating unit of space," which means it adds rotational space to the oxygen--which already has an electric, rotational displacement of 2-2-(2) giving it the appearance of 2-2-(3). Now it is not changing the "C" rotation in the time region, so it does not transmute to nitrogen--but it does have an effect on the net charge, which makes it more negative, ionizing the water. Nature likes balance, so it wants to neutralize that extra negative by adding another hydrogen, making H3O. Now this is not a stable structure without electric current, so again, it tends to seek stability and bifurcates into a pair of opposites:

3(H2O) → H3O+ + H3O2-

(Technically H.OH → H.HO.H + H.HO.HO, with reference to the latter parts of Nothing But Motion.)

So now we have three different forms of water, one neutral (H2O) and two ionized. Since the electric current is being passed through positive and negative plates, the H3O+ will migrate towards the negative plate and the H3O2- to the positive plate, with the neutral water occupying the intervening gap.

What we are actually seeing here is a change in the speed range of the water:
  • 1-x: H2O, the regular stuff, spherically distributed in 3D.
  • 2-x: H3O2, intermediate speed, distributed in a 2D plane like a sheet.
  • 3-x: H3O, ultra-high speed, distribute in 1D, as tubes.
The 2-x water that builds up on the positive plate will form sheets, like layers on an onion, of water having properties similar to that of a gel or carbon nanosheet.

The 3-x water that builds up on the negative plate will want to form a linear structure like tubes, but they will probably collapse into a "pile of spaghetti" on the plate due to pressure.

As thermal motion takes effect, these higher speed ranges are disrupted and try to drop back into the low speed range:
  • H3O2 → H3O + O-, where the + ion will then move across to the opposite plate and the oxygen will be liberated as a gas bubble.
  • H3O → H2O + H+, where the normal water will return to the central region and hydrogen will be liberated as a gas bubble.
I have summarized this here:
How an electrolyzer works
How an electrolyzer works
electrolyzer.png (41.24 KiB) Viewed 68689 times
The intermediate speed water, H3O2, is the interesting one, as it only has 2 coordinate dimensions of space to arrange itself in, so will form a sheet of water, like a sheet of paper, with a hexagonal structure (oxygen=blue, hydrogen=red):
2-x Water
2-x Water
H3O2 sheet.png (35.28 KiB) Viewed 68689 times
Which is a highly stable configuration, looking much like the popular "carbon nanotube" wall.

People working with electrolyzers assume the H.HO structure to water--at the plates--which is not correct. With this understanding, the efficiency of electrolyzers could be greatly increased--and structured to produce H.HO.HO gas rather than hydrogen. I believe this is what Ohmasa did with his experiments--created the 2-x water than used a flapping paddle to break the sheets off the electrolyzer by their shock wave, which then roll up into bubbles of "Ohmasa gas."

Now of particular interest is that this is not limited to electrolyzers! In the RS, all material atoms have a positive charge to them and the environment has a negative charge, which means current is always flowing and that ANY MATERIAL placed in water will get covered with these "water sheets."

The structure of these sheets, being a planar crystal, will not allow other atoms to be present in it (contaminates), like regular water has, and will be 100% fresh water. I could not help but notice that this process is nearly identical to the process proposed in the book, Etidorhpa, describing the desalinization process that takes place in the depths of the Earth.

Consider that the human body is about 60% water... this form of water must play a critical component of health, as all your blood vessels will be lined with it. This goes to show that folks like Viktor Schauberger had it right--good, clean water is crucial to good health.
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Re: How an Electrolyzer actually works

Post by SoverT »

bperet wrote: Sun Sep 02, 2018 1:48 pm The structure of these sheets, being a planar crystal, will not allow other atoms to be present in it (contaminates), like regular water has, and will be 100% fresh water. I could not help but notice that this process is nearly identical to the process proposed in the book, Etidorhpa, describing the desalinization process that takes place in the depths of the Earth.

Consider that the human body is about 60% water... this form of water must play a critical component of health, as all your blood vessels will be lined with it. This goes to show that folks like Viktor Schauberger had it right--good, clean water is crucial to good health.
That's pretty exciting! When you say 100% fresh, do you mean pure and without any hydrocarbons? Schauberger was big on the right composition and quality/complexity of hydrocarbon compounds.
Also, this is still separate from the cosmic oxygen/living form of water, correct?
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Re: How an Electrolyzer actually works

Post by bperet »

I was searching the Internet for the correct names of these compounds, H3O is "hydronium" and H3O2 is "hydroxide hydrate," "dioxidanium" or more commonly, "structured water."

Found an entire website dedicated to the health effects of structured water:
The videos on the site by Gerald Pollack are interesting and informative--looks like he has done a LOT of research into this form of water. (Though he models it differently, with a hex of 6 oxygen atoms linearly connected to 6 hydrogen atoms--basically a double-size version of my model).
SoverT wrote: Mon Sep 03, 2018 2:48 am When you say 100% fresh, do you mean pure and without any hydrocarbons? Schauberger was big on the right composition and quality/complexity of hydrocarbon compounds.
Yes, no impurities at all within the hexagonal matrix, because their presence would disrupt the matrix and it would fall apart, back to H2O.

Though this structure may actually be prone to for hydrates (Bucky-ball structures that encapsulate other molecules).
SoverT wrote: Mon Sep 03, 2018 2:48 am Also, this is still separate from the cosmic oxygen/living form of water, correct?
I believe it may be the precursor to living water.

I had never heard of these forms of water before and deduced them from electrolysis changing the valence of oxygen (was trying to see what the positive/hole current did). I had no idea a lot of research has already been done, so have some catching up to do.
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Re: Browns Gas (HHO, oxyhydrogen)

Post by bperet »

This is interesting... Kruse is claiming that the body uses the exciton to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. This could be a far simpler approach to making an electrolyzer, since semiconductors are known to easily create excitons. wrote:The Earth receives more energy from the sun in one hour than 7.5 billion people could use in a year. Plants perfected the art of catching this power thanks to “excitons“. Inside the leaves of plants are light harvesting proteins. These proteins absorb photons, and the energy kick from sunlight “excites” electrons and moves them out of position creating holes. The electron and hole then connect to form the “exciton” which travels at light speed all around the photosynthetic machinery using no time. This ability is 100% quantum mechanical. It occurs over the cytoarchitecture of the proteins just as the internet is streamed over a semiconductor chip. Mother Nature’s version is faster than man made semiconduction. When the excitons arrive to where the energy is needed, the electron and hole separate, releasing their energy. That light energy burst is used to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. The charge separation in water sets the stage to build the exclusion zone (EZ) in leaves and this allows the formation of sugars from CO2 and sunlight. Without this one reaction life as we know it on earth could not exist. Every complex single thing owe’s its life to this process.
I've seen something similar being done using a diode in water... a stream of tiny bubbles comes out of one pole when current flows, apparently splitting water as no thermal component (steam) was measured.
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Re: Browns Gas (HHO, oxyhydrogen)

Post by duane » ... monds.html

A Deadly, Fast-Spreading Form of Super-Ice Could Be Killing Off Alien Life-Forms
There's a new kind of ice.

It forms at speeds of more than 1,000 mph (1,600 km/h), it lies deep beneath our feet, it could destroy hopes for alien life, and — finally — scientists understand how it works.

Back in March, researchers writing in the journal Science revealed that they have found the first evidence for this ice, called "Ice VII." Scientists had predicted its existence beforehand. Under the right conditions, it was believed, ice could form in a pool of water without a layer of heat at the leading edge of its growing surface. That — along with super-intense pressures and temperatures — would allow the ice to form without most of the usual brakes that slow its growth, Science Alert reported. It would also have a different crystal structure, or arrangement of atoms. Now, scientists say they've found that elusive ice for the first time in the frozen-water cores of diamonds that bubbled up from deep inside the Earth.
The diamonds, which contained Ice VII, had come from a point inside the planet known as the mantle's "transition zone," between 255 miles and 410 miles (410 and 660 kilometers) deep. (The mantle is the rocky layer between Earth's crust and core). And they knew that it had a crystal structure very different from the sort of ice that forms in clouds or lakes or in your freezer.

are they saying that the "super ice" once formed, stays a crystal structure, instead of returning to liquid
after the pressure/temp changes?
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Re: Browns Gas (HHO, oxyhydrogen)

Post by bperet »

There's a new kind of ice.
Back in March, researchers writing in the journal Science revealed that they have found the first evidence for this ice, called "Ice VII." Scientists had predicted its existence beforehand.
If it follows the standard pattern, they "predicted it" after they found it, when they went back and re-evaluated the equations.
The diamonds, which contained Ice VII, had come from a point inside the planet known as the mantle's "transition zone," between 255 miles and 410 miles (410 and 660 kilometers) deep. (The mantle is the rocky layer between Earth's crust and core). And they knew that it had a crystal structure very different from the sort of ice that forms in clouds or lakes or in your freezer.
Considering the deepest artificial hole is only 7.6 miles and volcanoes have magma chambers <50 miles, that's a pretty neat trick to get those diamonds up from that depth.
duane wrote: Mon Nov 05, 2018 1:53 pm are they saying that the "super ice" once formed, stays a crystal structure, instead of returning to liquid
after the pressure/temp changes?
At those formation pressures, it would be in the solid state--no degrees of freedom to change shape. Probably very difficult to break the inter-molecular bonds, too.

I suspect they found some inside a diamond, as indicated, but the rest is just speculation based on the process they assume forms diamond.
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Living Water Propels the Blood

Post by user737 »

bperet wrote: Sun Sep 02, 2018 1:48 pm What we are actually seeing here is a change in the speed range of the water:
  • 1-x: H2O, the regular stuff, spherically distributed in 3D.
  • 2-x: H3O2, intermediate speed, distributed in a 2D plane like a sheet.
  • 3-x: H3O, ultra-high speed, distribute in 1D, as tubes.
The 2-x water that builds up on the positive plate will form sheets, like layers on an onion, of water having properties similar to that of a gel or carbon nanosheet.

The 3-x water that builds up on the negative plate will want to form a linear structure like tubes, but they will probably collapse into a "pile of spaghetti" on the plate due to pressure.
This is the correct molecular configuration for H3O2:
(blue is Oxygen, red is Hydrogen)

H3O2_water_sheet.png (36.01 KiB) Viewed 44086 times

This liquid crystal lattice would extend out indefinitely in all directions coving the surface of any hydrophilic area.

Being in the 2-x intermediate speed region with 2 dimensions in space, and 1 dimension in time, makes this structure magnetic.

The charge separation as observed as ionization into "negative" ions in the 2-x region (H3O2-) and "positive" ions (hydronium ions or H3O+ in the ultra high-speed 3-x region) is electric and would essentially constitute a battery. The energy to create this charge separation is none other than light. In particular, UV light would be best suited for providing the energy input necessary to provide for this fourth phase of water, i.e. Living Water.

A magnetic field, as in the case wherein layers of H3O2- build up on the inside face of say, a carbon nanotube, or say, a capillary blood vessel, when permeated by a dielectric field at right angles, creates the resulting motive force which moves the blood throughout the body.

There is ample evidence the heart is *not* a pump. To believe the heart can create enough head pressure to propel the blood despite the exceedingly high restrictions due the very narrow passages of the many capillaries throughout the body without blowing out the walls of the heart is the height of hubris.

No, this is the motive force (i.e. motion) which moves the blood through the body -- the same "force" that causes the Earth to rotate on its axis... the charge separation of the ionosphere down to the surface of the planet cross the magnetic field causes the motion that is the rotation of the planet. (Works on the same principles as the magneto-hydrodynamic drive in the movie Hunt for Red October.)
user737 wrote: Thu Jan 23, 2020 1:28 pm And all (electric, magnetic, kinematic motion) are at orthogonal relations to one another in 3D coordinate (extension) space. It's like a big universal dynamo where you put in one, two, or three legs of the triad and the universe gives you back the difference. Just like Faraday discovered... "dielectric" field, magnetic field, electrically-conductive medium... pick any two and they will create the missing third. Put in electric and magnetic... get motion (flow) out; put in motion and electric... get magnetic out; put in magnetic and motion... get electric out...
Dielectric field is speed-based and Dimagnetic field (not the Planck field) is energy-based and their ratio (cross-product) is the electromagnetic (EM) field:

ψ (dielectric field) = s

ϕ (dimagnetic field) = t2/s2

φ (Planck field) = t2/s

φ = ψϕ, the EM field is the cross-product of the dielectric and dimagnetic fields (psi-phi), which is analogous to:

V = IR → R = V/I where voltage (V) is a force (t/s2), current (I) is a speed (s/t), and their ratio (t2/s3) is resistance (R).

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Re: How an Electrolyzer actually works

Post by CarTrev »

These are old posts. Is anyone still working on the experiment?
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