El modelo de música generalizada (GM) de frecuencias universales

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El modelo de música generalizada (GM) de frecuencias universales

Post by oreneorg »

https://www.reddit.com/r/holofractal/co ... universal/
3) Finalmente, los autores demuestran que esta misma escala de música generalizada (GM) se puede aplicar a la energía de las partículas elementales. Usando la relación Einstein-Planck:
mc 2 = hν
Se muestra que la masa se basa en el parámetro físico fijo de frecuencia angular por la energía de Planck, lo que demuestra que todas las partículas fundamentales son oscilaciones de punto cero de fase bloqueada del entorno circundante. Esta es una teoría determinista, no local, de variable oculta de la materia física. Tanto los campos de materia (fermiones) como los campos de fuerza (bosones) son fluctuaciones discretas del campo de energía de punto cero. Son osciladores semi-armónicos de momento angular. En otras palabras, toda la materia son ondas estacionarias de información en equilibrio con el éter dinámico, el vacío. Ver figura 2 de (2018c) .
Estos resultados se interpretan a la luz de la Teoría de los ciclos elementales de Dolce (2017), en la que las partículas se caracterizan por periodicidades intrínsecas persistentes del espacio-tiempo, modalidades periódicas del espectro de energía de Planck. Las configuraciones de partículas se modelan como solitones toroidales. Un toro puede considerarse como una cavidad de armónicos esféricos fijos: ondas estacionarias atrapadas.
Los solitones pueden suprimir las desviaciones de la armonía manteniendo niveles cuánticos de alta excitación. Esta capacidad para mantener los niveles de energía permite a las moléculas mantener conformaciones consistentes y facilitar transformaciones eficientes en nuevos estados conformacionales. La aplicación de estas leyes a las oscilaciones cuasi periódicas de alta frecuencia medidas en un toro que orbita cerca de un agujero negro predice las frecuencias propias del sistema de acuerdo con la escala GM.
En el modelo de onda piloto, la onda estacionaria armónica que es la "partícula" interactúa con el fluido del campo de punto cero circundante de acuerdo con la periodicidad regular de su frecuencia angular. El campo interactúa con la onda estacionaria de la partícula igualmente, influyendo en el "paseo aleatorio" de su comportamiento. Luego hay una "memoria distribuida" incrustada en el campo a medida que las reverberaciones de los sistemas intercambian energía e información entre sí, lo que resulta en el tiempo en las distribuciones de probabilidad como se ve, por ejemplo, en los orbitales de electrones. La supuesta "aleatoriedad" que observamos en la incapacidad de predecir dónde encontraremos realmente el electrón en el orbital se debe a una ignorancia del estado del campo de punto cero (que en realidad es todo el universo enredado) que está interactuando con el semi Onda estacionaria armónica.
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Re: El modelo de música generalizada (GM) de frecuencias universales

Post by Djchrismac »

Article below:

The Generalized Music (GM) Model of Universal Frequencies. A summary of the recently published research of Geesink and Meijer.

Geesink and Meijer have developed a generalized music (GM) model to explain the harmonic structure of the living universe. Using an adapted Pythagorean musical scale, the same semi-harmonic 12-note pattern can predict: 1) which electromagnetic frequencies are life-sustaining or life-damaging (2018a); 2) which electromagnetic frequencies promote entangled states in EPR experiments (2018b); and 3) the location of the masses of the elementary particles of the Standard Model based upon the Planck-Einstein relationship between energy and frequency (2018c).

Here are the ratios for the scale:
ratios for the scale.png
ratios for the scale.png (51.04 KiB) Viewed 32713 times

This represents a universal scale of 12 eigenfrequencies that is predicted to work across at least 54 octaves (-4 ≤ m < 50), yielding 648 different frequencies that can be predicted to promote coherence in living systems.
1. The authors reviewed over 500 articles published between 1950 and 2018 dealing with the effects of electromagnetic waves on living systems. Compiling the reported data into a single normalized octave, a pattern of alternating life-promoting and life-damaging frequencies becomes apparent, in accordance with the calculated GM-scale. The detrimental frequencies are found to occur logarithmically in between the beneficial frequencies. The authors describe the GM-scale as a “potential algorithm for life” due to the robustness of its predictions about the stabilizing effect of electromagnetic waves on living systems. The fact that it is a scale-invariant pattern indicates that it is the same fundamental structure that accounts for the functional self-organizing of bio-molecules to their lowest possible energy at every possible scale of organization. This is a signature of a fractal system. See figure 1 from (2018a).
2) The authors performed a meta-analysis of 60 papers dealing with the influence of electromagnetic waves on entanglement. The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox is a thought experiment that demonstrates that the wave function predictions of quantum physics are incomplete and that a system could be influenced by non-local hidden variables that make the system more determinate than pure probability-based theories would predict. Such a system that can be influenced non-locally by another system is said to be entangled. So-called EPR experiments explore the possibility of entangled states, and the evidence is sufficiently conclusive that entanglement is real, however the controversy remains over the underlying mechanics of entanglement. Analyzing the results of EPR-measurements reveals the GM-scale can be used to predict coherence-promoting frequencies. This fact, coupled with the (2018a) conclusions, demonstrates that living systems are quantum-entangled systems that are coupled in non-local states of coherence. See figure 3 from (2018b).
The significance of this GM-scale is interpreted in the framework of De Broglie/Bohm pilot-wave steering from an implicate order. There is a “hidden variable” pattern to the structure of the stochastic zero-point energy field. This implies that the “symmetric/bidirectional flux of information between the zero-point energy and our physical world” is structured by a semi-harmonic Pythagorean musical scale. In this Stochastic Electro-Dynamics (SED) model of reality, quantum uncertainty is replaced by interactions with the non-local zero point energy field of the vacuum, which allows wave/particles to share information non-locally and directly due to the underlying interconnected wholeness of the entire universal wave function, the “implicate order.”

What this means is that the famous Copenhagen interpretation, represented by the “Schrodinger’s Cat” thought experiment, is a flawed interpretation of the reality of quantum systems. There is a configuration of the system, and the supposed unpredictability or randomness of the observed outcome – which the Copenhagen interpretation falsely attributed to the influence of the “observer” – is rather due to an underlying, nonlocal, “hidden variable” structure of entangled reality, due to the system’s interaction with the zero point energy field.
3) Finally, the authors demonstrate that this same generalized music (GM) scale can be applied to the energy of elementary particles. Using the Einstein-Planck relationship:

mc2 = hν

It is shown that mass is based on the fixed physical parameter of angular frequency by Planck energy, demonstrating that all fundamental particles are phase-locked zero-point oscillations of the surrounding environment. This is a deterministic, nonlocal, hidden-variable theory of physical matter. Both matter fields (fermions) and force fields (bosons) are discrete fluctuations of the zero-point energy field. They are semi-harmonic oscillators of angular momentum. In other words, all matter is standing waves of information in equilibrium with the dynamic aether, the vacuum. See figure 2 from (2018c).
These results are interpreted in light of Dolce’s (2017) Elementary Cycles Theory, in which particles are characterized by persistent intrinsic space-time periodicities – periodic modalities of the Planck energy spectrum. Particle configurations are modeled as toroidal solitons. A torus can be thought of as a cavity of fixed spherical harmonics – trapped standing waves.

Solitons are able to suppress deviations from harmonicity by maintaining quantum levels of high excitement. This ability to maintain energy levels allows molecules both to maintain consistent conformations and facilitate efficient transformations into new conformational states. Applying these laws to high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations measured in a torus orbiting in the vicinity of a black hole predicts the eigenfrequencies of the system according to the GM-scale.

In the pilot-wave model, the harmonic standing wave that is the “particle” interacts with the fluid of the surrounding zero point field according to the regular periodicity of its angular frequency. The field interacts with the standing wave of the particle likewise, influencing the “random walk” of its behavior. There is then a “distributed memory” embedded in the field as the reverberations of systems exchange energy and information with each other, resulting over time in the probability distributions as seen, for example, in electron orbitals. The supposed “randomness” we observe in the inability to predict where we will actually find the electron in the orbital is due to an ignorance of the state of the zero point field (which is actually the entire entangled universe) that is interacting with the semi-harmonic standing wave.


In contrast to Bohr and Heisenberg, the GM-model agrees with Einstein, Bohm, and De Broglie: there is no randomness in nature. God does not play dice with the universe. Rather, nature is organized deterministically according to a semi-harmonic Pythagorean musical scaling system.

Excerpt from page 938 of (2018c):

The GM-model is able to calculate:
1) The location of masses of elementary particles (proton, electron, quark, lepton, boson, higgs, digamma, graviton) having energies from sub MeV till 750 GeV, with a mean accuracy of 0.75%.

2) Locations of zero-point energies of elements.

3) Eigen frequencies of Einstein Podolsky Rosen-systems, with a mean accuracy of 0.65%.

4) In principle toroidal eigenfrequencies of blackholes.

5) Eigen frequency patterns of living cells, with a mean accuracy of 0.38%.
According to the GM-model, the structure of reality is fundamentally musical. Nature is a perfect holofractal symphony of dynamic equilibrium.


Geesink, J.H. and Meijer, D.K.F. (2018a) Mathematical Structure for EMF Life Algorithm, That May Reflect Bohm’s Implicate Order. Journal of Modern Physics, 9, 851-897.

Geesink, J.H. and Meijer, D.K.F. (2018b) A Semi-Harmonic Electromagnetic Frequency Pattern Organizes Non-Local States and Quantum Entanglement in both EPR Studies and Life Systems. Journal of Modern Physics, 9, 898-924.

Geesink, J.H. and Meijer, D.K.F. (2018c) Semi-Harmonic Scaling Enables Calculation of Masses of Elementary Particles of the Standard Model. Journal of Modern Physics, 9, 925-947.

ELI5: The same modified Pythagorean musical scale is able to predict 1) how living systems maintain stability, 2) how quantum systems maintain entanglement, 3) the masses of elementary particles. The calculated scale is thus the "tuning" of the fabric of the physical living universe.

EDIT: Some clarifications about the GM-scale, and music theory in general:

The GM-scale is NOT an equal temperament 12-tone scale. It is semi-harmonic. The intervals between notes is a bit different than an equal temperament scale. It is modified from a Pythagorean scale, which is based on the 3:2 ratio of perfect fifths.

As for the criticism that this is "imposing" a "Western" style of music on reality - the authors performed a meta-analysis of hundreds of studies, wherein they took the frequencies being applied and normalized them to a single octave to look for a pattern. So this is based on observations about the effects of different electromagnetic frequencies. It is more "discovered" than it is "imposed." Their earlier papers demonstrate this - they have made slight modifications to their theorized GM-scale over the past few years, as they try to better fit the data.

But furthermore, Pythagorean music theory is purely geometric in nature. The Pythagorean mystery school did not invent the 3:2 ratio and impose it on reality. They observed the standing wave consonance of perfect 2:1 octaves and perfect 3:2 fifths and theorized that this must have something important to say about the nature of reality.

All that being said, one thought I have had about all of this has to do with the idea that this GM-scale matches the "tuning" of physical reality. And in light of how grossly physicalist and materialist Western culture is, it is interesting how our music scale isn't too far off from the GM-scale. It makes me wonder what sorts of effects other scaling systems would have on our spirit/body/mind. If this is the tuning for physical reality, what sorts of correspondences could exist for other scales? Do you understand what I am getting at? SEE THIS COMMENT for a fantastic critique on this thought

Based on the holofractal nature of everything, too, there is likely to be further semi-harmonic patterns found at finer levels of granularity between these basic intervals. That wouldn't surprise me either.

So, to conclude, here are some important clarifications about the authors' theory:

It is NOT equal temperament.

It is based on objective data, not imposing an ideal scale.

It does not rule out other scales having significance. This is merely the tuning for physical reality.

EDIT 2: Added in sample frequencies starting at C=256 Hz

Orene translation in English:
3) Finally, the authors demonstrate that this same generalized music scale (GM) can be applied to the energy of elementary particles. Using the Einstein-Planck relationship:
mc 2 = hν
The mass is shown to be based on the fixed physical parameter of angular frequency by Planck's energy, demonstrating that all fundamental particles are phase locked zero point oscillations of the surrounding environment. This is a deterministic, not local, hidden variable theory of physical matter. Both matter fields (fermions) and force fields (bosons) are discrete fluctuations of the zero-point energy field. They are semi-harmonic angular momentum oscillators. In other words, all matter is standing waves of information in equilibrium with the dynamic ether, the vacuum. See figure 2 of (2018c).
These results are interpreted in light of Dolce's Theory of Elementary Cycles (2017), in which particles are characterized by persistent intrinsic periodicities of space-time, periodic modalities of Planck's energy spectrum. The particle configurations are modeled as toroidal solitons. A bull can be considered as a cavity of fixed spherical harmonics: trapped standing waves.
Solitons can suppress deviations from harmony by maintaining high excitation quantum levels. This ability to maintain energy levels enables molecules to maintain consistent conformations and facilitate efficient transformations into new conformational states. The application of these laws to the quasi-periodic high-frequency oscillations measured in a torus that orbits near a black hole predicts the system's own frequencies according to the GM scale.
In the pilot wave model, the harmonic standing wave that is the "particle" interacts with the surrounding zero-point field fluid according to the regular periodicity of its angular frequency. The field interacts with the standing wave of the particle also, influencing the "random walk" of its behavior. Then there is "distributed memory" embedded in the field as the reverberations of the systems exchange energy and information with each other, resulting in time probability distributions as seen, for example, in electron orbitals. The supposed "randomness" that we observe in the inability to predict where we will actually find the electron in the orbital is due to an ignorance of the state of the zero-point field (which is actually the entire entangled universe) that is interacting with the semi-standing wave harmonica.
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Re: El modelo de música generalizada (GM) de frecuencias universales

Post by oreneorg »

Los valores espectrocopicos, que figuran a final del trabajo, no parecen corresponder a armonicos de la escala pitagorica....
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Re: El modelo de música generalizada (GM) de frecuencias universales

Post by oreneorg »

REM n: Serie de numeros: 0, 0.5, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8,-1, -3, -4, -6, -7,
REM m: serie de enteros: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, -1, -2,-3, -4, -5,
REM p: Serie de enteros: -4, <4, -3, -2, -1, 0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,> +52

p = 46
PRINT "C", 2 ^ 0 * 3 ^ 0 * 2 ^ p * 10 ^ (-12); "Thz"
PRINT "C#", 2 ^ 8 * 3 ^ (-5) * 2 ^ p * 10 ^ (-12); "Thz"
PRINT "D", 2 ^ (-3) * 3 ^ 2 * 2 ^ p * 10 ^ (-12); "Thz"
PRINT "D#", 2 ^ 5 * 3 ^ (-3) * 2 ^ p * 10 ^ (-12); "Thz"
PRINT "E", 2 ^ (-6) * 3 ^ 4 * 2 ^ p * 10 ^ (-12); "Thz"
PRINT "F", 2 ^ 2 * 3 ^ (-1) * 2 ^ p * 10 ^ (-12); "Thz"
PRINT "Fa#", 2 ^ 0.5 * 3 ^ 0 * 2 ^ p * 10 ^ (-12); "Thz"
PRINT "G", 2 ^ (-1) * 3 ^ 1 * 2 ^ p * 10 ^ (-12); "Thz"
PRINT "G#", 2 ^ 7 * 3 ^ (-4) * 2 ^ p * 10 ^ (-12); "Thz"
PRINT "a", 2 ^ (-4) * 3 ^ 3 * 2 ^ p * 10 ^ (-12); "Thz"
PRINT "a#", 2 ^ 4 * 3 ^ (-2) * 2 ^ p * 10 ^ (-12); "Thz"
PRINT "b", 2 ^ (-7) * 3 ^ (5) * 2 ^ p * 10 ^ (-12); "Thz"

REM Resultados, no coinciden con los de las tablas que figuran al final de trabajo:
REM ClaymineralsinformationnetworklinkingquantumcoherenceandfirstlifeGeesinkMeijerJermanApril2020.
REM "C"=70.36874 Thz
REM "C#"=74.13332 Thz
REM "D"=79.16484 Thz
REM "D#"=83.39999 Thz
REM "E"=89.06044 Thz
REM "F"=93.82499 Thz
REM "F#"=99.51643 Thz
REM "G"=105.5531 Thz
REM "G#"=111.2 Thz
REM "a"=118.7473 Thz
REM "a#"= 125.1 Thz
REM "b"=133.5907 Thz
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Re: El modelo de música generalizada (GM) de frecuencias universales

Post by oreneorg »

PRINT "transposicion de cualquier medida electromagnetica al intervalo 1-2Hz"
PRINT "frecuencia en Hz"
PRINT "parte entera de la frecuencia"
PRINT "exponente de la parte exponencial"
FOR p = -56 TO 56

IF ((v * (10 ^ u)) / (2 ^ p)) > 1 AND ((v * (10 ^ u)) / (2 ^ p)) < 2 THEN PRINT "octava", p, (v * (10 ^ u)) / (2 ^ p), "transpuesto a 1-2Hz"
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Re: El modelo de música generalizada (GM) de frecuencias universales

Post by oreneorg »

conciencia y escala musical
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Re: El modelo de música generalizada (GM) de frecuencias universales

Post by oreneorg »

Este mismo trabajo de Geesink y Meijer, sobre armonicos de la escala musical en todo tipo sustancias quimicas, estaria muy bien si se pudiese encontrar en frecuencias astronomicas.
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Re: El modelo de música generalizada (GM) de frecuencias universales

Post by oreneorg »

Aunque en este trabajo, ya se hace unna relacion entre las orbitas planetarias y las freccuencias musicales:
https://archive.schillerinstitute.com/f ... _tune.html
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Re: El modelo de música generalizada (GM) de frecuencias universales

Post by oreneorg »

La vida y la conciencia son guiadas por un semi-Campo de fondo EM armónico
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Re: El modelo de música generalizada (GM) de frecuencias universales

Post by oreneorg »

Un paso mas allá...?...se situa ya en un plano muy metafisico que no entiendo...como se explicaria, con mas sencillez?...
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