The Expanding Universe

Discussion of the astronomical and cosmological aspects of a universe of motion.
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Re: The Expanding Universe

Post by user737 »

One plausible explanation for why Antarctica is off limits to most, I am apt to believe, has to do with the rumored higher relative abundance of radioactive earth metals that tend to accumulate at and around the planetary magnetic poles.

Those materials, if collected in sufficient quantity and properly extracted and concentrated would be an excellent power source.

But since we've gone and associated radioactive material with terrorism (a la the fake nuclear atom bomb) there's absolutely no chance that would be allowed! Anything more than one single atom of Uranium and we'll have to shoot you where you stand!

What I see is a national-level effort to prohibit further investigation and study into nuclear sciences except for where those activities are closely controlled.

One such controlled location is the Breazeale Nuclear Reactor maintained and operated by The Pennsylvania State University Radiation Science & Engineering Center in University Park, PA:

Caption of photo at bottom references "...senior reactor operator and undergraduate student intern..." (undergraduate intern, interesting... never heard that one before).

Here you can see the light given off by the core material during critical operations (blue!!):

No such observation was possible during my work in the field as the core was fully sealed and shielded within a separate area with no entry and very limited visibility in. Such light emissions would not be noted in the least, especially through yellow-tinged borated glass.

Therefore, a nuclear explosion should give off light in the blue to violet visible spectrum and not yellow/red (low speed). Accompanying would be gamma and possibly x-ray burst. As well, RF spike (initial blast) and EMP from thermal motion as magnetic motion in 2nd unit equivalent space.

Here we have another push to re-enforce the narrative that functional nuclear weapons exist: ... ussia.html

Video of the event. Note, this occurred in Russia (so anyone who challenges the narrative that Putin isn't covering this up is obviously a russian plant!):


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Re: The Expanding Universe

Post by bperet »

user737 wrote: Sat Aug 10, 2019 8:47 am One plausible explanation for why Antarctica is off limits to most, I am apt to believe, has to do with the rumored higher relative abundance of radioactive earth metals that tend to accumulate at and around the planetary magnetic poles.
I had not heard that before. Of course, we would not see that at the north pole because of the arctic ocean. There are a couple considerations... it could be that the distribution of elements favors heavier elements in that region; I would have to review Nehru's paper on abundance to see what would have to change to modify the distribution. Alternately, the magnetic ionization level could have increased, which would make MORE elements radioactive (like gold when it got to 2). This would be a big puzzle to conventional science, as they elements would become stable when they brought them back to the lab.

But I still do not understand the political interest... I agree completely about the suppression of the use of radioactive materials. In the 1920s, they were being actively used by many researchers (like T. Henry Moray, here in Utah) with remarkable energy-producing results. Put quite a scare into the oil industry!
user737 wrote: Sat Aug 10, 2019 8:47 am Therefore, a nuclear explosion should give off light in the blue to violet visible spectrum and not yellow/red (low speed). Accompanying would be gamma and possibly x-ray burst. As well, RF spike (initial blast) and EMP from thermal motion as magnetic motion in 2nd unit equivalent space.
That is the logical conclusion from the Reciprocal System premise. As you stated, we don't see that in color footage of nuclear bombs going off.
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Re: The Expanding Universe

Post by Gopi »

wsitze wrote: Wed Jun 12, 2019 5:12 pm I spent nearly 4 years as a fusing specialist (AF) for some of the earlier (and later) fission weapons. I'm probably one of the few people you know who has seen plutonium up close and too personal. If they don't work, what was being loaded under the wings of fighter jets during the Cuban Crises?
From your personal experience, have you seen an explosion of any type, howsoever small? If that is so, then it is important to know the conditions. I think the issue here is not whether they work, but how: melting or explosion. An explosion requires a force outward that has been balanced by a force inward, up to a certain point when the force outward overwhelms the force inward. In chemical bonds, as Larson mentioned, there is an equilibrium between inward and outward motion.

In case of radioactive decay, the only equilibrium I see is between the progression of the reference system, and inward gravity. Even according to conventional science, two "nuclei" do not do anything together except disintegrate and release heat. A heat, or light wave, is very different from an acoustic shock wave that is part of an explosion.
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Re: The Expanding Universe

Post by wsitze »

Sorry I'm late getting this reply posted. Part of the reason is I'm slow, and doe to that, unduly busy. I also had a reply ready and lost it because of a delay long enough that I had to log in, and hadn't otherwise saved it.

Let's start with the basics: if you lay out a line of gunpowder and ignite it, you will get a fizzle down the line, maybe with sparks, and perhaps set fire to something if you don't use a nonflammable surface. If you contain that gunpowder in two dimensions, and partially in the third (as in a tube capped on one end), you may have cheated a rocket. If containment is three dimensional, then you have a bomb if the amount of gunpowder is enough to overcome the containment. If the container has a hole with a suitable plug, then you will have a firearm, or gun. The barrel of a gun is to accelerate the mass of the bullet by the expanding gases. You have released the bound up chemical energy, as is the case with an automobile, a rocket, TNT, and a conventional bomb, all of which, I presume, uses a hydrocarbon and/or a nitrate. All explosions are the release of enough energy (heat) to escape a containment. The process seems to always start with the addition of more heat or energy, causing a sudden and very rapid energy release. For something like nitroglycerin, that additional heat can be a sudden movement. In all the foregoing cases, to achieve something usable is a matter of engineering containment and release of the process.
Gopi wrote: Fri Aug 23, 2019 8:18 am n case of radioactive decay, the only equilibrium I see is between the progression of the reference system, and inward gravity. Even according to conventional science, two "nuclei" do not do anything together except disintegrate and release heat. A heat, or light wave, is very different from an acoustic shock wave that is part of an explosion.
If a fissionable isotope (U-235 or Pu-240) is used, a single atom can decay, releasing high energy decay components, including neutrons. If those neutrons reach other similar atoms, they will also decay, or fission, releasing more high energy components with neutrons. More of the same will create a chain reaction. If you gather enough of the isotope, you can achieve critical mass, which left to itself, will blow itself apart, leaving a radioactive and toxic mess. Again, it's a matter of engineering containment and release. To achieve a nuclear explosion, you must force fissionable material into enough quantity (critical mass) long enough to achieve enough fission generations to be meaningful. That is done with conventional explosives. A gun type design has been used to blow one block of fissionable material into another. The design usually used is designed to implode the fissionable material inward to achieve critical mass.with the desired timing. It's a very fast reaction that produces a very large explosion. A 20 kiloton weapon that can be easily flown on a plane is equivalent to 20.000 pounds of TNT, which would be difficult to wrestle on a plane. Now scale that to a megaton weapon (they do exist). A nuclear power plant just separates the atoms with moderators to product heat in a controlled explosion. Note that Dr. Melvin Cook in his book Prehistory and Earth Models suggests that all bodies of fissionable ore can be examined using nuclear pile equations.
In all cases, from chemical devices, to nuclear bombs, to nova and supernova, to Seifert galaxies and quasars, energy is released as heat. The explosion produce a shock wave in all cases, no matter the size and manner of the explosion. Review Larson's book on quasars and pulsars, along with his development of the cause of nova and supernova. It's all a matter of containment and release
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Another claim of nuclear explosion

Post by user737 »

Russia covered up explosion of Skyfall nuclear superweapon - Washington Times ... covered-r/
"The blast was set off after the fuel in the missile reactor was no longer cooled by seawater."
Absurd. Sudden increase in internal temperature of nuclear fission system used for propulsion would near-instantaneously exceed melting point of metallic structures causing loss of buckling, reduction in number of fast/thermal “neutrons” with ensuing power reduction and shutdown.
"Skyfall, which when deployed will be armed with either nuclear or conventional warheads, could strike at a nearly limitless range."
This is the tell.

To start, if Russia does indeed have a missile under nuclear propulsion and they were doing testing, they certainly would not install a nuclear warhead. In fact, any kind of testing and they would likely not install any warhead (save a dummy warhead).

This is how you know the whole thing is a lie (cover-up): If loss of cooling can result in a thermal-nuclear explosion then what kind of "accident" can be expected when the missile reaches its intended target? What happens if the missile is damaged in flight and never reaches its intended target but instead crash lands? What if it lands not in water but in the open where all convective air cooling is possible? Would it explode?

Hardly not. It would make no sense to have a conventional warhead installed atop a nuclear-powered missile if the nuclear power source itself were capable of explosion. So this is either a false statement or itself a cover-up. (I do find it odd that one would choose to place a conventional warhead on a nuclear-powered missile. This is like installing a Kenwood audio tape deck in a Bently.)

Given: 1) nuclear power plants don't explode (they meltdown forcing sub-criticality and complete shutdown), and 2) certainty in the absence of a nuclear warhead, if there was an explosion it was a conventional explosion (fuel-air or solid nitrite).

Now the question becomes: why was this missile launched (armed) and what was its intended target? The mission appears to have been a failure.
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Re: The Expanding Universe

Post by StringGene »

Thank God big bang died in 2019. That has been a curse on science far too long:) The expansion is local, so to speak. First you have to understand there was no "beginning". Infinite Wave Theory best describes what is going on. When I first heard the the universe was not only expanding, but the rate was increasing, I instantly knew that is a quarter segment of a wave. It took a while for that to sink in, but, there is a force, and it may be the harmonic frequency of gravity, with a wave length of 50 billion to 5 trillion light years in wave length. Where hydrogen has a wave length of 486.1 nm, this wave length is 50 billion to 5 trillion light years. I have a basis for that. It seems a lot of stars were created about the same time about 13.5 billion years ago. That suggest that the apex of the wave pasted through our local universe about then, the increase pressure/heat would have been responsible for that. We know now that there is no "matter" or "particle", but we also know that the energy we associate with those concepts have wave and particle properties. The particle property of this wave ( I am going to call it a gravity wave for simplicity) IS dark matter. The wave action is Dark Energy. The higgs is the particle property of that wave and what limits the speed of light. Recently the National Institute of Standards and Technology had to reestablish the length of the meter, because it had expanded just a bit, like the rest of what we perceive as reality. I have not measured it, but I suspect it is the same ratio as the moon moved away from the earth. We exist in a particle of gravity and what we perceive as reality is consciousness defining form. Regarding the double slit experiment... the wave never collapses, but it can be measured anywhere within that wave form, to be in a particular location. Once we measure that, it becomes a point in time. It is still a wave, as there is no "particle" to begin with. Each time we measure it, it is perceived to be in another location... Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. It is still a wave however. Once you grasp that consciousness is the basis of understanding what we perceive as reality, things begin to fall in place:) I understand "materialists" have trouble embracing these things, but it does require a little higher thinking than that:) I could go on for days about this, but I bet that is a lot to absorb now:) If you want to see this in action, look at how the light refracts through the waves on to bottom of the pool:) It is a fractal universe boys:)
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Re: The Expanding Universe

Post by user737 »

StringGene wrote: Mon May 18, 2020 8:10 amThank God big bang died in 2019. That has been a curse on science far too long:)
Around here we tend to believe Larson did the real slaying when he published Nothing But Motion, Volume I of a revised and enlarged edition of THE STRUCTURE OF THE PHYSICAL UNIVERSE in 1959.
StringGene wrote: Mon May 18, 2020 8:10 amThe expansion is local, so to speak.
Yes, the progression of space and time is from all "points". Really that is to say from everywhere and everywhen dependent on the observer reference frame (T-frame or S-frame).
StringGene wrote: Mon May 18, 2020 8:10 amFirst you have to understand there was no "beginning".
And there will be no end.
StringGene wrote: Mon May 18, 2020 8:10 amWhen I first heard the the universe was not only expanding, but the rate was increasing, I instantly knew that is a quarter segment of a wave. It took a while for that to sink in, but, there is a force, and it may be the harmonic frequency of gravity, with a wave length of 50 billion to 5 trillion light years in wave length. Where hydrogen has a wave length of 486.1 nm, this wave length is 50 billion to 5 trillion light years.
π = 4/√Φ (don't let others lie to you and tell you otherwise)

The number 4 has special meaning with regard to the segmenting of time and space done by our consciousness.
StringGene wrote: Mon May 18, 2020 8:10 amWe know now that there is no "matter" or "particle", but we also know that the energy we associate with those concepts have wave and particle properties.
Particles, atom, matter in general is a projection of unbounded turn in counterspace forming a spatial construct for and through the act of perception. In essence, we're inverting by exchanging aspects of the plane at infinity for the point at infinity (this becomes the center of gravity) by applying geometric assumptions which provide for the PG → Affine → metric (similar) → Euclidean projection.
StringGene wrote: Mon May 18, 2020 8:10 amThe particle property of this wave ( I am going to call it a gravity wave for simplicity) IS dark matter.
I see where you are confused. You're looking at the point as if it's the matter; and it's not -- that's the "gravity" (speed → real). Mass is a "field" (energy → "imaginary") to our perception as mass is energy and energy is temporal. This is one of the great misunderstandings of science and it is caused by lack of awareness of temporal coordinates.
StringGene wrote: Mon May 18, 2020 8:10 amThe wave action is Dark Energy.
"Dark Energy" is quite simply the expansion of the universe: s/t = 1 = (Φ/4)(π2/4)
There's that '4' again -- twice!

We cannot measure "dark energy" as relative to the "background" expansion -- which is the default "stage" upon which the universe operates -- there is no delta to measure. We measure null and call it dark. This IS the progression -- space expands down to the space between individual atoms of motion.
StringGene wrote: Mon May 18, 2020 8:10 amThe higgs is the particle property of that wave and what limits the speed of light.
There is no higgs particle. Gravity needs no mediator particle (nor technically do any of the other "forces") as it is simply the reciprocal expression of mass. The "speed of light" (c = +1) is not a limit but rather a ratio of proportionality. The "speed of light" limits what can be expressed as motion in space. Motion in time is by definition FTL (over unity).
StringGene wrote: Mon May 18, 2020 8:10 amRecently the National Institute of Standards and Technology had to reestablish the length of the meter, because it had expanded just a bit, like the rest of what we perceive as reality. I have not measured it, but I suspect it is the same ratio as the moon moved away from the earth.
Our reality is not "expanding" in the absolute sense -- scalarly, yes; however, distances in space and durations in time are being modified always. Change is the only absolute. After all, this IS a universe of motion.
StringGene wrote: Mon May 18, 2020 8:10 amWe exist in a particle of gravity and what we perceive as reality is consciousness defining form.
This is an interesting way of looking at things. Equivalent space (coordinate motion in time as expressed in space) is like a bubble around the Earth all the way out to the planet's gravitational limit or just beyond the distance to the moon (the moon is within the planet's gravitational limit). That bubble would be that "particle of gravity" and would conform to the same mathematical relationship for the whole (the aggregate) as would the particle -- that is to say the quaternion. The aggregate we call the Riemann sphere. Only where these boundaries overlap or wherein one system is contained within a greater, larger gravitation system is travel possible in space.

There is nothing but consciousness as without consciousness there is no motion.
StringGene wrote: Mon May 18, 2020 8:10 amRegarding the double slit experiment... the wave never collapses, but it can be measured anywhere within that wave form, to be in a particular location. Once we measure that, it becomes a point in time. It is still a wave, as there is no "particle" to begin with. Each time we measure it, it is perceived to be in another location... Schrödinger's uncertainty principal. It is still a wave however.
Waves (frequency) are how our consciousness experiences spatial displacements or structures in time. Please continue your study of RS/RS2.
StringGene wrote: Mon May 18, 2020 8:10 amOnce you grasp that consciousness is the basis of understanding what we perceive as reality, things begin to fall in place:) I understand "materialists" have trouble embracing these things, but it does require a little higher thinking than that:) I could go on for days about this, but I bet that is a lot to absorb now:)
There are precious few these days that are able to see beyond the veil. Most have been horribly brainwashed.
StringGene wrote: Mon May 18, 2020 8:10 amIf you want to see this in action, look at how the light refracts through the waves on to bottom of the pool:) It is a fractal universe boys:)
Fractals -- or the Hall of Mirrors Effect -- is due the infinite recursion of counterspace where scale is not invariant.
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Re: The Expanding Universe

Post by Djchrismac »

Another way of looking at the same thing:
Etidorhpa, by John Uri Lloyd, [1897]



"It is possible—is it not?—for you to imagine a continuous volley of iron balls passing near you in one line, in a horizontal direction, with considerable velocity. Suppose that a pane of glass were to be gradually moved so that a corner of it would be struck by one of the balls; then the entire sheet of glass would be shivered by the concussion, even though the bullet struck but a single spot of glass, the point of contact covering only a small area. Imagine now that the velocity of the volley of bullets be increased a thousand fold; then a plate of glass thrust into their track would be smoothly cut, as though with a file that would gnaw its way without producing a single radiating fracture. A person standing near the volley would now hear a deep purr or growling sound, caused by the friction between the bullets and the air. Increase gradually the rapidity of their motion, and this growl would become more acute, passing from a deep, low murmur, into one less grave, and as the velocity increased, the tone would become sharper, and at last piercingly shrill. Increase now the rapidity of the train of bullets again, and again the notes would decrease in turn, passing back again successively through the several keys that had preceded, and finally would reach the low growl which first struck the ear, and with a further increase of speed silence would ensue, silence evermore, regardless of increasing velocity. * From these hundreds of miles in a second at which the volley is now passing, let the rapidity be augmented a thousand times, reaching in their flight into millions of miles each second, and to the eye, from the point where the sound disappeared, as the velocity increased, a dim redness would appear, a glow just perceptible,

p. 219

indicating to the sense of sight, by a continuous line, the track of the moving missiles. To all appearance, the line would be as uniform as an illuminated pencil mark, even though the several integral bullets of the trail might be separated one from another by miles of space. Let a pane of glass now be thrust across their track, and from the point of contact a shower of sparks would fly, and the edges of glass close to either side of the orifice would be shown, on withdrawing the glass, to have been fused. Conceive now that the velocity of the bullets be doubled and trebled, again and again, the line of red light becomes brighter, then brilliant, and finally as the velocity increases, at a certain point pure white results, and to man's sense the trail would now be a continuous something, as solid as a bar of metal if at a white heat, and (even if the bullets were a thousand miles apart) man could not bring proof of their separate existence to his senses. That portion of a pane of glass or other substance, even steel or adamant, which should cross its track now would simply melt away, the portion excised and carried out of that pathway neither showing itself as scintillations, nor as fragments of matter. The solid would instantly liquefy, and would spread itself as a thin film over the surface of each ball of that white, hot mass of fleeing metal, now to all essential conditions as uniform as a bar of iron. Madly increase the velocity to millions upon millions of miles per second, and the heat will disappear gradually as did the sound, while the bright light will pass backward successively through the primary shades of color that are now known to man, beginning with violet, and ending with red, and as the red fades away the train of bullets will disappear to the sense of man. Neither light nor sound now accompanies the volley, neither the human eye nor the human ear can perceive its presence. Drop a pane of glass or any other object edgewise through it, and it gives to the sense of man no evidence; the molecules of the glass separate from in front to close in from behind, and the moving train passes through it as freely as light, leaving the surface of the glass unaffected."

"Hold," I interrupted; "that would be as one quality of matter passing through another quality of matter without disturbance to either, and it is a law in physics that two substances can not occupy the same space at the same time."

p. 220

"That law holds good as man understands the subject, but bullets are no longer matter. Motion of mass was first changed into motion of molecules, and motion of molecule became finally augmented into motion of free force entities as the bullets disintegrated into molecular corpuscles, and then were dissociated, atoms resulting. At this last point the sense of vision, and of touch, ceased to be affected by that moving column (neither matter nor force), and at the next jump in velocity the atoms themselves disappeared, and free intangible motion resulted—nothing, vacancy.

"This result is the all-pervading spirit of space (the ether of mankind), as solid as adamant and as mobile as vacuity. If you can reverse the order of this phenomenon, and imagine an irregular retardation of the rapidity of such atomic motion, you can read the story of the formation of the material universe. Follow the chain backward, and with the decrease of velocity, motion becomes tangible matter again, and in accordance with conditions governing the change of motion into matter, from time to time the various elements successively appear. The planets may grow without and within, and ethereal space can generate elemental dirt. If you can conceive of an intermediate condition whereby pure space motion becomes partly tangible, and yet is not gross enough to be earthy matter, you can imagine how such forces as man is acquainted with, light, heat, electricity, magnetism, or gravity even are produced, for these are also disturbances in space motion. It should be easily understood that, according to the same simple principle, other elements and unknown forces as well, now imperceptible to man's limited faculties, could be and are formed outside and inside his field of perception."

"I fear that I can not comprehend all this," I answered.

"So I feared, and perhaps I have given you this lesson too soon, although some time ago you asked me to teach you concerning the assertion that electricity, light, heat, magnetism, and gravity are disturbances, and you said, 'Disturbances of what?' Think the lesson over, and you will perceive that it is easy. Let us hope that the time will come when we will be able to glance beneath the rough, material, earth surface knowledge that man has acquired, and experience the mind expansion that leads, to the blissful insight possessed by superior beings who do not have to contend with the rasping elements that encompass all who dwell upon the surface of the earth."
I like the line "the all-pervading spirit of space (the ether of mankind)" as it is a nice way of describing time as field effect in space. The "spirit of space" also links in to our own spirit or soul-half residing in the temporal region, with the resulting communications being received as feelings, our gut reaction, again as a field effect. A feeling "comes over you" instantly and in a different way to a message received by someone else in space that instead vibrates towards our inner ear as a sound wave until it is received by the brain and processed. Always listen to your gut, any bad feeling is you looking down the temporal landscape and giving you a heads up on what may be ahead depending on the choices you make next.

The Etidorhpa text above also highlights the importance of the observer. Even if you cannot physically see something (or someone) in front of you with your own eyes, doesn't mean it is not there.
user737 wrote: Mon May 18, 2020 8:48 am
StringGene wrote: wrote: Mon May 18, 2020 3:10 pm
We exist in a particle of gravity and what we perceive as reality is consciousness defining form.
This is an interesting way of looking at things. Equivalent space (coordinate motion in time as expressed in space) is like a bubble around the Earth all the way out to the planet's gravitational limit or just beyond the distance to the moon (the moon is within the planet's gravitational limit). That bubble would be that "particle of gravity" and would conform to the same mathematical relationship for the whole (the aggregate) as would the particle -- that is to say the quaternion. The aggregate we call the Riemann sphere. Only where these boundaries overlap or wherein one system is contained within a greater, larger gravitation system is travel possible in space.
Time for another of Bruce's favourite old quotes - "there is no gravity, the Earth sucks." :D
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