Photon 2.0

Discussion concerning the first major re-evaluation of Dewey B. Larson's Reciprocal System of theory, updated to include counterspace (Etheric spaces), projective geometry, and the non-local aspects of time/space.
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Re: Photon 2.0

Post by Gopi »

You're right, transparency is an important point... do you know if there is a list of substances anywhere that shows what is transparent to which part of the radiation, and which part it blocks? I'll keep looking to see if I can find something...
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Re: Photon 2.0

Post by bperet »

Gopi wrote: Wed Jan 02, 2019 12:02 pm You're right, transparency is an important point... do you know if there is a list of substances anywhere that shows what is transparent to which part of the radiation, and which part it blocks? I'll keep looking to see if I can find something...
Wikipedia has a list of transparent materials, not many: Transparent Materials

But, since science usually does things backwards, I took a look at opacity instead of transparency and found this:
Mathematical descriptions of opacity
Which is handy because it lists some of the factors that go into blocking photons. These same parameters, working inversely, would be the ones that create transparency:
When an electromagnetic wave travels through a medium in which it gets attenuated (this is called an "opaque" or "attenuating" medium), it undergoes exponential decay as described by the Beer–Lambert law. However, there are many possible ways to characterize the wave and how quickly it is attenuated. This article describes the mathematical relationships among:

attenuation coefficient;
penetration depth and skin depth;
complex angular wavenumber and propagation constant;
complex refractive index;
complex electric permittivity;
AC conductivity (susceptance).

Note that in many of these cases there are multiple, conflicting definitions and conventions in common use.
With "conflicting definitions," they are saying, "we don't know how it works."

But what did stand out immediately (at least to me), was they they are always extracting the Real part of a complex quantity (the linear, "gray" axis) to make their determinations. When it comes to colors (and the splitting of white into colors at boundaries), they ignore the angular component and are just using the "lightness" (gray component) in the calculations.

The concept of "color" (as angular velocity) must exist for all forms of EM radiation, from gamma rays to radio, not just visible light. It was a problem in old-style RADAR units that focus RF into a beam--and the edges of the beam would shift frequency. I am starting to suspect that the Doppler effect may be associated with this.

Here is the absorption spectrum for our atmosphere (78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen), which are the conditions under which optical experiments are typically performed:
It makes sense that visible light and infrared pass through the atmosphere, but I have to wonder what purpose Nature has for that big gap in the RF band. It has been my experience that things that exist in Nature, exist for a reason.

Looking at this image reminds me of a band-stop filter, which blocks out specific portions of the EM spectrum (though functionally, it would be a bandpass filter, passing specific wavelengths):

It seems that absorption, reflection and transmittance have very close parallels in the electronic realm, which is why I think that the optics and electronics are two names for the same phenomenon--the former dealing with flow outside atomic systems (in space), and the latter within atomic systems (in time).
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Re: Photon 2.0

Post by Gopi »

bperet wrote:It makes sense that visible light and infrared pass through the atmosphere, but I have to wonder what purpose Nature has for that big gap in the RF band. It has been my experience that things that exist in Nature, exist for a reason.
It is also curiously the "human" scale... since we are usually active in a zone of a few meters, and all our organs of use from hair and nails to arms and legs fill the radio scale. Coincidence?
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Frequency as angular recursion

Post by bperet »

Wow, it is hard to believe that I started this idea of a photon as a quaternion 7 years ago (first post: Photon model as a quaternion, posted: 15-Feb-2012) and it has taken all that time and dozens of dead-ends to get where it is now. It is interesting to review how I get from one idea to another.

I have been looking for a way to convert the color quaternion to a conventional representation of frequency and ended up building a spreadsheet of the known frequency bands. One of the things that has always bothered me was the sheer number of "natural units" (Larson's "direction reversals") that must be packed together to get to the extremely low frequency band (ELF), the bottom of which--the longest wavelength--being some 2,194,763,294,778,660 "units" -- that's TWO QUADRILLION UNITS. Given that all the other displacements in the Reciprocal System don't get higher than ±16, I cannot see how this can be a viable structure, or a "natural consequence."

Last night I realized that the frequency spectrum is a logarithmic scale (base 10 log) and the log of this ELF frequency is only about 15. Now THAT makes more sense... then I realized that, as an angular velocity, frequency is a recursion. What I mean by that is that angular velocity, like speeds in the time region, is a growth measure--layers of skin on an onion, and only the outer skin is the one that matters for interaction.

We see this structure already in Larson's atomic model, as well as conventional science. Take, for example, gold (AU), atomic number 79. With displacements of 4-4-(7), it does not have 79 units of anything, because we don't count the inner layers (4-3, 3-3, 3-2, 2-2, 2-1) unless we want to get the atomic number. Conventional science does the same, by references to the prior noble gas: [Xe] 6s1 4f14 5d10--it does not include all the inner electron orbitals.

The center of this "onion" appears to be on the green/magenta rotation, at 12 natural units. Visible light runs from 8 (410nm) to 16 natural units of space (729 nm), an octave. Octaves are common in Nature, so this makes sense (conventional spectrum is based on powers of the meter).

The next layer out runs from 4 (UV-A, 364 nm) to 32 (IR-A, 1458 nm) natural units. Now this seems like a big spread--but we did not remove the visible part from 8-16 units, upon which it is built.
Angular recursion
Angular recursion
Angular-Recursion.png (14.34 KiB) Viewed 23192 times
As a consequence of this recursion, the "A" band is split into two halves, UV-A (ultraviolet) and IR-A (infrared), which is observed. The next layer is the UV-B:IR-B, then UV-C:IR-C.

What is not accounted for in the conventional frequency model is the reciprocal relation. We have the spatial displacements well documented (from red down to ELF), because the frequency distribution is exponential--the further you go from red, the larger the spatial gap (wavelength).

However, in the opposite direction, all we have is blue, UV, EUV (extreme UV), SX (soft X-rays), HX (hard X-rays) and gamma rays. Space seems to have been "compressed out"... because on this side, it isn't a wavelength, but a waveduration... the displacement is in time and "more time = less space." If one were to look from the temporal aspect, then we'd see dozens of bands, rather than just four of them.

This recursion model of the frequency spectrum also parallels Nehru's concept of "electric folds" that he once presented to explain atomic orbitals. It also makes the photon behave in the same manner as other rotating systems, both magnetic and electric. However, it also proves that Larson's model of the "direction reversal" is wrong (only applicable to low displacements in the visible light region).
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Life wavelength door

Post by bperet »

Gopi wrote: Sat Jan 05, 2019 10:25 am It is also curiously the "human" scale... since we are usually active in a zone of a few meters, and all our organs of use from hair and nails to arms and legs fill the radio scale. Coincidence?
Interesting observation; not just humans, but most life falls within that range (2mm bugs to 20m trees). Makes you wonder why that "wavelength door" is open to the universe.

It is also where the majority of Wi-Fi exists (and is planned)--closing off that door.
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Re: Photon 2.0

Post by Sun »

Hello Bruce. I noticed this post once it was posted, however, i couldn't understand it since i was been haunted by the geometry of birotation until several days ago.
With the integration of angular velocities in RS2, the concept of angular dimensions (yin dimensions). These dimensions are created by the twist of an axis--not sliding along an axis
I think this is the most accurate definition for Larson's dimension by now.
Refer to this geometry:Visualization of birotation,
in photon 2.0, do you mean that blue plane has a birotation within it? Or you are presenting a different model from Nehru's that each dimension is just angular displacement, a 3D rotational model without vibration.
(I think i've got the answer from this topic: Speed of the Progression of the Natural Reference System
bperet wrote: Tue Dec 11, 2018 10:07 amThe Photon 2.0 research has shown that the photon IS NOT a "linear vibration" as claimed by Larson
Very interesting it is no doubt that the Trigrams are the scalar representations of Photons. Looks like we live inside a big big photon.
How this photon model composes an atom?

How to use these rotational speeds to calculate the frequency of the various colors of the photon.
Would like to see the mathematical demonstration.
What I mean by that is that angular velocity, like speeds in the time region, is a growth measure--layers of skin on an onion, and only the outer skin is the one that matters for interaction.
We see this structure already in Larson's atomic model, as well as conventional science. Take, for example, gold (AU), atomic number 79. With displacements of 4-4-(7), it does not have 79 units of anything, because we don't count the inner layers (4-3, 3-3, 3-2, 2-2, 2-1) unless we want to get the atomic number.
Onion is a great analogy! Larson's counting method for the Atomic Number is always bothering me. With this "onion" concept it's quite easy to understand the atomic structure, which is also parallel with concepts such as "complexity of matters" and "density". Can it be expanded to a life unit? Laron had noticed that the speed will be reverse to unity when exceed the speed range, but what if it is not, what if it is reversed to the cosmic area? A material atom with a outer layer of a cosmic atom, and a material Earth with an outer layer of cosmic Earth for example.
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Re: Frequency as angular recursion

Post by user737 »

bperet wrote: Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:18 amIf one were to look from the temporal aspect, then we'd see dozens of bands, rather than just four of them.
Please provide your reasoning in this regard.
By four bands, are you referring to (1st octave) visible → (2nd octave) UV-A / IR-A → (3rd octave) UV-B / IR-B → (4th octave) UV-C / IR-C ?

Your research suggest high frequency radiation should be quite harmful to material structures. It would be like sand blasting a car as the temporal displacement of the radiation in conjunction with the temporal (2D magnetic) displacements that are the atom do not constitute motion. We're just arguing over the flow rate of the sand (intensity).

EDIT: OF COURSE, and this is why we "etch" silicon wafers with UV radiation. ... 00369.html
bperet wrote: Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:18 amHowever, it also proves that Larson's model of the "direction reversal" is wrong (only applicable to low displacements in the visible light region).
Is this not analogous to the vectorial motion made possible only in 3D coordinate (extension) space of the 1-x low speed region?

i1-x (2π, i4) → visible frequency/shear region (2×π = Ω = 8 natural space units)

i2-x (4π, i8) → UV-A:IR-A frequency/shear region

i3-x (6π, i12) → UV-B:IR-B frequency/shear region

i4-x (8π, i16) → UV-C:IR-C frequency/shear region

... as you state, recursive so we must sum the folds back to unity.

Nicely unroll and you get a frequency "spectrum."

Does this not also imply that light is a phenomenon with its genesis from within the time (space) region of the atom (c-atom)?

eωi = 1 + v, which further implicates a natural log scale (growth series) from our linear vantage point. These may be equal turn in counterspace but not equal steps in phase angle here in space.

Light appears to be a counterspacial motion. The turn being inversely proportional to time is projected into extension space as a linear distance, the product of such (distance × turn) a constant (c, or the speed of light). This would be due the invariant nature of the cross-ratio as defining temporal or spacial displacements in all three (or fewer) dimensions; the projection of turn into space (creating the illusion of distance) being invariant for the same reason turn is invariant in time. A cross-ratio of cross-ratios also being invariant at the Projective stratum indicates the speed must remain invariant (constant) in all reference frames.

As the ratio of space to time are constant, this being the defining trait of light, with neither net temporal nor spacial displacement, this suggest we simply observe motion in space and if not motion in space, equivalent motion in space only.

This leads me to the conclusion we are reciprocally observing other scalar systems from the opposite side of the unit boundary (time to time-space). These are atoms. We observe only the outer-most fold because we are effectively observing these inside-out. The further outward we look the further inward the atom with a central point at infinity (CSI).

We are on the inside looking out at other insides.

Note: must use quantum pi (4) inside the time region
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