Project Blue Beam

An exploration into metaphysics, including the unseen forces manifest by motion in the cosmic sector (time/space) and those aspects that go beyond space and time.
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Project Blue Beam

Post by bperet »

Djchrismac wrote: Wed Oct 24, 2018 5:58 am They are still pushing the alien invasion agenda and project blue beam, we know they have VERY advanced holograms as seen on 9/11, what I would like which could prove useful for all is some way of disrupting a hologram quickly, easily and without it being too obvious that you are doing it, do you think this could be possible with a simple device, laser pen or something we have put together?
Given this was 2001 and there were few cameras or smartphones around then, it is more likely that they just used a classic magician's trick--look, up in the sky! It's a bird? It's a plane? No, it's absolutely nothing--but by using the crowd mentality of "not wanting to be left out," you can get people to admit to seeing something that is not actually there.

Never underestimate the human need for attention. If something big is going on all around you, and a dozen people are yelling, "did you see that plane fly into that building!" odds are, most of the crowd will start repeating it in order not to be left out (see Asch Conformity Experiments). Start doing that, then 37% of the people will swear they saw a plane, too, and they'll go on to convince another 37% of the nonconformists...

This is used all over, including science, politics and religion.

You may also want to consider how Wikipedia uses "conformity" to control knowledge--such as deleting Dewey Larson's bio.
Every dogma has its day...
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Re: Project Blue Beam

Post by Djchrismac »

bperet wrote: Wed Oct 24, 2018 8:25 pm Given this was 2001 and there were few cameras or smartphones around then, it is more likely that they just used a classic magician's trick--look, up in the sky! It's a bird? It's a plane? No, it's absolutely nothing--but by using the crowd mentality of "not wanting to be left out," you can get people to admit to seeing something that is not actually there.

Never underestimate the human need for attention. If something big is going on all around you, and a dozen people are yelling, "did you see that plane fly into that building!" odds are, most of the crowd will start repeating it in order not to be left out (see Asch Conformity Experiments). Start doing that, then 37% of the people will swear they saw a plane, too, and they'll go on to convince another 37% of the nonconformists...
True, although there is also the possibility that it was a Cruise Missile as per the Pentagon hole but I was referring to the radar data that definitely shows something else going on and I suspect a cloaked "aircraft" of some description, possibly projecting the hologram from nearby: ... rt=1&gen=3

It would have been very interesting to be in NYC that day with some military grade night vision goggles...!

I do agree though, it is so easy to fool people so the chances are you are spot on but I think the radar data is worth looking into as it would provide the hidden platform for hologram projection and possibly, instead of an orbital satellite DEW weapon it was a cloaked craft above the towers that melted them into dust.

It would be good to find a video of each tower just before it collapses and play around with the contrast and colour to see if anything can be seen above each tower and if so, how far up?
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