The Sun as a Light-Emitting Diode (LED)

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The Sun as a Light-Emitting Diode (LED)

Post by bperet »

Research done back in the 1970s and 80s was showing evidence that the sun is not a huge, burning ball of fission, but actually something more like a "bubble" that is basically a light-emitting surface between two, disjoint regions of "space." (See comments of Eric Dollard and others, see: In the Reciprocal System, this is indicative of a unit-speed boundary, where the material (3D space) and cosmic (3D time) sectors are interacting. The simplest consequence of this interaction is 1-dimensional, where a 1D "rotating unit of space" (electron) pairs up with a 1D "rotating unit of time" (positron), with the result being a photon.

In The Universe of Motion, Larson describes a supernova as the age-limit detonation of the iron-cobalt-nickel layer of the sun, where lighter elements outside this range explode outward into 3D space, and the heavier elements inside this range explode outward in 3D time--inward in 3D space--eventually creating the common red giant / white dwarf pair of stars. Comparing this combustion process to the PN junction semiconductor papers that Gopi has written, I found that the sun (and all stars) have similar to the PN junction behavior, but on a massively larger scale--and inverted from regular semiconductors.

In a semiconductor, 1D electrons flip to become 2D holes, and vice-versa. In stars, 2D holes flip to become 1D electrons. Stars appear to be based on hole (positive) current.

This shifts the substrate material needed for the "semiconductor" effect. In normal semiconductors, substrates are in the ±4 electric valence. 8 electric units form one magnetic unit, so a magnetic substrate would need an element that with a ±8 electric valence--but there aren't any in the RS Periodic Table. In the intermediate element range, there are 18 elements, making the neutral point ±9, OR the three-element pair of iron, cobalt and nickel, basically dangling off of the 8-unit valence as single-unit offsets, like a 3-fingered hand.

This structure, aside from being key to supernovas, has a unique structure in that it has all three components for a semiconductor: iron (p-type), cobalt (substrate) and nickel (n-type)--a "natural" P-N junction that emits light--making the sun a gigantic, light-emitting diode (LED).

Some interesting consequence of this structure is that the sun is NOT hot... light from an LED is much cooler than thermal sources. Also, since the "doping region" is controlled by what gravity pulls in to the sun, the depletion region will change resulting in breakdown effects. I would make an educated guess that sunspots are related to Zener breakdown and the supernova occurs as an avalanche breakdown, destroying the region.

This corrects a number of flaws in Larson's model, particularly the fact that the sun is fueled by sucking in and combusting matter from the surrounding region of space. Given that RS stellar evolution is backwards from conventional thought, starting with a dull, red giant and finishing up with a blue giant would mean that MORE material had to become available as the star got older, which makes no sense if it has been sucking the region clean of material during its youth--it should, literally, starve to death. With this "LED" model, the material is just controlling the "depletion zone," not a fuel source.

Stellar classes:
  • Conventional: O (blue-white), B (blue), A (white), F (yellow-white), G (yellow) K (orange), M (red).
  • RS sequence: M (red), K (orange), G (yellow), F (yellow-white), A (white), B (blue), O (blue-white), supernova.
Compare star colors to the manufacture of colored LEDs... first LEDs on the market were dim red (class M red star). Next were orange (class K) then the fancy yellow and green ones (class G). Next up where the white LEDs (class A) and the last, and most difficult to create, were the bright blue ones (Class B/O). The evolution of LEDs parallels that of the evolution of stars.

Could just be a coincidence, but I recommend watching that section of the Dollard video above. It will make you think.
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Re: The Sun as a Light-Emitting Diode (LED)

Post by Gopi »

Excellent observation on the LED evolution sequence. Makes a lot more sense why BluRay came last! Shows that if there are some natural patterns, they show up in all domains.

It is also quite possible that the "junction" is much bigger than what we might expect, as a huge zone: from one end of the junction, you have the Star itself, and one the other end, you have the "shear" in the upper atmosphere where light is created. So when you cross over the shear, you are smack in the middle of the junction all the way to the Sun, which explains why no light is seen. No light INSIDE an LED p-n junction, only outside!
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Re: The Sun as a Light-Emitting Diode (LED)

Post by bperet »

Gopi wrote: Tue Jun 05, 2018 11:22 pm It is also quite possible that the "junction" is much bigger than what we might expect, as a huge zone: from one end of the junction, you have the Star itself, and one the other end, you have the "shear" in the upper atmosphere where light is created. So when you cross over the shear, you are smack in the middle of the junction all the way to the Sun, which explains why no light is seen. No light INSIDE an LED p-n junction, only outside!
That makes sense. Based on the way that the solar system "quantizes," I would place the other end of the junction at Ceres (asteroid belt), since the "gas giant planets" would be LEDs, as well.

This may also explain why comets have tails... the "impurity" in the junction is creating a light-emitting surface, which has nothing to do with reflections from cometary head breakup. It has been demonstrated by a number of people (like Bahram Katirai) that if the head were breaking up to produce the tail, the comet would be GONE long before reaching the vicinity of the sun. And note that coma are only visible in the inner solar system--inside the asteroid belt.
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