Moon Race

Experiments being conducted by ISUS, primarily on "alternative" systems that the RS provides an explanation for.
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Re: Moon Race

Post by DSKlausler »

bperet wrote: Wed Mar 15, 2017 10:57 am If you read --daniel's early papers discussing the reverse-engineering of "foreign technology" (aka UFO propulsion systems), that is exactly what they found was being done--a propulsion and navigation system that works both in 3D space and 3D time, simultaneously.
Good afternoon,

Is it not possible that some of the NASA vehicles are simply a shell of sorts, and that "under the covers" somewhere is such a propulsion system? I'm of the opinion that a very high percentage, if not ALL, of their adventures are pure deception... including the purported satellites. However, if they possessed such a drive, I would likely amend that opinion.
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Re: Moon Race

Post by bperet »

DSKlausler wrote: Thu May 03, 2018 11:12 am Is it not possible that some of the NASA vehicles are simply a shell of sorts, and that "under the covers" somewhere is such a propulsion system? I'm of the opinion that a very high percentage, if not ALL, of their adventures are pure deception... including the purported satellites. However, if they possessed such a drive, I would likely amend that opinion.
That is a possibility. Back in the 1980s during the "scientific underground" days, we analyzed the footage of the LEM in lunar orbit and found that it was NOT moving via thrusters, as there was no acceleration or deceleration that one would expect with normal force application. All the LEM footage does not add up; no disturbances of the soil underneath the lander, the debris from the launch "bang" flew in the wrong direction... and no place for fuel tanks on the LEM to get them into orbit. Two conclusions were possible, either they were using a different kind of propulsion, or it was all faked. Indications since that time point to the latter, but it also seems most of the UFO sightings, particularly the triangular-shaped craft, are human in design and construction. The Air Force did have a lot of UFO wreckage, so it would be logical to assume they got something from it.
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Re: Moon Race

Post by duane »

Back in the 1980s during the "scientific underground" days, we analyzed the footage of the LEM in lunar orbit and found that it was NOT moving via thrusters, as there was no acceleration or deceleration that one would expect with normal force application. All the LEM footage does not add up; no disturbances of the soil underneath the lander, the debris from the launch "bang" flew in the wrong direction... and no place for fuel tanks on the LEM to get them into orbit. Two conclusions were possible, either they were using a different kind of propulsion, or it was all faked.

have we considered the impossibility of getting footage of the LEM or anything else from the moon?
does EM operate differently outside gravitational limit to permit low power broadcast from moon?
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