New RS introduction

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New RS introduction

Post by bperet »

I have rewritten the "welcome" page to the Reciprocal System, to include the 15 major accomplishments of the Reciprocal System (based on New Light on Space and Time), to show how versatile the theory is.

Welcome to the Reciprocal System of theory

Please take a quick read and let me know if there are any problems, or additional material you think should be included. The concept behind the page is to provide enough information to catch the reader's interest, but not overwhelm them with theory, hopefully promoting some follow-up.
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Re: New RS introduction

Post by bperet »

I have also upgraded the main site, to include an index to Reciprocity and ISUS News and a Reference section of the books, with links to PDFs to download them.
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Re: New RS introduction

Post by duane »

hi Bruce,

I read over your "welcome page"
it looks good
one of the questions that is always lurking "why should I bother with this"
is answered with the 15 things
getting people to accept that things, ie, big bang, dark matter, gravity waves, the particle zoo, etc, are only
explanations of theories and not "real" will be the test

having a page "building a ______ (flying car, anti-gravity device, system to convert nuke waste,, better electrical grid, etc ) using the 15 RS
things , would go a long way in convincing people
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Re: New RS introduction

Post by bperet »

duane wrote: Thu Apr 06, 2017 9:37 am having a page "building a ______ (flying car, anti-gravity device, system to convert nuke waste,, better electrical grid, etc ) using the 15 RS things , would go a long way in convincing people
It would also go a long way to putting me 6 feet "under."

How about if I did a theoretical explanation of such devices (most of which already exist on this forum)?
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Re: New RS introduction

Post by SoverT »

I definitely agree with Bruce here, I don't believe the "exotic" technology should be on the introductory page.

Those readers who are more conventional theorists will already immediately be able to see the differences, benefits and possibilities. Seeing any of the usual lineup of fringe technology would turn them off.

Those readers who come in search of support for their favorite conspiracy platform, whether it's UFO, flat earth, moon landing, are not interested in the theory, or what it can offer, they merely want something they can wave around as scientific support for their dogma. Additionally, this group tinges and taints any real science they try to back their platform with.

The last group of readers are those looking for viable and grounded options to pursue technologies, better theoretical foundations, workable explanations for known phenomena.

I think none of these would benefit from a flashier intro. RS theory is offered to those searching, not being sold to the uninterested.
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Re: New RS introduction

Post by duane »

it doesn't have to be an "exotic" technology or all inclusive
(i sometimes get carried away encouraging others to do work)
how about one that resolves a perplexing problem for standard science
and may have practical applications? (I come from the practical side)

the thought is to show people with this mindset:
"If "standard science + hoodoo*" and RS can both explain things
and I already know SS+H, where's my incentive to study RS? "

*hoodoo being anything they need to add

i don't want to make a big deal
as i said, the first page is good
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Re: New RS introduction

Post by bperet »

duane wrote: Sat Apr 08, 2017 5:01 pm the thought is to show people with this mindset:
"If "standard science + hoodoo*" and RS can both explain things
and I already know SS+H, where's my incentive to study RS? "
Now I'm curious... since you (and others) ARE here studying the RS, what was your incentive that made you look further?
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Re: New RS introduction

Post by duane »

I don't believe anyone, especially the government
if the government backs something, i question it (like the moon landings)
doesn't it seem odd, of all things the government did and lied about- think CIA, wars, Gulf of Tonkin, regime change, peak oil,
climate change, election fixing, etc
the only thing they were 100% honest about was the space program?

as I have said before, I don't think we're capable of knowing exactly what's going on
but RS may be a better guess, which I can go along with for now,
than standard science (which is promoted by the government)
since science is constantly adding hoodoo with every new discovery

the proof is in the pudding or a better process or thingy
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