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Electric Universe

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:39 pm
by bperet
One of the big points discussed in Lecture #3 was the idea that the photon is the "perfect" LC circuit, where the birotating components, being imaginary quantities with nothing "real", combine to form a totally-real manifestation. This was identical to the electrical concept of LC resonance (Inductor-Capacitor resonance), where two, opposite angular velocities reduce to form a narrow bandpass or band block filter.

The same held true for the idea of Cooper pairs and birotating electrons, both a dimensional reduction.

I started putting it in as a complex PHP model and noticed something: the electron, being a cosmic structure, is represented by t + js (space region), so in a birotating electron pair, it reduces to TIME, not to space. In other words, all spatial displacement disappears, and the birotating electrons appear as a pure, time structure. Since atoms are also time structures, and time to time does not constitute motion, birotating electrons cannot move through the time of the atom, regardless of the loss of "area" from dimensional reduction.

It is the birotating positrons that reduce to a space-only structure that can freely move through the time of the atoms.

I then attempted to use the birotating electron as a charge for another electron, and found that the electron, being a rotating unit of space, passed right through the charge without stopping, since time to space constituted motion. But it WOULD get stuck in a positron, which was also a time structure.

When checking my logic, I also found that the birotating electron COULD exist at the SAME absolute location IN TIME that an uncharged electron was at. Even though they constitute motion, all the free dimensions in both rotating systems--space regions--became occupied, and they stayed together as an aggregate IN TIME, but not in space. In other words, they had the same phase angle, but a varying real component.

Then I tried the concept with a positron-electron combination. Could not get that one to stay together; there are only 2 occupied dimensions, so the progression is always present, and the space region to time region constitutes motion, so they move apart to different locations in both space and time. But DOES work is if one of them is charged, so the net motion is inverted to the opposite aspect. But it is a very tenuous relationship at best. Because of the vibratory motion of charge, the combination has the opportunity to break apart every other cycle. I think the trick here is to charge BOTH of them. Since the charges are 180 degrees out of phase, they end up flip-flopping between s:s and t:t, thus getting stuck at the same location. (You have the positron t x s/t = s, the electron s x t/s = t, with a phase angle of 180 degrees, so the 't' half of the positron corresponds with the 't' half of the electron, and vice versa).

Anyone see a problem with the logic?

Electric Universe

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:46 pm
by bperet
Something else I noticed last night was that Inductance (L = t3/s3) has the same units as Mass, and that "mass" is material when the ratio is less than Unity (speed of light). When you treat it as an LC resonance, something else shows up:

The "Material Sector", using inductance as mass, becomes a low-pass filter circuit--a series inductor--only allowing those frequencies (motions) to pass that is less than the cutoff point (unity).

That infers that the "Cosmic Sector" must be a high-pass filter circuit, doing the inverse, and that the Capacitor is the cosmic equivalent of "Mass". Using Dave's units for "C", s3/t, it is close... should be s3/t3 to be the actual inverse to mass, and it is off by a factor of t2, which is why there is a square root in the sqrt(LC) resonant point, to extract the time constant.

The idea that "inductance" is the material mass, and "capacitance" is the cosmic mass is an interesting one, since you can use standard electronic filter circuits to describe the material-cosmic relationship.

If anyone has any ideas on this, particularly why the t2 is missing in the case of the capacitor, I'd love to hear them.