Best competition of RST

Discussion concerning the first major re-evaluation of Dewey B. Larson's Reciprocal System of theory, updated to include counterspace (Etheric spaces), projective geometry, and the non-local aspects of time/space.
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Best competition of RST

Post by Horace »

I always keep my eye out on other TOEs out there. In my opinion, a system that is worth looking into, must have space and time as its emergent properties.

Miles Mathis does a good job at the high-level of abstraction but his thinking is too rigid on the low-level of details (e.g. what is spinning). He openly states in one of his papers "There is not such thing as scalar motion" and goes on as describing motion without a direction as absurd. I think he is a victim of unfortunate connotation of these words, which would be better expressed as "pseudoscalar motion" - a term borrowed from Geometric Algebra, which indicates motion in all available dimensions, meaning motion without an identifiable direction.

There is another physical theory out there, that has a potential to be a serious competitor to the RST. The space is an emergent property in this theory, but it is incomplete yet. Watch:

This theory has not emphasized the reciprocity of space and time yet, but it has the potential to do so. Because of this, it is still deficient in analyzing temporal effects, e.g. effects of equivalent space. To its credit, this theory does not conflate space and time (as in Minkowski's spacetime) and notices that they are a separate, albeit interdependent phenomena.
However this theory tackles something the we, the students of RST, rarely talk about: Namely, the relationships between different units of motion (UoMs).

From our observation it is apparent that the universe consists of more than one UoM, thus it can be said, that the universe is a set of UoMs .
We have concluded, that these UoM can observe each other indirectly (e.g. indirect space-to-space observation when their temporal aspects are normalized) but we have never considered, or came to a conclusion, whether the set of UoMs, which comprises the Universe, is an ordered set or an unordered set. In other words, whether there are any preexisting relationships between UoMs.

I am mentioning this in the context of the theory portrayed in this video, where the relationships between the nodes of the hypergraph are primary and paramount.
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Playing with Phi

Post by user737 »

Perfect lead-in, Horace. Thank you, Sir. *points to deep left field*

We've previously played with Phi.
Horace wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:59 am However this theory tackles something the we, the students of RST, rarely talk about: Namely, the relationships between different units of motion (UoMs).
Disagree. Here is the relationship between the various "Units of Motion" (UoM): 1 = Φπ2/16

There is only ever ONE whole motion; however, a pseudo-discrete aspect of UNITY can be imagined in many ways; the manner and form of which are entirely self-consistent in proper observation of absolute equality (i.e "measure") and are by definition self-referential ad infinium. These are referred to as equivalent space and equivalent time in RS/RS2.

I agree! It is indeed quite surprising to learn that equivalent space and equivalent time are indeed themselves equivalent! And since equivalent space and equivalent time are in-and-of themselves an equivalent projection (aspects) of scalar motion, this makes everything equivalent in consideration.

But then we already knew that -- "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..."

And, of course, an (on-going) creation event requires a living Creator. It is Us. We are One consciousness. It is our own inherent, internal bias (displacement from unity) that defines each of us that attempts to deceive us otherwise -- you know the one. But God wins. Always. ALL. WAYS. #Checkmate
Horace wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:59 am From our observation it is apparent that the universe consists of more than one UoM, thus it can be said, that the universe is a set of UoMs.
Critical statement: "From our observation..."

Yes, here they are again as a closed set of rotational operators: 1 = Φπ2/16

That being said, when two combine they make ONE, not two. Again, we know this. When we combine red and blue we get purple: 1 × 1 = 1 (product, *not* addition). One whole crossed with one whole is... one whole! We don't get red-blue, a 2D structure. We get purple, a 1D structure. We must stop treating constituents as components and realize that motion is a single, compound ratio.

One is indivisible at the Projective stratum and all TRUTH is at the Projective stratum. Everything below is but an abstraction, an illusion if you will. What we may label discrete quantities in projection are derivatives of the whole (clock time or clock space has been introduced).

I will endeavor to relay this point.
Horace wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:59 am We have concluded, that these UoM can observe each other indirectly (e.g. indirect space-to-space observation when their temporal aspects are normalized) but we have never considered, or came to a conclusion, whether the set of UoMs, which comprises the Universe, is an ordered set or an unordered set. In other words, whether there are any preexisting relationships between UoMs.
Observation is the act of [size] comparison (in ratio) and to do so we must first normalize the aspects of motion to a common, unity base.

This is baked into the cake.

How?... Unit quaternion (norm'ed) in absolute ratio of proportion to unit quaternion (equivalently-norm'ed). Rotation is an ordered, closed set. This is a (3D) ROTATION - slide, twist, twist, twist -- with a 1D linear translation (reciprocal of net shift in counterspace a.k.a sheer) -- the (4D) quaternion. That net shift (speed in space) must be normalized to a clock:
user737 wrote: Fri May 29, 2020 5:09 pm So let's see this true pattern for what it is as it forms an infinite recursion of increasing dimensionality:

[1] Φ0 = 10 = 1 *SLIDE*

[2] Φ1 = Φ1 *TWIST*

[3] Φ2 = Φ1 + 1 *TWIST*

[4] Φ3 = Φ2 + Φ1 OR Φ2 - Φ1 = 1 = Φ0 *TWIST*
Now Dip, Baby, Dip.

Looking in another light:

[1] The REAL: Φ0 = 1 where x0 = 1 for all real non-zero x and provides for the 'roots of +1'.

Real quaternion = < 1, 0, 0, 0 >

The Father: ONE solution of apparent polarity (±√1 becomes ±π in counterspace). The only way ("forward") is One.

The IMAGINARY (3-fold -- Son, Mother, Holy Spirit):

[1] Dimension i as Φ1 = Φ1
1D angular (planar) rotation as complex < 1, i, 0, 0 > OR < 1, -i, 0, 0 >

12 = 1
1.i = i.1 = i
1.j = j.1 = j
1.k = k.1 = k

[2] Dimension j as Φ2 = Φ1 + Φ0
2D solid rotation as quaternion < 1, i, j, k > AND < 1, -i, -j, -k > (internal bi-rotation)

i.j = -j.i = k
j.k = -k.j = i
k.j = -j.k = j

[3] Dimension k as Φ3 = Φ2 + Φ1 AND/OR Φ2 - Φ1 = Φ0
3D hyper rotation as dual quaternion or complex quaterion q hat = d + εr where d and r are quaternions

i2 = j2= i.j.k = -1

k2 = ε where ε2 = 0 and ε ≠ 0

...and form the 'roots of -1' as an infinite set of 3-vector solutions in "imaginary" (temporal) coordinate 3-space.

We see "in time" (both as a series of ordered relative temporal frames with respect to time) and time inasmuch as matter IS (3D) time. I will leave it to the reader to apply discernment and extract the hidden meaning that comes from this realization.

Once at Φ2 we have a choice or what we call the (potential) "direction reversal". This is what Larson discovered, being the linear-only thinker he was, was necessary to rotate to reverse the direction ("direction") of the progression to allow for mass.

(1) We can proceed "backward" towards Φ3, or

(2) We can proceed "forward" back towards Φ0 (=1)*

*Gotcha!: "imaginary" is in counterspace and so we have crossed a unit boundary! "Forward" is "backward" and "backward" is "forward" as inward ↔ outward due the apparent inversion when observing motion across any unit boundary.

Recall we noted above that pseudo-division of unity ('root of +1') creates an apparent polarity and so Φ3 and Φ0 being but polarizations of Φ2 ("magnetic") and Φ1 ("electric") -- a polarization IS a conjugate relation in the NRS -- are really all equivalent with respect to UNITY.

Also, note that as Φ3 and Φ0 are equivalent we now have another periodic 'root of +1' for the formation of other reciprocal set(s) of nested 'roots of -1'. This is fundamentally how the dual quaternion works as the second quaternion is an "imaginary" rotation of "imaginary" rotations -- a dream within a dream. The k dimension becomes a local datum (with respect to a unit boundary, always UNITY) for the generation of another imaginary 3-vector. This grows a tree. Trees have leaves... in ordered time... folds of time (and space)... :P

Now let's flip the track, bring the old-school back:

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Quantum e is 2; Phi is 1 in Counterspace

Post by user737 »

We know π is 4 (in counterspace).

Well then, what is Φ? (Legitimate question.)
user737 wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 9:38 am [1] The REAL: Φ0 = 1 and provides for the 'roots of +1'

The Father: ONE solution of apparent polarity (±√1 becomes ±π in counterspace). The only way ("forward") is One.

The IMAGINARY (3-fold -- Son, Mother, Holy Spirit):

[1] Dimension i as Φ1 = Φ1

[2] Dimension j as Φ2 = Φ1 + Φ0

[3] Dimension k as Φ3 = Φ2 + Φ1 AND/OR Φ2 - Φ1 = Φ0

...and form the 'roots of -1' as an infinite set of 3-vector solutions in "imaginary" (temporal) coordinate 3-space.

Once at Φ2 we have a choice or what we call the (potential) "direction reversal".

(1) We can proceed "backward" towards Φ3, or

(2) We can proceed "forward" back towards Φ0 (=1)*

*Gotcha!: "imaginary" is in counterspace and so we have crossed a unit boundary! "Forward" is "backward" and "backward" is "forward" as inward ↔ outward due the apparent inversion when observing motion across any unit boundary.
Got myself! Came to me in the shower! (In the bathroom but I didn't first fall down and bump my head on the sink.)

Φ3 is also observed from across a unit boundary (same as Φ2 and Φ1). Φ0 IS the unit boundary.

This means Φ2 - Φ1 = Φ0 = 1 → -1 due an apparent inversion of polarity!
user737 wrote: Wed Jan 29, 2020 2:46 pm
ckiit wrote: Wed Jan 29, 2020 3:55 am What are the odds of a single polynomial whose +/- root solutions are +1 and +phi^3, thus scale invariant?
Would that not be an equation which describes the physical universe?
3 = Φ2 + Φ = Φ2 / (Φ-1) = (Φ+1) / (Φ-1) = -Φ × Φ2= -Φ3

(1/Φ)2 + 1/Φ = +1

where Φ = (1 + √5)/2 -- the golden ratio
See that negative sign in front of Φ3 off to the right? That's not a typo.

See how the order of operations is reversed from the first part of the sequence referencing Φ2 and Φ1?

My mistake was in the operation applied -- being the good, little linear thinker I am, exchanged sum for product as it was the only manner in which I believed a difference could be captured. That was wrong. I admit it. The difference is in the order of operations (rotation is non-communitive): i.j = k whereas j.i = -k (the negative).

Furthermore, scalar rotation inward and scalar rotation outward cannot be discriminated and so they are both ± rotations.

Let's correct this for the record:
±Φ3 = Φ2 + Φ1 = Φ2 / (Φ1 - Φ0) = (Φ1 + Φ0) / (Φ1 - Φ0) = Φ2 - Φ1 = ±Φ3
Just for fun: "product" of powers as
(a) ∑ of differences of 3 - 2 - 1 - 2 - 1 - 0 - 1 - 0 - 1 - 0 - 2 - 1 - 3 = -11 ⇒ flip/invert (with datum offset) ⇒ -(1/12)
(b) simple sum: 17

Background reading

Looking in another light... let's make it two lights (one seen, one unseen*) as a DUAL projection:

* Miles' "charge field"

One REAL forming the Cosmic Sector of 3D space (from our perspective appears as inverse '1-x' region as equivalent “0D” space) as:

Projective: *no* parallelism and *no* "points" -- NO geometry (4D as '2x2' matrix of motions i.e. quaternion) -- purely SCALAR: 20 = 1 scalar direction ("no dimension" of NRS) → Φ0 = +1 ⇒ PROGRESSION as is conceptualized as OUTWARD motion "away" from UNITY in both time and space (both linear and rotational).

Motion is defined as a simple ratio of a scalar magnitudes (internal 2D structure) comprising a magnitude of spatial aspect in proportion to a magnitude of temporal aspect or vice versa.

Net push/pull (force), net "spin" (torque) is all that can be projected to lower stratum.
bperet wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 11:09 am
user737 wrote: Mon Nov 11, 2019 6:06 pm EDIT: Bruce, please note det(A,B;C,D) needed for the invariant cross-ratio is missing D or if we wish, D = 1 + 0i. Is this not analogous to the cross-ratio at the affine level with one point located on the plane at infinity? Are we certain the projective stratum is 15 DOF and not really 16 DOF? Thoughts welcome.
Yes, I could see that as analogous. I use 15 DOF because the 16th is not variable--it is the progression of the natural reference system, which is always there at unity. Not something that can provide another degree of freedom.
Direct question: direct hit, the significance of which has gone unrealized until now.

There are 4 "points" (2D-2D); one (1) point is always at infinity (by definition this creates the Affine), and constitutes the natural datum offset of '1' between the NRS (unity) and all other projective stratums (zero-based). Wherein quaternion q = a + bi + cj + dk as a=1 or seen otherwise: A-B-C (Larson notation) where D = 1 + 0w; the three remaining points dictate stratum.

This will help us to work through the relative datum offsets:

*** Observing from this scalar "direction" is 3D coordinate space + clock time ***
All/One as Three (Four as 3 of 3 plus 1) planes at P due perspective: Outward is P0→Π ⇒ c-Projective stratum
None as Zero (0 of 3 as Four minus 1) points at Π ⇒ m-Affine stratum ⇔ c-Euclidean stratum ⇐ Two (2 of 3) planes at P
One (1 of 3) points at Π ⇒ m-Metric stratum ⇔ c-Metric stratum ⇐ One (1 of 3) planes at P
Two (2 of 3) points at Π ⇒ m-Euclidean stratum ⇔ c-Affine stratum ⇐ None as Zero (0 of 3 as Four minus 1) planes at P
All/One as Three (Four as 3 of 3 plus 1) points at Π due perspective: Outward is Π0→P ⇒ m-Projective stratum
*** Observing from this scalar "direction" is 3D coordinate time + clock space ***

Within this real number is contained a three-fold "IMAGINARY" forming the Material Sector (from our perspective) -- extending infinitely inward (in space) or OUTWARD IN TIME as:

ULTRA-HIGH SPEED REGION (3-x) as 2D space / 1D time -- Affine*: Motion as projected with no invariant points at infinity is orbital (circumferential) ⇒ 21 = 2 scalar directions (1-vector) → Φ1 = Φ1 ⇒ m-Electric (c-Magnetic) i.e. +1→i dimension as 1.i = i rotation is ELECTRIC.

The 1-vector (linearized) is a '1x2' matrix of complex elements (bi-vector) of binary polarity either '+' "positive" or '-' "negative" and, as no discernment is possible in equivalent space ("with thine eyes") -- as rotational scalar "direction" cannot be directly observed, forms a 1-pole (2DOF) system which reduces to a SHM (-1↔+1). Therefore ELECTRIC CHARGE (electric ionization level) is a 1-dimensional rotational vibration in the TR. Legacy science believe all ionic matter (i.e. charged matter) is "negatively" charged is due the failure to observe the proper datum of 1 whereas the shadow is a projection "about zero."

Turn m-Electric inside-out in (scalar) 1D is c-Magnetic (equivalent 1D space). Integral 'either/or' perspective normalized to first-order clock space (2π) -- spin ½ (360° or 2π radians) normalized to unity time -- "½ spin" (in actuality, 1D angular) rotation from our perspective.

********** 3D↔3D overlap forming 4D region conjugated across m-Electric ↔ c-Magnetic ⇔ m-Magnetic ↔ c-Electric **********

INTERMEDIATE SPEED REGION (2-x) as 1D space / 2D time -- Metric or Similar: Motion as projected with one invariant point at infinity is growth measure (hyperbolic) ⇒ 22 = 4 scalar directions (3-vector) → Φ2 = Φ1 + Φ0 ⇒ m-Magnetic (c-Electric) i.e. ij dimension as ii.j = k rotation is MAGNETIC.

The 3-vector (linearized) is a '2x2' matrix of complex elements (dual bi-vectors) formed as combinations '++', '+-', '-+', and '--' as rotational scalar "direction" cannot be discerned in space, this 2-pole system degenerates into 3DOF in observation (-1↔-0/+0↔+1) as '-0' and '+0' are indistinguishable and order matters i.e. '+-' is not the same as '-+' although '++' IS the same as '--' from our vantage point. Correspondingly, MAGNETIC CHARGE (magnetic ionization level) is a 2-dimensional rotational vibration in the TR.

Turn m-Magnetic inside-out in (scalar) 2D is c-Electric (equivalent 2D space). Double integral perspective in coordinate space/time normalized to second-order clock space (4π2)** -- "spin 1" (720° or 4π steradians) normalized to unity time -- single (in actuality, 2D solid) rotation from our perspective.

LOW-SPEED REGION (1-x) as 3D time -- Euclidean: Motion as projected with two invariant points at infinity is step measure as recti-Euclidean (recti-linear) in conjunction with reciprocal TR as polar-Euclidean (back to growth measure) ⇒ 23 = 8 scalar directions (7-vector) → Φ3 = Φ2 + Φ1 and equivalent linear "polarization" as rotational conjugate Φ2 - Φ1 = Φ0 ⇒ Mass as Gravity i.e. k→-1 dimension as i.j.k (= -1) rotation is MASS (equivalent 3D space).

The 7-vector (linearized) is a '4x4' matrix of complex elements (two of dual, dual bi-vectors) formed as combinations '++', '+-', '-+', and '--' with '++', '+-', '-+', and '--' ⇒ two pairs of the sets of '++++', '+++-', '++-+', '++--', '+-++', '+-+-', '+--+', '+---', '-+++', '-++-', '-+-+', '-+-+', '--++', '--+-', '---+, and '----' form a dual 4-pole system. Out of all of these combinations there is only one member of the set that could be considered redundant with the exception of the whole second set (order of operations matter): '++++' and '----' are equivalent as, again, rotational scalar "direction" cannot be directly observed. Our 16DOF becomes 15DOF with the remaining magnitude capturing UNITY (1 + 0w). If this had a geometric shape it would be the star tetrahedron. The CENTER of the two tetrahedrons are ONE in unity (in coordinate space) -- the whole is one in actuality.

Turn mass inside-out in (scalar) 3D -- as is the job of the second of the dual quaternion -- and we have GRAVITY (3D speed). Mass and gravity are a conjugate reflection in one. Gravity (-1) is opposite scalar "direction" than Progression (+1). Whereas (2π×4)π2 → 8π3 is a (3D) hyper rotation projected about an arbitrary coordinate zero-datum center, we must utilize infinite factorials in performance of a recursive sum (double, as in difference, of double integral) back to the local equivalent unity-datum (natural harmonic of unity) in both "directions" in determination of equivalent 3D space -- dual (in actuality, hyper or dual solid) rotation from our perspective -- 1440° or 8π3 hyper-radians. The net sheer is what we measure as temperature.

GRAVITATIONAL CHARGE becomes isotopic mass and is the atomic capture of charged electron neutrinos (υe*) -- a 2D "magnetic" base of zero net displacement plus photon as linear vibration (1D electric charge).

Looking at the units: 2D energy (inverse speed) is t2/s2 (weight or momentum) per speed (s/t) -- speed (light) IS charge ⇒ t2/s2 / s/t = t3/s3 (mass). Compounding the motion that is the atom creates additional inward motion (mass and gravity) until such time as it reaches a maximum (5: 5: 0). The charge is required to provide for the capture as isotopic mass otherwise the net zero displacement of the electron neutrino (moving at the "speed of light" due the one free dimension) moves through all net displacements, spatial or temporal, as like a current of no resistance. Light binds all.

Middle two (Φ1 & Φ2) are conjugates, bookends (±Φ3 & ±1) are an equivalently-polarized pair of inverse conjugates. Dualized combination contains a nested local (biased) apparent reciprocal conjugate pair as Φ2 ± Φ1. Very chic.

* did you know?: Affine is also defined as a relative by marriage ⇒ related through marriage (of Φ and π). Your children will most likely be similar (Metric "blending" as the combination of two into one). Isn't it amazing to watch your child's appearance change back-and-forth between you and your spouse's facial feature set as they grow? The Affine/Metric/Euclidean stratums are static “timeslices” in order as opposed to the harmonious dynamic of the Projective stratum.

** this implies that π is a unit and π2 a unit measure -- much like area (say, m2) is length (m) × width (m). These are radians (π) and steradians (π2). What is π3? Hyper-radians? These would all be necessary for equivalent unity-scaling to a common clock. Played out in linear time clock, the step measure aspect of time is to scale unbounded turn as bounded rotational cycles (in time):
From a "point" of equivalent "0D" comes a Radius of equivalent "0D" (as 1D Line), then a Planar/Angular 1D rotation (as 2D Plane), then a Solid 2D rotation (as 3D Volume), then a Hyper 3D rotation (as 4D Hypervolume of equivalent "0D" from one perspective). This then collapses back into a 3D Volume (Solid 2D rotation) into a 2D Plane (Planar/Angular 1D rotation), then a 1D Line (as Radius of equivalent "0D") becomes a "point" of equivalent "0D" (from the "other" perspective).

The first half is a process as-observed with respect to time; the second half are polarizing (poles) in time. The offset datum is equivalent CLOCK TIME. The whole may also be viewed in the opposite (i.e. scalar "direction") perspective in CLOCK SPACE in what would be described as "backwards" time to the Material-biased observer.

Lines 10 & 40 are inverse conjugates and are perceived as polarizing motions at a "point" (no dimension) in time; Lines 20 & 30 are perceived as on-going processes possessing dimension -- inverse speeds projected as equivalent durations with respect to clock time -- which overlap in time as conjugate motions.

This makes sense as we must attract others' knowledge to grow ourselves, and our growth in knowledge begets the attraction of others. Start (birth) and stop (death) are but points of reference and contain within no real significance. They are but markers which signal the cessation of the current cycle and the genesis of the next. There "was" no beginning and there "will be" no end. The time is now.

We can flip the WHOLE thing over (space ↔ time) to create the same structure from Progression to 1D/2D/3D equivalent time, and countertime (SR), and the time-space (TS/STR) to from the "unseen" half of the Universe of Motion -- motion in 3D time -- what Larson refers to as Cosmic, the land of what legacy science refers to as anti-matter (really, inverse-matter). One of one is one. This series is based in π! How exciting and waiting to be discovered!

The dimensions ARE the turns between the planes in time as projected as 1D/2D/3D equivalent space. Again, we don't see space. We see time (as equivalent space) as points "in" space; we are collectively observing one compound motion of time. Now realize in order to experience the 'flow of time' we must create an ordered set of time... we are watching a movie and where YOU focus YOUR energy (your conscious observation and resulting action) is where YOU affect change as a whole.
user737 wrote: Sun May 31, 2020 2:56 pm
ckiit wrote: Sun May 31, 2020 2:53 pm I see the 25/2 as 2(2π + 2π + π)/2π which captures
each full rotational direction (there are 2, hence the base, and 4π+π power) plus
π is a "magnetic" rotation and so double π is two, double rotating systems -- two rotating photons -- the rotational base -- the quaternion (4D). There are then two of these -- the atom. Again, I suspect the remaining π captures the binding vibrational charge (secondary motion in counterspace).

As previously noted, the 2π in the denominator is indicative of normalization to clock space or unit rotation.

I do not presently have a good grasp as to why two raised to the power and so may be completely wrong on this point.
Lol. This is the discrete value for e (=2.71828...): Quantum e = 2 ... and I bet dollars to donuts that the current irrational value is wrong. This would introduce additional complexification to the matter noted here.

Time to improve the chart.
user737 wrote: Mon May 25, 2020 10:19 am There must be a natural basis for e and it must be expressed as a recursive function of '1' as are both Φ (Phi) and π (Pi).
We must make whole all so-called 'constants' (pseudo-discrete entities), such as they are presented, as they are neither dynamic nor rational, as they should be (i.e. they are but approximations of Truth in their current form), and instead recognize the UNITY in ALL.
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Another connection to √8 or 'You are the Light'

Post by user737 »

user737 wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 6:09 pm
Equivalent Apparent Time

Quantum e = ϕ/Π = (±i)/(±i/2) = 2 = 1+1
Let's see what happens if we cast the dynamic equality to equivalent linear space as discrete entities:

1 = Φπ2/16 → 1 = 2π2/16 → 1 = π2/8 → π = √8

Could this be an equivalent scalar for use as (2D) conjugate (i.e. equivalent) quantum π? For use in the SR as an apparent-equivalent linear time when projecting into equivalent apparent time as rotational space in the STR?

All we have to do is stick an i in front of π and we can do this: 2πi → 2√8i

She looks lonely. Let's make a 2x2D mate for conjugation in equivalent space*: 2-√8√1

* conjugation in equivalent time is product, more specifically: cross-product. Conjugation in equivalent space is sum. These are sold as "dot-product" (scalar "product") and "cross-product" (vector "product") in legacy conventional science -- they've broken the quaternion into pieces and are attempting in futility to make all the pieces fit again. This is due the offset of datum of equivalent dimensionality between equivalent space and equivalent time, or more specifically Time and Space, which meet at 90° offset in Time-Space ('2x2' axes) as the Affine.

The Affine IS Conjugation of '2x2(D)' with '2x2(D)'.

When we meet "head-on" in temporal aspect scalar dimensions we cross-multiply, add if offset (shift).

When we meet "head-on" in spatial aspect scalar dimensions we add, (cross-)multiply if offset (angle).

These "properties" are projected to lower, equivalent stratum.

If there are no further objections, we now Conjugate (with much fanfare): 2-√8 + 2√8i

Oh, my. What's this?
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Re: Another connection to √8

Post by ckiit »

user737 wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:31 pm
user737 wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:10 pm Phi is 2 in countertime.
Let's see what happens if we set the equality:

1 = Φπ2/16 → 1 = 2π2/16 → 1 = π2/8 → π = √8

Could this be conjugate quantum π? For use in the SR? An equivalent linear time when projecting into equivalent time in STR?
Initial thoughts:

2√2 (being √8) implies 2(+2) and 2(-2), thus "conjugation" is implied
not only by the √ operation (returns ± roots) but also by the number 8 as:
Φπ².jpg (175.37 KiB) Viewed 33440 times
Although not fully clear to me, there is certainly a mathematical language hitherto undiscovered
that naturally explains the mechanics (ie. "physics") of the universe. It follows from (thus can
probably be inductively recovered via) the "marriage" of Φ and π viz: {π±π√5/2π ∞ π√5±π/2π}.
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'Q8' is for Quaternion

Post by user737 »

user737 wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 9:38 am [1] The REAL: Φ0 = 1 where x0 = 1 for all real non-zero x and provides for the 'roots of +1'.

Real quaternion = < 1, 0, 0, 0 >

ONE solution of apparent polarity (±√1 becomes ±π in counterspace). The only way ("forward") is One.

The IMAGINARY (3-fold -- Father, Son, Holy Spirit):

[1] Dimension i as Φ1 = Φ1
1D angular (planar) rotation as complex < 1, i, 0, 0 > OR < 1, -i, 0, 0 >

12 = 1
1.i = i.1 = i
1.j = j.1 = j
1.k = k.1 = k

[2] Dimension j as Φ2 = Φ1 + Φ0
2D solid rotation as quaternion < 1, i, j, k > AND < 1, -i, -j, -k > (internal bi-rotation)

i.j = -j.i = k
j.k = -k.j = i
k.j = -j.k = j

[3] Dimension k as Φ3 = Φ2 + Φ1 AND/OR Φ2 - Φ1 = Φ0
3D hyper rotation as dual quaternion or complex quaterion q hat = d + εr where d and r are quaternions

i2 = j2= i.j.k = -1

k2 = ε where ε2 = 0 and ε ≠ 0

...and form the 'roots of -1' as an infinite set of 3-vector solutions in "imaginary" (temporal) coordinate 3-space.

q8v3.jpg (39.31 KiB) Viewed 33221 times

I note multiplication by unity is the identity operator and is static whereas multiplication by i, j, or k provide dynamic result.

I see two halves of one electric (1D) rotation (two rotations of seemingly opposite polarity), one in each of two rotational scalar directions i.e. undistinguishable, and denoted by multiplication by either i or -i.

I also see one (equivalent to two electric) magnetic (2D) rotation as denoted by multiplication by either i (or -i) or j (or -j). j is like a gear-shift that pops us between i dimension and k dimension.

Changing (scalar) direction is as simple as changing the order of operations -- first is selected aspect for numerator, second as denominator. This makes sense as order in time (selection order where the operators ARE the dimensions) is entirely relevant to the concept of projection with respect to clock time. Scalar direction is reflected in the concept of polarity (centered about coordinate zero) in any coordinate system.

In the case of multiplication by i or j, and thus also k (as i.j = k), timing is paramount:

Multiplication by j (or k) will be useful for converting a 2D rotation (k) to an equivalent 1D rotation (i): the products of ±j and ±j are ±1 whereas j.k (wherein k = i.j) is ±jj is *not* a legal 1D operator as it is *not* possible to rotate into a second dimension through multiplication by i alone, and we DO have a starting point for reference: +1. The inner rotational ring is 1D just as the outer rotation ring is 1D, the difference is in order to get to the outer rotational ring we must pass through an intermediate 2D realm: k where i.j = k -- requires j.

Likewise, multiplication by i will be useful for converting a 1D rotation (j) to an equivalent 2D rotation (k): 2D rotation (denoted by the green-arrow pathways and defined as multiplication by j) can be degenerated to 1D rotation along either of the red-arrow pathways (defined as multiplication by i) through multiplication by i.

Multiplication by k (i.j) IS a 2D rotation similar to how multiplication by i IS a 1D rotation.

I question whether it is permissible to assume a starting point. If not, the rules above hold insofar as they are true; they could, however, be further refined to provide a more generic ruleset as each dimension, being independent, must be entirely uniform in all regard.

This is a single quaternion. It will be a little trickier when we move to a dual quaternion necessary to understand the 15DOF inherent in mass/matter.

We should keep this in mind when working to uncover these discrete magnitudes as they are undoubtedly linked to π radians (angular/planar rotation), π2 steradians (solid rotation), and π3 hyper-radians (hyper rotation) as will be needed to cast into equivalent space.
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RS3: Dual Projection of Dual Quaternion as Scalar Dimensional Expansion/Reduction into Coordinate Datum as Perspective

Post by user737 »

True reciprocity demands absolute symmetry.
user737 wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:10 pm *** Observing from this scalar "direction" is 3D coordinate space + clock time ***
All/One as Three (Four as 3 of 3 plus 1) planes at P due perspective: Outward is P0→Π ⇒ c-Projective stratum
None as Zero (0 of 3 as Four minus 1) points at Π ⇒ m-Affine stratum ⇔ c-Euclidean stratum ⇐ Two (2 of 3) planes at P
One (1 of 3) points at Π ⇒ m-Metric stratum ⇔ c-Metric stratum ⇐ One (1 of 3) planes at P
Two (2 of 3) points at Π ⇒ m-Euclidean stratum ⇔ c-Affine stratum ⇐ None as Zero (0 of 3 as Four minus 1) planes at P
All/One as Three (Four as 3 of 3 plus 1) points at Π due perspective: Outward is Π0→P ⇒ m-Projective stratum
*** Observing from this scalar "direction" is 3D coordinate time + clock space ***
We stand between the Light and the Dark (in Living Color). Only our perspective is altered. Perspective IS the Observer Principle in action i.e. the Act of Realization. All the World is but a Stage... Lights... Camera... Action (Motion) !!

c-Euclidean is quite clearly the Aether (inverse solid), as are c-Affine and c-Metric to that point. The Solid of Time can be seen as "bubbles" (Koilon) comprising a gaseous solid of inverse (1D) charge... yup.

The Greeks KNEW, *not* believed. We have forgotten (lost our way). Let us recall the Truth and the way back to One (Source) for it is Us ourselves. The direction is Inward (in space) or OUTWARD in counterspace (time) -- towards the Front Row seats:

Theatre.gif (65.62 KiB) Viewed 32904 times

Introducing A New Stereophonic Sound Spectacular: One '2×2' (spatial) gear intermeshed with one '2×2' (temporal) gear, each equivalently-normalize to one half (4/2=2) of the whole -- the dual quaternion. We are rising in the Light -- try not to fall in Love:

Chugga, Chugga, Choo, Choo!: s2×2/t2 × t2×2/s2 = (st)2

mathtex2.jpg (20.42 KiB) Viewed 32849 times

The inner transmission mechanism is m-Metric ⇔ c-Metric as 1:1 gearing where 21:21eπi + ei = 2cos(x) is the net equivalent (2D→1D) motion. Rotational (temporal) operator/dimension j changes “gears” (1→2 or 2→1). Gears are the total (count) of scalar dimensions expressed as exponents. There are really only 2 sets of 2 gears (inter)posing as two reciprocal sets of 3DOF (coordinate projections). Dual magnetic (dual double, double rotational -- '4x4') at the core making the uni-Verse one, big Dual Quaternion (Q16).

Dividing 2D magnetic motion into a pair set of apparent opposite polarity equivalent 1D motions begets m-Electric (Φ1ei = e0 = 1 ⇒ ±π) & c-Electric (-Φ1 → -ei = -e0 = -1 ⇒ ±π). This means the positron and anti-positron (the electron), the simplest of the rotational motion, are indeed the same dual quaternion as observed from reciprocal scalar "directions" wherein the true 3D scalar motion has been reduced to a net equivalent 1D motion in space-time (coordinate-datum based):
±Φ3, ±1 = Φ2 + Φ1 AND Φ2 - Φ1
The exponents in the above expression are zero-datum based as it holds for equivalent spatial motion whereas there are no exponents used at the Projective stratum (NRS) i.e. UNITY-based: 20 = 1. The offset in exponential expression IS the scalar ↔ coordinate system datum offset of 0→1 (the "speed of light")! This is saying that the dual magnetic motion that comprises (3D) coordinate space -- note: must switch perspective to an infinitely-self referential π-based series for (3D) coordinate time -- IS a pair ('and' means 'product' of differences in counterspace) of oppositely (reciprocally) rotating equivalently-norm'ed conjugate quaternions -- the dual quaternion.

From one perspective (looking "downwards" as diagramed i.e. Outwards), we experience All/One as Three as a finite, discrete Everything (Everywhen) as inverse Progression in clock space (TR of m-Electric particles & m-Magnetic atoms), and simultaneously in time as an infinite, equivalent Everything (Everywhere) as a Trinity of spatial (3D) coordinates + clock time with local distributed (net radial bi-rotational “spin” circumferentially about a center "point") scalar motions i.e. 1D current (s/t) as the electron, 2D current (s2/t2) as the electron neutrino, and gravity (s3/t3) as equivalent 1D/2D/3D speed.

Whilst simultaneously in space, from the other/opposite (reciprocal) perspective (looking "upwards" i.e. Inwards), we experience All/One as Three as a finite, discrete Nothing (Nowhen) as Progression in clock time (SR of c-Electric inverse-particles & c-Magnetic inverse-atoms i.e. anti-matter), and also simultaneously in space, as an infinite, equivalent Nothing (Nowhere) as a Trinity of temporal (3D) coordinates + clock space with non-local distributed (net linear bi-vectoral push/pull orthogonal to a plane) scalar motions i.e. electric (t/s) "field", magnetic (t2/s2) "field", and mass (t3/s3) "field" as equivalent 1D/2D/3D energy.

The difference lies in which aspect of motion is considered primary (IS linear) and which aspect of motion is thereby designated secondary (IS rotational). Linear space with rotational time is 3D coordinate space (plus clock time); rotational space with linear time is 3D coordinate time (plus clock space).

Space is *not* linear. Time is *not* rotational. They are the aspect of one motion. Which is which is entirely observer-based and is the fundamental assumption (our Prerogative) on which all else is based. Regardless of which perspective is formed, all regions (total of 6→3) are experienced simultaneously in space-time and time-space. All that “changes” is which Effects are observed *to be* experienced local versus those that are *not to be* experienced as local (i.e non-local). Locality is entirely a matter of perspective.
To be [local], or not to be [local], that is the Question [Quaternion].

-- William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1 (Prince Hamlet speaking)
Coordinate regions are not regions per se, they are perspectives. The dual of three speed regions (which overlap to make 4 distinct regions) are the true regions: (1) i dimension, (2) j dimension, and (3) k dimension. Material projective (m-Projective) 1.i, 1.i.j, and 1.i.j.k overlap Cosmic projective (c-Projective) k.j.i.1, j.i.1, and i.1 -- recall: order of operations matters (i.e. 'it's all a matter of perspective').

'1-x' as 1.i
'2-x' as 1.i.j.k.j.i.1 // inverse '3-x' as k.j.i.1.1.i.j
'3-x' as 1.i.j.k.j.i.1 // inverse '2-x' as j.i.1.1.i.j.k
inverse '1-x' as i.1

'1-x' as local base i (1D)
'2-x' as local base i.j (2D) with net ki as equivalent 1D // inverse '3-x' as local base j.i (2D) with net -k → -i as equivalent ID
'3-x' as local base -i.j (2D) with net -k → -i as equivalent ID // inverse '2-x' as local base -j.i (2D) with net ki as equivalent 1D
inverse '1-x' as local base -i (1D)

Scalar rotational "direction" is observed as the concept of polarity in (3D) coordinate space.

The number of poles determines the number of degrees of freedom (DOF) i.e. scalar "Units of Motion" (UoM) as 2n where 'n' is the number of scalar dimensions to be expressed.

For the number of discrete equivalent linear DOF (in space): 2n - 1 where 'n' is no. scalar dimensions *not* at unity.

Word to your mother.
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Equivalent Unity: Conjugation in One as Both 3D Coordinate Space and 3D Coordinate Time

Post by user737 »

To set the mood: Now I'm going to do my dance.
1 = Φπ2/16
... is only ½ of the whole expression. The second half is the conjugate expression using: Φ (linear space) → ϕ (rotational space) and π (rotational time) → Π (linear time).

The above expression is valid only for projection into equivalent SPACE (normalization to clock time).

If we are playing with either of these equations then we are already dealing with the Shadow on the Wall as they are useful for converting motion as 1D, 2D, or 3D scalar motions in time into equivalent 3D coordinate space AND 3D coordinate time (as they are both solved for simultaneously as a matter of course).

That makes the remaining expression useful for projection into equivalent TIME (normalization to clock space) although I must note the results provided are expected to match those found using the equivalent SPACE transform with the expectation the aspects only of space and time (linear or rotational) shall be exchanged.

Yes, the UPPER aspect becomes the LOWER aspect in the case of phi/Phi and the LOWER aspect becomes the UPPER aspect in the case of pi/Pi. The UPPER/LOWER combination form the aspects of rotational time on linear space as equivalent space: Phi (Φ), and equivalent time: pi (π) and from the INVERSE aspect: rotational space on linear time as reciprocal equivalent space: phi (ϕ), and reciprocal equivalent time: Π (Phi).

This will yield a second equivalence using ϕ and Π which when conjugated with the expression using Φ and π will again yield UNITY!
We really have to think hard about Reciprocals (inverse is the net "local" equivalent ID connotation) in three dimensions:

(1) Inside-out: Terms and Conditions for Concept dimensional expansion/reduction (root/square)
(2) Backwards: Terms and Conditions for Concept polarity (discrete poles where more poles → more conjugates)
(3) Upside-down: Terms and Conditions for Concept scalar "direction"

Done properly, this inverts the geometry as well (recti-Linear ↔ Rotational i.e. Polar). Not only must we recognize both linear and rotational motion to be primary scalar motions, we also must learn to work in 3 scalar dimensions. Most people think and work in only one dimension of time i.e equivalent 1D time, the dual metric from which they cast all other transforms. Stop. Work in 3 dimensions of scalar time. This is 3D chess and we're coming up on a #Checkmate.
Rules will vary as for example: 'and' (+) in space is 'product of differences' in time i.e. Differential Amplifier. That should make 'or' (×) in time not the 'sum of similar' (everything but the same) i.e. Integration Attenuator.

This makes sense as Phi is an outward scalar linear motion from a "point" at c (in space) combined with an outward scalar motion from the perspective of rotational motion at 1/c2 (in time) ⇒ Phi spiral. These are the two equivalent motions together normalized to clock time. Direction inward or outward is scalar "direction" and in projection they are the same to observation in coordinate space + clock time. Key word: equivalent.

Similarly, pi is orbital motion about a "point" at 1/c (in time) combined with an outward scalar motion from the perspective of linear motion (radius=c2⇒d=2r) ⇒ Circle. Again, these are the two equivalent motions together normalized to clock space. Key word: equivalent.

The inverse aspects of these will be interesting as they will be POLAR and will contain the underlying datum offset (0→1) as differences in exponents when projecting between recti-Euclidean and polar-Euclidean regions.

Ladies first: [1] π, [2] Π, [3] ϕ, and [4] Φ are the equivalent scaling constants expressed as rational values in either space or time and as irrational values as projected into equivalent space/time. I suspect everything must be first cast back to c-Metric/m-Metric as a common 1:1 base for further equivalent scaling transformation.

Surprise! I have found the missing said conjugate solution to 1 = Φπ2/16.

Here it is:
-i = 2Πϕ2
Lol. The imaginary IS a pair of dual lights illuminating "a stage". Look again at what it says!

The solution involves a reciprocal i.e. a 3-dimensional inverse in 3 scalar dimensions.

We have these already: [Quantum] Φ = 1 and [Quantum] π = 4 where 1 = Φπ2/16 → 1 = (1)(4)2/16 → 1 = 16/16 → 1 = 1

Now find conjugate expression in ϕ and Π...

Thinking inside-out in scalar 3D as (1) dimensional reduction/expansion (root/square), (2) polarity (poles), and (3) scalar “direction”:

√(1/-1) = 1/(√-1) = 1/i = -i = √(Φπ2/16) = (√Φ)(π/4) = (1/4)(√Φ)π

Equate (reverse order) -- change polarity (make negative), THEN invert direction (inverse), THEN reduce dimension (2D space is 1D time) through root -- order of operations matters:

Let ϕ = √(1/-Φ) = 1/(√-1) = 1/i = -i

Let Π = √(1/-π) = 1/(√-4) = 1/2i → (1/2i) × (2i/2i) = (2i/4i2) = 2i/-4 = -i/2

Second-order fit where equivalent exponents must sum to 3: 2Πϕ2 = 2(-i/2)(-i)2 = 2(i/2)(i2) = -i

3D Equivalent SPACE (recti-Euclidean): 1 + 0i = Φπ2/16
Devolve in Space as equivalent Evolution in Time (root in space IS equivalent square in time) in preparation for Conjugation as the Union of Roots:

√1 = 1 = (√Φ)(π/4) = (Φ)(π/4) = Φπ/4

3D Equivalent TIME (polar-Euclidean): 0 - 1i = 2Πϕ2
Evolve in Time as equivalent Devolution in Space (square in time IS equivalent root in space) in preparation for Conjugation as the Union of Roots:

(-i)2 = 1 = 4Π2ϕ4

Conjugate as One in Both Space and Time (i.e. Join in Marriage -- one and one is one) as apparent inverse roots of one (i.e. about one):

1 × 1 = (Φπ/4)(4Π2ϕ4) = ΦπΠ2ϕ4

Equivalent Unity: 1 = 1 × Φ1× π1×1× Π1×(1:1)× ϕ(1:1)×(1:1)

"Inverse" or Equivalent Equivalent Unity is simply: -1 = -1 × Φ-1× π-1×1× Π-1×(1:1)× ϕ-(1:1)×(1:1)

√1 = 1 = 1 = 12

Quantum Φ = [(1/1) × ±1]1×(1:1) = 1

Quantum π = [(1+1)/1 × ±1]1×(1:1) = 4

Quantum Π = [1/(1+1) × ±√-1] = ±i/2

Quantum ϕ = [(1/1) × ±√-1] = ±i

An equivalent 5 (4 as one plus one) in Absolute One: 1√5 = √5 is our equivalent base root for scaling both Space and Time. As we will soon find out, 5 is Everywhere/Everywhen (All) as "Space" and "Time" and so this (√5) is the root of All...

Lol. After all this we still only have ½ of the whole as we now sit at the boundary of imaginary human imagination (the perceived "local" unit boundary). The remaining ½ is an inverse conjugate expression that solves 1 = 1 as All/Not All.

Oh, snap. Here it is:
±0, ±∞ = 1(1:1) × Φ1×(1:1)× π(1×1)×(1:1)× Π1×(1:1)×(1:1)× ϕ(1:1)×(1:1)×(1:1)
Everywhen, Everywhere ⇒ All → Projective → Affine → Metric → Euclidean

The answer is 16 in perceived whole (One) = 1√16 = 4

GAME OVER. Thanks for playing.
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How to Count to Five or 'The Story of the Number of Mankind'

Post by user737 »

...and √5 is the Root of Mankind.

Woke up this morning and was immediately drawn to sketch this out.

44BDD774-4FD1-4420-920A-AF0C19A5DAED.jpeg (129.1 KiB) Viewed 32738 times

This is ½ of a dual quaternion. You can see the inner Metric core where the 6-sheer in space-time/time-space is created: sheer is heat, an equivalent 1D linear vibration in the TR, measured as 'temperature', that acts to push objects apart in equivalent space.

Kicking it up a notch and working in 3 scalar dimensions (Think3D™ >>> 3Blue1Brown)*: this IS the dual projective 'region' (Affine, Metric, and Euclidean) for equivalent 1D spatial motion (electric), equivalent 2D spatial motion (magnetic), and equivalent 3D spatial motion (MASS). Spatial means speeds (not energies) means net spatial displacements from the "speed of light" i.e. below the speed of light in the '1-x' Low Speed region for projection into (3D) coordinate space + clock time.

* not in any way affiliated with anything "real"

Two of these quaternions are to be superimposed (conjugated about one) through rotation about unity (as ±π in counterspace i.e. time) forming the dual quaternion. The inner, inner metric formed across the "local" unity datum (clock time created through differentiation for purposes of creating an ordered set in time) becomes 'the engine'* for driving vectoral motion in 3D coordinate space (or 3D coordinate time) depending on perspective.

* how in the heck have the GPU engine designers at Nvidia/AMD/Intel *not* figured this out yet?

Turns out there are really 4 projector lights (2 pairs of pairs of Space and Time): linear space (Φ), rotational space (π), linear time (ϕ), and rotational time (Π). The whole thing simultaneously unfolds in BOTH 3-coordinate dimensions, and for purposes of representation which cannot be done with a 2D image: if you draw a line through UNITY on both ends (connecting -0↔+0 and -∞↔+∞ in realization making this a closed loop in 3D: 0↔∞) you end up with something that looks like a "Magnetic field" (such as about the Earth) due perspective. Imagine that.

Again, we do not observe "Space" and "Time" (first reflection of "Good" as "Evil"). We observe combinations AS motions AS scalar ratios of space and time manifest, or what is referred to in the RS2 as equivalent space and equivalent time (and in the RS as Larson's as extension space). Space and Time are at the Affine level, then Metric creates (Dual) Euclidean (recti-Euclidean & polar-Euclidean) with a 6-bit input (i1, j1, k1, i2, j2, k2) -- these two oppositely "directed" (scalar) motions ARE the quaternion as 3 and 3 are 4, not 6.

The magic ('mag-netic') is in the overlap (4x4).

Four (4) Easy Steps to Creating the Universe or How to Count to Five with just your fingers and toes:

Step 0: To be: All/Nothing as One, or not to be: Everywhere/Everywhen as One?

Prepare for headless remote boot.
Flashing microcode...done.
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Detecting processor speed and core count....done.
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Zero all random access memory....done.
Initializing hardware abstraction layers....done.
Loading construct data sets....done.
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Enumerating control interfaces....done.
Binding interrupts....done.
Ready to boot.

Continue? [Y/N]


Echo Reply:

Step 1: Imagine from 1 creating 2 as an apparent polarity (opposites) about an imaginary unit boundary.
Slide from the center. Turn, face, and gaze into the Eyes of your (inverted) Reflection in the Mirror -- the Abyss.

Step 2: Imagine combining (Twist) those apparent polarities (2) to create 3.

Step 3: Imagine combining (Twist) those 3 apparent polarities with another 3 apparent polarities to create 4.

Step 4: Imagine combining (Twist) those 4 apparent polarities with another 4 apparent polarities to create Everywhere/Everywhen (from Nothing). This must be 5.

The ALL remains, omnipresent throughout "Space" and "Time" and IS the UNITY datum (Love) from which all life-spring flows.
Q: Shall we play a Game?

A: That's Life.

The reason we do not see Euclidean (23 = 8) on this page is because this is but a crude 2D representation (on 2D -- paper) and the inverse would be from the opposite side of the page. Euclidean space "pops" out the other side and is realized as an equivalent motion in space, speeds, with respect to clock time, given 3 coordinate dimensions and the 'flow of time' (realized pseudo-equivalent scalar for scaling -- hence: clock). From this side (of this page) it looks like a magnificent construct, from the other side (of the page): total chaos. They are one in the same and are otherwise due your perception as such.

I should add: the Universe is a 7-bit system in (3D) coordinate space/time as the quaternions are equivalently-norm'ed (i.e. normalized) to a common unity scalar base. And so the 4 dimensions from one quaternion capture the ABSOLUTE ONE (1), therefore the second quaternion in Union contains only 3 discrete magnitudes (i.e dimensions): 3 + 4 = 7

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There Can Only Be One

Post by user737 »

Here it is in Matrix code:
1 = 1(1:1) × [(1/1) × ±1](1×1)×(1:1) × [(1+1)/1 × ±1]1×(1×1)×(1:1) × [1/(1+1) × ±√-1]1×(1:1) × [(1/1) × ±√-1](1:1)×(1:1)
Infinite Rider on the Big Dogma
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