Displacement Factor

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Displacement Factor

Post by ckiit »

Consider 'belief' as the metaphysical potential (ie. capacity for) displacement concerning c = 'unity'
as a general displacement factor: some state of 'belief' in something which is not necessarily true,
thus displaced from unity (allowing truth and unity to be in discretionary relation/equivalence).

Though not all beliefs are false, neither are all true. How to "capture" the former?
There must be a connection between discretion and ethic(al control units)
such to naturally produce a knowledge counter-part(s) to all false beliefs.
What would the ideal constituency of these anti-false-belief counter-part(s) be?

I propose this must simply be 'knowledge' as it must pertain to (the negation/cessation of) mere 'belief'
such that the active/indefinite attaining to, must negate all local displacement(s) caused by the same
concerning unity. (Meta-)physical bodies and anti-bodies thus have roles concerning these:
body of false-belief(s) (ie. local displacements) whose gravity is accordingly cumbersome, and
body of true-knowledge(s) (ie. as attainable by (con)science(s)) whose attaining-to alleviates the associated encumbrance.

It is on these grounds I further propose an axes comprised of roots/operators:
operators: all/not
roots: beg/end
wherein 'operators' captures all binary conjugates (ie. in/out, to/from, yes/no as if counter-posed 180-degrees each the other)
and 'roots' captures all displacement(s) from their beginning (ie. causation) through to their end (ie. cessation).

The axes should exist both physically (insofar as s/t captures the physical universe as displacement) and metaphysically:
space captures beg/end of all spacial phenomena, whereas
time captures all/not (existence/non-existence)
the latter being the local/particular "trajectory" according to the constituency
(ie. of all false-belief and of all knowledge-negating).

If such an axes is on the right track, it can serve to 'oust' GR by advancing an actual 'theory of everything'
such to solve for a present-day crises which has a real bases (ie. axes) to explain the existence of all
causation/cessation of all forms of human suffering: belief-based ignorance(s) causing the same
(with "universally" broad-scale application: theist/atheist-invariant, belief-based-ideology-indiscriminate etc.
all beliefs are "fair game" for trial) and establish an absolute imperative to align humanity simultaneously away from
belief-based states and towards knowledge-based ones such that they should serve towards the perpetual
trying/testing/falsifying of all false beliefs. In this way, a 'theory of everything' can come as close as "humanly" possible
to solving the problem of belief vs. non-belief without even the need to addressing the actual/potential existence of (as such is just not a scientific problem):
an all-knowing god: if an all-knower exists, it must by necessity know all (ie.who/what/where/why/when/how and/or if): not to believe.

Because GR is belief-based, given the many absurdities therein esp. concerning 'black holes' as infinitely dense mass-points (?),
such a 'theory of everything' would most certainly oust it: humanity simply can not afford to cling to this belief-based nonsense
less we all fall victim to it: there is a real solution to this problem which necessitates real science. I have reached out
to a few prominent people in attempts to find some common grounds to tackle this problem, however presently private,
will update this thread with a general update and welcome all to contribute, recalling Bruce's encouraging words:
bperet wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2019 10:08 am From what I've read of the ideas and questions being posted, there are some very intelligent people here. I ask they you folks take a stab at answering each other's questions... you're a smart bunch and know more than you may realize about this theory. So please don't be shy... put out those ideas, right or wrong. Many times a wrong idea opens the door to a new discovery... just look at many of my posts! One goof lead to the discovery that galaxies are actually solar systems! Sometimes, you just need to take that leap of faith to see where an idea goes.

I will be working with Gopi to try to put together an outline of my research, detailing the differences of RS2 from Larson's RS (the inclusion of the yin/angular components) to show where I was heading. I strongly believe that the inclusion of the quaternion approach is the correct path, and will open the door to many new discoveries.

I will continue to contribute as long as I can. After all, this is my life's work... dedicated 38 years to it!
Best wishes to Gopi in putting together a general outline of Bruce's work: should we attract consideration from any prominent people with an aligned goal for humanity, such a compilation will be of exceeding value such to serve the need for an up-to-date on the status of RS2 which rejects Einstein's GR and proposes an inductively rooted physical theory which accounts for the causation/cessation of all forms of human suffering: beginning with Einstein's dead-on-arrival GR being one such nearly-insufferable source.
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Re: Displacement Factor

Post by ckiit »

As I await a review of π expressed as a ratio of 4 about √Φ as outlined https://reciprocal.systems/phpBB3/viewt ... ?f=7&t=680,
I wish to make clear why establishing this relationship is essential.

If it can be established that π is not autonomous, but rather is naturally coupled to Φ,
this co-operation must be intrinsic to the relationship space and time have with one another.
That is: what yang is to Φ, yin is to π given 2π serves as a null/scale-invariant rotating base.
The problem with present-day π is it lacking relevance to any kinematic (ie. motion-based) perspective.
The 3.14159... assumes a static frame: nothing is moving. However we live in a universe of motion, thus
this approximation of π neither practically nor even conceptually holds. However, if allowing Φ
to serve as the root of all continuous motion, π being 4/√Φ resolves the problem.

According to the work of Miles Mathis found here: http://milesmathis.com/pi2.html
he has found a/the natural relationship of π as being intimately related to the number 4.
Abstract: I show that in all kinematic situations, π is 4. For all those going ballistic over my title, I repeat and stress that this paper applies to kinematic situations, not to static or geometric situations.
I am analyzing the equivalent of an orbit, which is caused by motion and includes the time variable. In that situation, π becomes 4. I will also remind you this is not just a theory:
it has been indicated by many mainstream experiments, including rocketry tests and quantum experiments (see links below). It has also now been proven by my own experiments (see link below).
-Miles Mathis
Therefor the π being 4/√Φ clarifies a space-time relationship universe of motion:

With this co-operation in mind, granting for the sake of contingency the coupling is sound,
the implications of this are incredibly profound:

π = 4/√Φ, and
Φ = (π+π√5)/2π
these two are all that is needed to co-operatively co-create a universe, given
π is derived from Φ via integer relation, thus concerns c = 1 (ie. unity) by default.
This coupling will establish twofold: undermine Western mathematics' foundation/basis for ever approximating π
(instead of leaving in relation to the integer), and require a broad-spectrum migration from legacy/approximated π
(in existing mathematical frameworks, if still valid) to its relation to the integer 4 as it concerns c. Later, I will show
that this '4' is practically "null" s/t, given the Fib. sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8... '4' is absent given there is a space-time-invariant
2x2 axes as outlined in the op.

If the π finding holds, this axes can be said to be universally bestowed (ie. transcendent, a fixed feature of the universe, as in π)
and locally employed (ie. manifest, as a pentagram produced by Φ) each according to their local employment (or not) of these
universal roots/operators.
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Re: Displacement Factor

Post by Djchrismac »

Great work ckiit, hopefully you will get some replies from those you have reached out to. However, if you are correct then I expect those that are in the General Relativity camp will sit up, take notice then begin an anti-ckiit psyop agenda. Please be careful, there are numerous dark forces out there trying to snuff out the true uncommitted investigators of this world like Bruce, Lloyd Pye and many others.
ckiit wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2020 8:17 am If such an axes is on the right track, it can serve to 'oust' GR by advancing an actual 'theory of everything' such to solve for a present-day crises
which has a real bases (ie. axes) to explain the existence of all causation/cessation of all human suffering: belief-based ignorance(s) causing the same
(with "universally" broad-scale application: theist/atheist-invariant, belief-based-ideology-indiscriminate etc. all beliefs are "fair game" for trial)
and establish an absolute imperative to align humanity simultaneously away from belief-based states and towards knowledge-based ones
such that they should serve towards the perpetual trying/testing/falsifying of all false beliefs. In this way, a 'theory of everything'
can come as close as "humanly" possible to solving the 'god' problem without even addressing the actual existence of (as such is just not a scientific problem):
if an all-knower exists, it must by necessity know all (ie.who/what/where/why/when/how and/or if): not to believe.

Because GR is belief-based, given the many absurdities therein esp. concerning 'black holes' as infinitely dense mass-points (?),
such a 'theory of everything' would most certainly oust it: humanity simply can not afford to cling to this belief-based nonsense
less we all fall victim to it: there is a real solution to this problem which necessitates real science. I have reached out
to a few prominent people in attempts to find some common grounds to tackle this problem, however presently private,
will update this thread with a general update and welcome all to contribute, recalling Bruce's encouraging words:
This is exactly why the daniel papers resonate with so many of us along with the Reciprocal System in general, they look to a nature-based, logical explanation of the world based on a few fundamental postulates, then applies this to some of the big questions. When you can weed out the lies and nonsense it leaves you with sensible answers that fit everything together and are further validation of what was previously learned. Apply this to history, mythology and folklore while showing up the lies elsewhere and you can begin to re-construct history from the myriad of lies we have been force fed for century after century.

The daniel papers are also less technical, using easier to understand language and metaphors to describe what is in essence a simple theory but in reality, due to our learning the opposite since birth, it can be tough to grasp as we must unlearn what we have learned. Bruce did a great job trying to clarify details in his paper on time and dimensions.

I can see the logic and balance in your theory too and how it fits in with RS2. I may not understand the mathematics as it is far from my forte but I still find the work you and user737 have done makes a lot of sense.

In the weeks before Bruce passed I messaged him a few times to ask him to look at your posts and research as I felt you were both on to something. I'm not sure how much of it he got to take in before he left us but I did also ask Gopi to look into it and hopefully this will be the start of something positive.
ckiit wrote: Sat Feb 29, 2020 12:25 pm As I await a review of π expressed as a ratio of 4 about √Φ as outlined https://reciprocal.systems/phpBB3/viewt ... ?f=7&t=680,
I wish to make clear why establishing this relationship is essentially the "nail in the coffin" mandating the immediate removal of GR
and replacement with RST.
Good luck, you are going to need it!
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Re: Displacement Factor

Post by ckiit »

Djchrismac wrote: Mon Mar 02, 2020 9:40 am Great work ckiit, hopefully you will get some replies from those you have reached out to. However, if you are correct then I expect those that are in the General Relativity camp will sit up, take notice then begin an anti-ckiit psyop agenda. Please be careful, there are numerous dark forces out there trying to snuff out the true uncommitted investigators of this world like Bruce, Lloyd Pye and many others.
Thank you - do not worry about the Relativists, they are both relatively docile and not the main threat to humanity.
They are an obstacle to overcoming the threat. The real problem is the House of Nazis. If they decide to psy-op,
I'll deconstruct and make example.

I have already used the CKIIT concept to derive the following roots:
i. So-called original sin as it must satisfy any/all possible contexts
ii. So-called 'Mark of Cain' (provided)
iii. So-called 'Mark of the Beast'
iv. So-called 'anti-Christ'
v. Nazism/fascism/socialism

Consider 'blame'. Consider the same, however to blame another for what one is themselves guilty of
ie. the substance of the accusation is owing to the accuser rather than the accused.
If you look closely at the present-day Establishment Liberals/Democrats, their politics relies on this practice.
If looking even more closely, they tend to pathologically psychologically project their crimes of their own onto their adversaries.
There is a reason for this: they are "backed" by the ideology responsible for Nazism/fascism/socialism.
This ideology is a particular belief-based one posing as a religion, but it is actually a division: "believer vs. unbeliever".


Any/all accusation/attack made against Larson/Peret, RSoT members and/or RS Theory in general, esp. by General Relativists
and/or other ideological states should have the self-same accusations tried against them: there is a deeply-rooted pathology (ie. illness)
in the belief-based ideological states which entails drawing from the nature of ones own, projecting the substance of this nature in the form of
an accusation against whoever they "hate" and relying on 'believers' to 'believe' the false accusations, thus are whipped up into a frenzy.
This has implications for Nazism (ie. dissemination of).

This pathology is directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions, as: it takes a 'believer' to 'believe' a false accusation.
Therefor the pathological ideologies rely on 'believers' as a parasite relies on a host: this is only the surface of why we need to de-platform Relativity
as they are not remotely equipped to deal with this problem, for being a part of it. People are abused by these ideologies.

However we must also note: most are victims to such ideologies which actively manufactures traumas (ie. psychological/emotional)
then uses those traumas to control people. This is a long-standing practice that is deliberately exploitative, thus if/when checking
for the mark, one must also see how/why the person(s) concerned are victims. Their suffering is real, they just associate it to the wrong source.

Therefor I recommend getting into the habit of trying all accusations from all sources against the accuser before believing:
as Chris pointed out these people may launch some kind of psyop (or related) however those operations are only effective
because people do not understand how they are designed to work. I will use all such opportunities to demonstrate upon each attack
exactly what the modus operandi of such attacks are, as the root/motive/will/intent that underlies of all of them is already known.
Djchrismac wrote: Mon Mar 02, 2020 9:40 am This is exactly why the daniel papers resonate with so many of us along with the Reciprocal System in general, they look to a nature-based, logical explanation of the world based on a few fundamental postulates, then applies this to some of the big questions. When you can weed out the lies and nonsense it leaves you with sensible answers that fit everything together and are further validation of what was previously learned. Apply this to history, mythology and folklore while showing up the lies elsewhere and you can begin to re-construct history from the myriad of lies we have been force fed for century after century.

The daniel papers are also less technical, using easier to understand language and metaphors to describe what is in essence a simple theory but in reality, due to our learning the opposite since birth, it can be tough to grasp as we must unlearn what we have learned. Bruce did a great job trying to clarify details in his paper on time and dimensions.
Bruce had the same relentless ethical integrity as Larson: they both were passionate about real science, thus the light of their integrity shines in their work.
This is the same light I was drawn to and wish to use to instigate/generate the new theory that will address the lack of among the Relativists.
Djchrismac wrote: Mon Mar 02, 2020 9:40 am I can see the logic and balance in your theory too and how it fits in with RS2. I may not understand the mathematics as it is far from my forte but I still find the work you and user737 have done makes a lot of sense.

In the weeks before Bruce passed I messaged him a few times to ask him to look at your posts and research as I felt you were both on to something. I'm not sure how much of it he got to take in before he left us but I did also ask Gopi to look into it and hopefully this will be the start of something positive.

Good luck, you are going to need it!
The math is very subjective and leaning more towards the qualitative rather than quantitative,
as I am not a mathematician and somehow ended up needing to relate π to Φ. This is why
I handed off the geometry to a certain Australian mathematician I wish to see help take-down
Relativity. What the Relativists have done to this man is nothing short of sick.
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