Unity and Phi^3

Discussion concerning the first major re-evaluation of Dewey B. Larson's Reciprocal System of theory, updated to include counterspace (Etheric spaces), projective geometry, and the non-local aspects of time/space.
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Re: Phi, the Divine Ratio

Post by ckiit »

user737 wrote: Tue Feb 18, 2020 7:46 am This is mathematical "geometric" dimensional reduction as noted in the earlier analysis of phi ("playing_with_phi.xlsx") and would be representative of the geometric-less "projective geometry" (PG) of scalar relationships (magnitude only, no direction) where geometric concepts have their corollary in mathematics. Before you can have geometry (PG→affine→metric/similar→Euclidean) you must first have displacements from unity.

The second order operation (square) is reduced to a first order operation (power of one). This is similar in nature as to how two bi-rotations combine to create a single linear harmonic displacement (i.e. a vibration). Just as one can become two; two can become one.
This is certainly related to how I perceive the "believer vs. unbeliever" situation attempting to be solved for
as being both a local vibration (due to a being having roots in both: knowledge-negating-belief and belief-based ignorance)
and a 'state' vibration adjoining all "believers" whose vibration are rooted in the same shared 'state' belief.

If the most fundamental belief(s) are false, lacking knowledge of the same causes pain and suffering,
whereas having knowledge of the same would cease the same.
user737 wrote: Tue Feb 18, 2020 7:46 am Combine two Euler formulas (of opposite rotation).
Note: "direction" is either outward (+) or inward (-)

exi + e-xi = 2cos(θ)

What required two dimensions (two 'x' values as above) reduce to a single variable (theta).
Two "imaginary" numbers (rotational operators) combine to create the REAL (i.e. temporal rotations share a spacial displacement).

Recall as well Euler's identity: e + 1 = 0... making i = √e or -1!

This is in keeping with earlier finding: the two (2) square roots of unity are 1, -1 or e((2π)/2)i where x is ±π!
Very interesting - I see these two roots of unity as to/from unity ±c with the 2π as the "terrain".
Approaching unity would require alleviating all source(s) of displacement(s),
this obviously concerning belief-based ignorance(s) in the context of CKIIT.
user737 wrote: Tue Feb 18, 2020 7:46 am Have you seen this?:
https://archive.org/details/PythagorasP ... 3/mode/2up

What is the result should aspects of motion be inverted (i.e. time → space; space → time)?

Solve for conjugate relationship...
I have not seen the document, however have seen some of the author's YT content
and did draw from it. I am going to keep it open and continue to read as needed.

Concerning the questions, I do not know presently, as it must be obvious I am not a learned mathematician as
I drew the geometric relationships from Genesis 1:1 (vesica piscis) and realized Φ can draw this naturally only recently.

The following vesica piscis is constructed naturally by Φ thus inductively serves as a basis for much:


including the CKIIT concept:


Such a universal construct employs a simple quadropole
whose dipoles are denials of one another:


The alpha∞omega is a null binary which satisfies all possible binaries: yes/no, 1/0, up/down etc.
The beg∞end is a null framework for any temporal (ie. displaced) phenomena: of suffering, for example.
By setting the latter to 'to know' and 'to believe' there is revealed the bi-rotation that moves to/from all-knowing.
In the very least: it clarifies what 'knowledge' is and/or serves: the negation of belief-based ignorance(s).

By treating this quadropole as the 2.23606... x 2.23606... = 5,
√5 can be seen as this quadrupole axis of 4 with 1 remaining for a navigator (ie. consciousness).
user737 wrote: Tue Feb 18, 2020 7:46 am Can it be shown 1/Φ, 1/Φ-2, and 1/Φ-3 are similar result?
I am sure it can be - I myself do not comprehend this in terms of quantitative math,
and will spend some time looking for the relationships. I have Euclid's Elements here
and should probably read it before going too much further with the math - it only needs
to serve the purpose of ceasing human suffering by clarifying a/the universal axis to/from unity.
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Re: Unity and Phi^3

Post by user737 »

'Trace an anneagram with the nine on top, then trace the shapes of motion, these are the shapes obtained by multiplication (yes, not additive, multiplicative just as in RS) and for example 2*7 = 14 and 1+4=5. Once the shapes are traced find the contradiction and resolve it (doing this in yourself is also part of the work). Notice how the shapes of motion are a close match to Larson's basics motions, and how the material (physical) and cosmic (etheric) sector are evident, having 9 as the symmetry center. One can also see the ethical sector (astral plane of consciousness) in 3-6-9, the prime mover. Notice the x9 shape, the all seeing eye on top of the pyramid.'

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Re: Unity and Phi^3

Post by ckiit »

user737 wrote: Wed Feb 19, 2020 8:25 pm 'Trace an anneagram with the nine on top, then trace the shapes of motion, these are the shapes obtained by multiplication (yes, not additive, multiplicative just as in RS) and for example 2*7 = 14 and 1+4=5. Once the shapes are traced find the contradiction and resolve it (doing this in yourself is also part of the work). Notice how the shapes of motion are a close match to Larson's basics motions, and how the material (physical) and cosmic (etheric) sector are evident, having 9 as the symmetry center. One can also see the ethical sector (astral plane of consciousness) in 3-6-9, the prime mover. Notice the x9 shape, the all seeing eye on top of the pyramid.'
I am sure it relates to what I am after in some way but it is not immediately obvious to me, so please forgive my shortsightedness: what should I be looking at?

I wonder if it has anything to do with what follows concerning π.

I have been trying to figure out exactly what the relationship is between π and Φ,
only to realize the former can be derived by the latter:

Beginning with a circle whose diameter is √5,
place two unit squares inside of the circle side-by-side
(either horizontally or vertically, the latter is shown above)
and find √5 as any diagonal between two opposite corners (AB as shown)
(this diagonal thus being equal to the diameter of the circle).
Add 1 unit distance to this diagonal (√5 + 1) and find the mid-point (/2).
Note: this midpoint coincides with the circle whose diameter is 2r = 1
by way of rotating the √5 diagonal about the origin of the circle we began with,
and thus "kisses" the square four times equidistantly, thus a more precise π
can be begotten directly from Φ expressed as a ratio of Φ.
This ratio is 4/√Φ = π and/or 16/Φ = π².

For reference, here is the triangle used to construct the Giza pyramid:

And an overlay of the geometry of 4/√Φ as it concerns the circle/square of 2r/1:


I am unsure as to the motive for the above, but the construction of the geometry
is conceptually unsound: concerning the same Kepler triangle, a circle that circumscribes it
completely ignores the imperative need for the diameter of the circle to be √5, the same to which
the Kepler triangle must apply. If the circle is not √5, there is no valid coupling and π remains 'transcendental'
however if coupled to the √5 diameter circle (as shown), the coupled relation permits a geometry
whose co-operation between Φ and π are respectively reflected in the following:


graphed with an overlay of the same geometry:


With golden spirals (for visual aid) and geometric solution utilizing 4x golden rectangles:

Images such as the following can easily be constructed with a single golden spiral model
and one 'bulge' function (paint.net) to magnify what is directly in the center (otherwise hidden).

I have a general inclining towards the notion that the natural geometry of the universe
can be captured as some particular relationship between only π (as 4/√Φ) and Φ, recalling:
user737 wrote: Wed Jan 29, 2020 2:46 pm
ckiit wrote: Wed Jan 29, 2020 3:55 am What are the odds of a single polynomial whose +/- root solutions are +1 and +phi^3, thus scale invariant?
Would that not be an equation which describes the physical universe?
3 = Φ2 + Φ = Φ2 / (Φ-1) = (Φ+1) / (Φ-1) = -Φ × Φ2= -Φ3

(1/Φ)2 + 1/Φ = +1

where Φ = (1 + √5)/2 -- the golden ratio
but only if the relationship between the two is known
(ie. π is not autonomous, it is naturally coupled to Φ).

Finding the exactitude of π can never be done with polygons (as approximated by Archimedes)
thus by using the natural curve of the Φ spiral the circumference of the circle can be known.

EDIT this relationship alone generates the same pattern...
as seen on the recently engineered Ferocell devices:

EDIT2 if one takes the Fibonacci sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 etc. and continues indefinitely,
one may notice two important points:
i. the last digit of every 60 numbers completes a recurring pattern, wherein
ii. every 5th number of this pattern is divisible by 5

The first is important because it establishes the precedent needed to derive a circle (or folded, as in infinity ∞), and
the second is important because it reveals the "fold" in/of the same circle induced by the √5 operation of Φ. Thus,
the golden ratio (Φ) and the circle (π) are scale-independent linear/circular counter-parts to one another at 60 "cycles".
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Re: Unity and Phi^3

Post by ckiit »

Connecting the above to:
bperet wrote: Tue Dec 11, 2018 10:07 am
...This morning, Gopi sent me an email suggesting that, due to the photon being a quaternion of 4π radians...

...So what we have is two types of progression: linearly outward (yang) and angularly inward (yin). Both run at "unit" speed, 1s/1t linearly, or 2π/1t angularly.

But this raises an interesting question... is the speed of light the same for every color?
4π radians and related, such as 4πr², are now whole integer "grounds"
to the above π = 4/√Φ and/or π² = 16/Φ such that Φπ²=16.

Linear and angular are (above shown) complimentary functions of Φ and π respectively:
the π by way of Φ effectively finds/shows the coupling of π itself as an emergent of Φ, therefor:

What image (line, as Φ) is to 'el' (as in 1d electricity),
likeness (curve, as π) is to 'im' in/of elohim (as in 2d magnetism) -
the same properties as the creator of the skies and the terrains according to:
Genesis 1:1
בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואת הארץ
(B'reshith bara elohim et ha'shema'im v'et ha'aretz)
"In the beginning GOD created the heavens and the earth."
Recalling the account, elohim (plural) share in both image (male) and likeness (female) characteristics.
These two natures are subsequently reflected in the mythical Adam and Eve who share in a mythical Garden of Eden.
This conjunct plurality is made explicitly clear by elohim if/when elohim is the speaker: 'us' and 'our' are used.
However, if/when elohim is being referred to by an outside source, elohim acts as a as singular entity.

By comparing the two:
"From Adam's own rib was derived Eve."
"From Φ's own rib was derived π."
Can both be said to be accurate accounts?

The reason I take this approach is because RS2 is sitting on the edge of a big opportunity:
to inductively establish the need for "honoring" the so-called "mother and father" of all motion:
Φ and π because these can be shown to be whence and to which all motion is duly bound.

It is clear to me that Φ and π capture these two co-dependent natures and thus anticipate
harmonization can not possibly come about until the two are reconciled. I do hope RS2
brings these two together soon because humanity is going to need a new 'theory of everything'
before/after the West falls to the 'believers' who 'believe' in gross dis-proportionalism.
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Re: Unity and Phi^3

Post by user737 »

ckiit wrote: Fri Jan 31, 2020 12:26 pm Does the value of pi modify to 4 if Φ = +1?
Discussion here
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Re: Unity and Phi^3

Post by user737 »

The 3 Dials or Phi Codes or Wheels of 24, that generate all the 72 Possible Phi Codes that sum to (108+9)

https://www.jain108.com/discoveries/3-p ... monic-666/

3 Dials = 3 scalar dimensions of motion
Sum = 108+9 = 117 = number of elements

There is a very rare and special reference to the 3 Phi Codes written in an ancient text known as the Rg Samhita, (which relates to the Rg Veda, that western scholars date back to 1,000 to 1,200 BC). Here is the very cryptic quote:

“TWELVE SPOKE-BOARDS, ONE WHEEL, 3 NAVELS. Who Understands these?”

ONE WHEEL = One Sphere (think 3D) and we'll model that sphere as a solid rotation of 4π radians (720°) using quaternion <1, i, j, k>
3 NAVELS = these are the layers of the "onion" in counterspace going inward starting at unit boundary to outer 1-x (speed) region containing 2-x (speed) region containing 3-x (speed) region -- like the Sun except we're not talking about the inverse regions (yet)
TWELVE SPOKE-BOARDS = 4 transcendental axis (2x2 -- local displacements as space & time) per region times 3 speed regions = 12

Would like to learn more and understand if this fits into our new understanding of ϕ↔π coupling as it relates to RS2.
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Re: Unity and Phi^3

Post by Djchrismac »

This seems very familiar, please check the two page topic below to see if it helps:

Hollow Earth theory
LoneBear: I've been working on a computer simulation of atomic systems, based on my new "quaternion" approach to Larson's "units of motion," and an interesting correlation came up--that of my atomic model and that of the Prometheus dream series I've been having lately, regarding the "hollow earth." So, I'm going to describe some of the things I've found, and I am hoping some folks here can contribute some additional research, so we can develop a hollow planet/sun theory that covers all the existing theories as subset.
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Re: Unity and Phi^3

Post by ckiit »

user737 wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 8:42 pm The 3 Dials or Phi Codes or Wheels of 24, that generate all the 72 Possible Phi Codes that sum to (108+9)
https://www.jain108.com/discoveries/3-p ... monic-666/

Note the symmetrical '111' and '888' ('999') axis. also:

The real part of every non-trivial zero of the Riemann zeta function is 1/2.
-Reimann Hypothesis
Number Axes.jpg
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by Ananke
user737 wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 8:42 pm 3 Dials = 3 scalar dimensions of motion
Sum = 108+9 = 117 = number of elements
1+1+7=9=3² discretely concerns π²=16/Φ via relation:
(+π√5)/2π=Φ² (Φ + 1 "discrete unit" of "absolute magnitude")
Φ² ± Φ = 1, Φ³
(potential utility for null-boundary conjugate binary Αlpha+∞-Ωmega
such to implicitly/explicitly concern ± operator).
user737 wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 8:42 pm There is a very rare and special reference to the 3 Phi Codes written in an ancient text known as the Rg Samhita, (which relates to the Rg Veda, that western scholars date back to 1,000 to 1,200 BC). Here is the very cryptic quote:

“TWELVE SPOKE-BOARDS, ONE WHEEL, 3 NAVELS. Who Understands these?”

ONE WHEEL = One Sphere (think 3D) and we'll model that sphere as a solid rotation of 4π radians (720°) using quaternion <1, i, j, k>
Consider in relation to a "bi-directional" pentagram: the apex has a discrete choice-between-two.
Each choice of the choice-between-two represents one π, thus one π per discretion, two per discrete rotation:
(+π√5)/2π=Φ² (Φ + 1 "discrete unit" of "absolute magnitude").


The beauty of postulates: if they are true, they must always be true (ie. never not true).
user737 wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 8:42 pm 3 NAVELS = these are the layers of the "onion" in counterspace going inward starting at unit boundary to outer 1-x (speed) region
containing 2-x (speed) region containing 3-x (speed) region -- like the Sun except we're not talking about the inverse regions (yet)
I believe this is potentially at least relatively related to the day/year/25920 year.
user737 wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 8:42 pm TWELVE SPOKE-BOARDS = 4 transcendental axis (2x2 -- local displacements as space & time) per region times 3 speed regions = 12

Would like to learn more and understand if this fits into our new understanding of ϕ↔π coupling as it relates to RS2.
It may be premature to designate the ϕ↔π coupling as any kind of understanding at this moment: it is not one in any formal sense of the word. I tried to make the case for it given the work of Miles Mathis wherein he shows it measures 4, except he did not "root" that 4 into what everything else kinematic must be rooted in: some ratio of s/t=v or e=t/s, so '4' by itself is actually quite meaningless. As Bruce said:
bperet wrote: Tue Oct 23, 2007 10:50 pm ...so they invent units for a "universal constant", G. In the RS, there should be no "universal constants" outside of unity. If there are, then we missed something, which is obvious in this case.

Right now, I don't have a definitive answer, but I'll post my research and thoughts on the subject. Please feel free to contribute any ideas you may have.
Idea: there is only one constant unity.
However, it is not autonomously composed,
but one relationship between two:
space ϕ ∞ π² time,
thus a "one-up"
on Relativity...
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Re: Unity and Phi^3

Post by Djchrismac »

"Bless us, divine number, thou who generated gods and men! O holy, holy Tetractys, thou that containest the root and source of the eternally flowing creation! For the divine number begins with the profound, pure unity until it comes to the holy four; then it begets the mother of all, the all-comprising, all-bounding, the first-born, the never-swerving, the never-tiring holy ten, the keyholder of all."

"By that pure, holy, four lettered name on high,
nature's eternal fountain and supply,
the parent of all souls that living be,
by him, with faith find oath, I swear to thee."


Henosis (Ancient Greek: ἕνωσις) is the classical Greek word for mystical "oneness", "union" or "unity." In Platonism, and especially Neoplatonism, the goal of henosis is union with what is fundamental in reality: the One (Τὸ Ἕν), the Source, or Monad.[1] The Neoplatonic concept has precedents in the Greek mystery religions[2] as well as parallels in Eastern philosophy.[3] It is further developed in the Corpus Hermeticum, in Christian theology, Alevism, soteriology and mysticism, and is an important factor in the historical development of monotheism during Late Antiquity.


The term is relatively common in classical texts, and has the meaning of "union" or "unity".[note 1]

Process of unification
See also: Nepsis and Theoria

Henosis, or primordial unity, is rational and deterministic, emanating from indeterminism an uncaused cause. Each individual as a microcosm reflects the gradual ordering of the universe referred to as the macrocosm. In mimicking the demiurge (divine mind), one unites with The One or Monad. Thus the process of unification, of "The Being" and "The One," is called henosis, the culmination of which is deification.[citation needed]


Henosis for Plotinus (204/5–270 CE) was defined in his works as a reversing of the ontological process of consciousness via meditation (in the Western mind to uncontemplate) toward no thought (nous or demiurge) and no division (dyad) within the individual (being). As is specified in the writings of Plotinus on Henology,[note 2] one can reach a tabula rasa, a blank state where the individual may grasp or merge with The One. This absolute simplicity means that the nous or the person is then dissolved, completely absorbed back into the Monad.

Within the Enneads of Plotinus the Monad can be referred to as the Good above the demiurge.[5][6] The Monad or dunamis (force) is of one singular expression (the will or the one is the good), all is contained in the Monad and the Monad is all (pantheism). All division is reconciled in the one, the final stage before reaching singularity, what is called duality (dyad) is completely reconciled in the Monad, Source or One (see monism). As the one, source or substance of all things the Monad is all encompassing. As infinite and indeterminate all is reconciled in the dunamis or one. It is the demiurge or second emanation that is the nous in Plotinus. It is the demiurge (creator, action, energy) or nous that "perceives" and therefore causes the force (potential or One) to manifest as energy, or the dyadcalled the material world. Nous as being, being and perception (intellect) manifest what is called soul (World Soul).[7]

Plotinus words his teachings to reconcile not only Plato with Aristotle but also various World religions that he had personal contact with during his various travels. Plotinus' works have an ascetic character in that they reject matter as an illusion (non-existent). Matter was strictly treated as immanent, with matter as essential to its being, having no true or transcendential character or essence, substance or ousia. This approach is called philosophical Idealism.


Pythagorean symbol

The first four numbers symbolize the musica universalis and the Cosmos as:
(1) Unity (Monad)
(2) Dyad – Power – Limit/Unlimited (peras/apeiron)
(3) Harmony (Triad)
(4) Kosmos (Tetrad).[4]
The four rows add up to ten, which was unity of a higher order (The Dekad).
The Tetractys symbolizes the four classical elements—fire, air, water, and earth.
The Tetractys represented the organization of space:
the first row represented zero dimensions (a point)
the second row represented one dimension (a line of two points)
the third row represented two dimensions (a plane defined by a triangle of three points)
the fourth row represented three dimensions (a tetrahedron defined by four points)

A prayer of the Pythagoreans shows the importance of the Tetractys (sometimes called the "Mystic Tetrad"), as the prayer was addressed to it. (see top along with the Pythagorean oath)


Photon model as a Quaternion

The Munsell Book of Color 1929: The Color Sphere

Photon 2.0
bperet wrote:
Djchrismac wrote: ↑
Mon Sep 24, 2018 11:25 pm
His presentation is also relevant as he mentions Edmond Halley, father of the Hollow Earth Theory, who studied the magnetic field of the earth and imagined a magnetized interior and concentric spheres rotating at different speeds and forcing the magnetic field to move.
Halley's research was, as they say, "right pew, wrong church." He recognized that rotation and magnetism was involved, but without the RS, never put them together as "magnetic rotation" -- speed ranges, as documented in the --daniel paper, "The Annunaki Strike Back."

After all, matter is just a temporal/magnetic rotation, so different speed ranges would LOOK like a series of discrete, concentric spheres in the Earth from a non-RS perspective.
Frequency as angular recursion
bperet wrote: Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:18 am Wow, it is hard to believe that I started this idea of a photon as a quaternion 7 years ago (first post: Photon model as a quaternion, posted: 15-Feb-2012) and it has taken all that time and dozens of dead-ends to get where it is now. It is interesting to review how I get from one idea to another.

I have been looking for a way to convert the color quaternion to a conventional representation of frequency and ended up building a spreadsheet of the known frequency bands. One of the things that has always bothered me was the sheer number of "natural units" (Larson's "direction reversals") that must be packed together to get to the extremely low frequency band (ELF), the bottom of which--the longest wavelength--being some 2,194,763,294,778,660 "units" -- that's TWO QUADRILLION UNITS. Given that all the other displacements in the Reciprocal System don't get higher than ±16, I cannot see how this can be a viable structure, or a "natural consequence."

Last night I realized that the frequency spectrum is a logarithmic scale (base 10 log) and the log of this ELF frequency is only about 15. Now THAT makes more sense... then I realized that, as an angular velocity, frequency is a recursion. What I mean by that is that angular velocity, like speeds in the time region, is a growth measure--layers of skin on an onion, and only the outer skin is the one that matters for interaction.

We see this structure already in Larson's atomic model, as well as conventional science. Take, for example, gold (AU), atomic number 79. With displacements of 4-4-(7), it does not have 79 units of anything, because we don't count the inner layers (4-3, 3-3, 3-2, 2-2, 2-1) unless we want to get the atomic number. Conventional science does the same, by references to the prior noble gas: [Xe] 6s1 4f14 5d10--it does not include all the inner electron orbitals.

The center of this "onion" appears to be on the green/magenta rotation, at 12 natural units. Visible light runs from 8 (410nm) to 16 natural units of space (729 nm), an octave. Octaves are common in Nature, so this makes sense (conventional spectrum is based on powers of the meter).

The next layer out runs from 4 (UV-A, 364 nm) to 32 (IR-A, 1458 nm) natural units. Now this seems like a big spread--but we did not remove the visible part from 8-16 units, upon which it is built.

As a consequence of this recursion, the "A" band is split into two halves, UV-A (ultraviolet) and IR-A (infrared), which is observed. The next layer is the UV-B:IR-B, then UV-C:IR-C.

What is not accounted for in the conventional frequency model is the reciprocal relation. We have the spatial displacements well documented (from red down to ELF), because the frequency distribution is exponential--the further you go from red, the larger the spatial gap (wavelength).

However, in the opposite direction, all we have is blue, UV, EUV (extreme UV), SX (soft X-rays), HX (hard X-rays) and gamma rays. Space seems to have been "compressed out"... because on this side, it isn't a wavelength, but a waveduration... the displacement is in time and "more time = less space." If one were to look from the temporal aspect, then we'd see dozens of bands, rather than just four of them.

This recursion model of the frequency spectrum also parallels Nehru's concept of "electric folds" that he once presented to explain atomic orbitals. It also makes the photon behave in the same manner as other rotating systems, both magnetic and electric. However, it also proves that Larson's model of the "direction reversal" is wrong (only applicable to low displacements in the visible light region).
Goethe on Color
LoneBear wrote: Tue Feb 09, 2016 11:20 am Something I noticed many years ago, was that the EM spectrum (Newton version) came in chunks of 256 natural units of space (2^8), and that the colors of the rainbow hit very nearly on integer multiples of the unit of space, as wavelengths, between 8 and 15 natural units (1 octave, 16 starts iR). This chart is available on the RS2 site:


Couple of other things I noticed between light and music:

Light is continuous in the time of the reference system (on), whereas music is discontinuous in the time of the reference system (notes). For example, during a concert, we hear a bunch of different frequency notes, whereas the lights over the musicians are constantly on at the same frequency.

Also, light is discontinuous in the space of the reference system--made of bundles of photons, whereas music is continuous--a song filling a room.

This indicates that light is a time region (material) phenomenon, whereas music is more "space region" (cosmic). The body is made of atoms displaced in the time region; the soul's atomic structure is in the space region. Therefore, light affects the body and music affects the soul. (Using visible light; the inverse may apply to the X-ray/gamma ray side.)
Going back to the demiurge:
The Enochian Apocalypse

It has always been generally assumed that the apocalypse is in the hands of the angels of wrath, to be visited upon the world at the pleasure of God, at a moment preordained from the beginning of creation. In the veiled teachings of the Enochian angels this is not true. The gates of the Watchtowers can only be unlocked from the inside. The angels of wrath cannot initiate the apocalypse even if they wish to do so. This is suggested by an exchange between Dee and the angel Ave:

Dee - As for the form of our Petition or Invitation of the good Angels, what sort should it be of?
Ave - A short and brief speech.
Dee - We beseech you to give us an example: we would have a confidence, it should be of more effect.
Ave - I may not do so.
Kelley - And why?
Ave - Invocation proceedeth of the good will of man, and of the heat and fervency of the spirit: And therefore is prayer of such effect with God.
Dee - We beseech you, shall we use one form to all?
Ave - Every one, after a divers form.
Dee - If the minde do dictate or prompt a divers form, you mean.
Ave - I know not: for I dwell not in the soul of man. (8)

Spiritual beings must be evoked into our reality by human beings. We must open the gates and admit the servants of Coronzon ourselves. Evocation and invocation are not a part of the business of angels, but of humans. That is why the angels needed to go through the elaborate ruse of conveying the system of Enochian magic, with the Keys and the Great Table of the Watchtowers, to Dee. If the apocalypse is to take place, and if it is necessary for human beings to open the gates of the Watchtowers before it can take place, the angels first had to instruct a man in the correct method for opening the gates.

It is evident that Dee was to be restrained from opening the gates of the Watchtowers until it pleased the angels. The angel Gabriel, who purports to be speaking with the authority of God, tells him:

"I have chosen you, to enter into my barns: And have commanded you to open the Corn, that the scattered may appear, and that which remaineth in the sheaf may stand. And have entered into the first, and so into the seventh. And have delivered unto you the Testimony of my spirit to come.

"For, my Barn hath been long without Threshers. And I have kept my flayles for a long time hid in unknown places: Which flayle is the Doctrine that I deliver unto you: Which is the Instrument of thrashing, wherewith you shall beat the shears, that the Corn which is scattered, and the rest may be all one.

"(But a word in the mean season.)

"If I be Master of the Barn, owner of the Corn, and deliverer of my flayle: If all be mine (And unto you, there is nothing: for you are hirelings, whose reward is in heaven.)

"Then see, that you neither thresh, nor unbinde, until I bid you, let it be sufficient unto you: that you know my house, that you know the labour I will put you to: That I favour you so much as to entertain you the labourers within my Barn: For within it thresheth none without my consent."(9)
Macrobes, Silicon, Serpents & John Dee
https://forum.antiquatis.org/viewtopic. ... it=holy+10

"Serve us, and we shall show you where our "flayles" are hidden (technology). It seems with must disgust these entities maintained this contact, but remember. The original alien masters were HIGHLY intelligent, had vast working knowledge of space/time/planes of consciousness and manipulation of matter. They could also probably, very easily maintain consciousness after physical death"


Choronzon /ˌkoʊˌroʊnˈzoʊn/ is a demon or devil that originated in writing with the 16th-century occultists Edward Kelley and John Dee within the latter's occult system of Enochian magic. In the 20th century he became an important element within the mystical system of Thelema, founded by Aleister Crowley, where he is the "dweller in the abyss",[1][2] believed to be the last great obstacle between the adept and enlightenment.



Does Coronzon remind you of anything? Let us examine this further: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/bb/bluebook418.htm
A Mental Armageddon

Fundamentalist Christians commonly believe that the end of the world will be a completely physical event and will be sparked by some horrifying material agent -- global thermonuclear war, or the impact of a large asteroid, or a deadly plague.

This supposition is natural in view of the concrete imagery of the book of Revelation. It is in keeping with the materialistic world view of modern society. But nobody stops to consider that this destruction is described by angels, or that angels are spiritual, not physical, beings.

In my opinion the apocalypse prepared by the Enochian angels must be primarily an internal, spiritual event, and only in a secondary way an external, physical catastrophe. The gates of the Watchtowers that stand guard at the four corners of our dimension of reality are mental constructions. When they are opened, they will admit the demons of Coronzon, not into the physical world, but into our subconscious minds.

Spirits are mental, not material. They dwell in the depths of mind and communicate with us through our dreams, unconscious impulses, and more rarely in waking visions. They affect our feelings and our thoughts beneath the level of our conscious awareness. Sometimes they are able to control our actions, either partially, as in the case of irrational and obsessive behavior patterns, or completely, as in the case of full possession. Through us, and only through us, are they able to influence physical things.

The Enochian communications teach not only that humanity itself must initiate the apocalypse through the magical formula delivered to Dee and Kelly, but that humans must be the physical agents that bring about the plagues, wars, and famines described with such chilling eloquence in the vision of St. John. It is we who will let the demons of Coronzon into our minds by means of a specific ritual working. They will not find a welcome place there all at once, but will worm their way into our subconscious and make their homes there slowly over time. In the minds of individuals that resist this invasion they will find it difficult to gain a foothold, but in the more pliable minds of those who welcome their influence they will establish themselves readily.

Once the demons have taken up residence, we will be powerless to prevent them from turning our thoughts and actions toward chaotic and destructive ends. These apocalyptic spirits will set person against person and nation against nation, gradually increasing the madness and chaos in human society until at last the full horror of Revelation has been realized upon the stage of the world. The corruption of human thoughts and feelings may require generations to bring to full fruition. Only after the wasting and burning of souls is well advanced will the full horror of the apocalypse achieve its final fulfillment in the material realm.

Let us suppose for the sake of argument that the signal for the initiation of this psychic invasion occurred in 1904 when Crowley received the Book of the Law, as he himself believed. Crowley’s Enochian evocations of 1909 then pried the doors of the Watchtowers open a crack enough to allow a foul wind to blow through the common mind of the human race. This would explain the senseless slaughter of the First World War and the unspeakable horror of the Nazi Holocaust during the Second World War. It would explain the decline of organized religions and why the soulless cult of science has gained supremacy. It would explain the moral and ethical bankruptcy of modern times and the increase in senseless violence.

We may not have long to wait before the individual known in the vision of St. John as the Antichrist, the one foretold in Crowley’s Book of the Law to follow after the Beast, will succeed in completing the Apocalypse Working. Then the gates of the Watchtowers will truly gape wide, and the children of Coronzon will sweep into our minds as crowned conquerors. If this chilling scenario ever comes to pass, the wars of the twentieth century will seem bucolic to those who survive the slaughter.
Those in control continue to dabble with dark forces, tread carefully my friends, apologies if this post seems a bit of a tangent but I am sure more will be revealed in due course.


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Re: Unity and Phi^3

Post by ckiit »

Thank you to everyone who has contributed: the pursuit of unity begins.

I have recently placed an addendum in https://reciprocal.systems/phpBB3/viewt ... ?f=7&t=685 which briefly outlines the parameters of a universe based on the (inter-)relationships between Φ¹, Φ², and Φ³ as they may concern 'discrete units'. In short:
bperet wrote: Tue Oct 23, 2007 10:50 pm In the RS, there should be no "universal constants" outside of unity...
....v in relation to e...
Φπ²/16 = 1 = 16/Φπ²
Φ = (√5+1)/2 = 1.618... (irrational / variable) non-terminating COSMOLOGICAL CONSTANT
Φ² = (Φ+1) = 2.618... (irrational + rational) LOCAL DISCRETION viz. terminus of absolute magnitude(s)...
Φ³ = (√5+2) = 4.236... (irrational + duality) non-terminating GRAVITATIONAL CONSTANT
noting the following internal attributes:
Φ is the rational '1' added to the irrational √5 summed about '2'.
Φ² is the rational '1' added to the irrational Φ which is "rationable" as Φ² - Φ = 1.
Φ³ is the rational '2' thus concerns not unity (ie. duality) added to the irrational √5.

...finds how one may (or may not) concern unity using the powers of Φ, the purpose of this thread.
When this relationship is "measured" according to "unity", if even taking the latter to be unknown,
we may generate an expression which couples the gravitational constant to a discrete '1' thus:

Unity (as concerned by a discrete '1' according to Φπ²/16 = 1 = 16/Φπ²)
Φ² = 2.618... LOCAL DISCRETION (terminus of absolute magnitude(s) to/from UNITY)
Φ² ± Φ = 1, Φ³
"LOCAL DIRECTION to/from PROGRESSION is in proportion to UNITY and/or GRAVITATION."

What follows is: the only difference between 'PROGRESSION' and 'GRAVITATION' is the ± preceding Φ, thus ±Φ.
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I highly recommend another read of Bruce's 'Speed of the Progression' thread:
https://reciprocal.systems/phpBB3/viewt ... ?f=7&t=601

And will annotate what is most important at this time here:
bperet wrote: Tue Dec 11, 2018 10:07 am fly apart at the speed of light. This was first published in Larson's 1959 book, The Structure of the Physical Universe.
However, Larson only accounts for the linear speed of progression, as his only primary motion is a linear (yang) one. But in RS2, there are two primaries: linear and angular (yin) speeds, so there is also an angular speed of progression.
Φπ² = 16 discretely captures the two primaries as a conjunctive co-operation.
bperet wrote: Tue Dec 11, 2018 10:07 am The Photon 2.0 research has shown that the photon IS NOT a "linear vibration" as claimed by Larson and conventional science, but a compound rotation that can be projected as a linear vibration...
Consider in "light" of
1=16/Φπ² ∞ Φπ²/16=1
bperet wrote: Tue Dec 11, 2018 10:07 am During that research, it appeared that there may have been a discrepancy between the speed of the progression and the speed of light, since ALL measurements of the speed of light are within the Earth's gravitational field--and it is a known fact that gravity deflects light by changing its speed. On my best estimate, the speed of the progression would have been the "center" of the visible spectrum, green/magenta, or 12 natural units of space from where Larson had put it. This means that the progression is moving 12x the speed of light.
12 ± 4 = 8, 16 (implies octave)
Φ² ± Φ = Φ³, 1 (implies harmonic)
-8+8√5=9.888... √9.888...= 4/√Φ.

The gravity of a body acts on (ie. deflects) light by "changing its speed".
Both the scalar "speed" of the progression and the "rate" of gravitation are rooted in
the same ratio 16/Φ and/or Φ/16, hence 16/Φπ² ∞ Φπ²/16 (and hence 4/√Φ).
bperet wrote: Tue Dec 11, 2018 10:07 am This morning, Gopi sent me an email suggesting that, due to the photon being a quaternion of 4π radians, that science may have just "unrolled" that quaternion into a line... meaning that the speed of the progression was 4π faster than the speed of light (12.57× faster). This seems to make sense.
The quaternion of 4π radians finding is based on the 4/√Φ ratio (discrete and rational '4' about an irrational √Φ).
What is important is space and time are multiplicative reciprocals aspects: s/t x t/s concerning v and/or e.
This means that given any magnitude as it pertains to v (as motion) or e (as energy) there must be a fixed relation between them.
This relation is what I am positing in the thread linked at the top of this post which solves for Relativity's e=MC² as 16=Φπ².
In other words: it is because 16=Φπ² that e=MC² is a valid energy∞matter coupling.

As to the "12.57× faster..."
16/12.57 = 1.272... = √Φ.

Correction of π to a "rationable" 4/√Φ is further implied, thus implored.
bperet wrote: Tue Dec 11, 2018 10:07 am I was also considering that visible light, based on Larson's analysis (from Newton, not Goethe), shows visible light running from 8s to 16s (where "s" is a natural unit of space, expressing wavelength). In a quantized (discrete) system like the Reciprocal System, π=4, so 4π=16 (red) and 4π/2=2π=8 (blue) -- the visible spectrum, but only the Newtonian RGB half. So it may be that 0π to 2π (4π/2, the first half of the rotation) is Goethe's spectrum.

So what we have is two types of progression: linearly outward (yang) and angularly inward (yin). Both run at "unit" speed, 1s/1t linearly, or 2π/1t angularly.
Both the progression and gravitation share in a base magnitude Φ,
thus ±Φ both concerns and discerns progression/gravitation via. one variability in only the operator ±.
The difficulty may be in interpreting the implications of this, as they are profound:
if unity is taken to be 'no displacement(s)' yet there are two "types" of progression: yang and yin,
unity must rely on (ie. is accessible via) a conjunctive cooperation between them.

This cooperation is posited to have a terminal at 1=16/Φπ² ∞ Φπ²/16=1 wherein
'16' is the energetic (ie. imaginary) constituency of every real and discrete '1'.
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