Photon 2.0

Discussion concerning the first major re-evaluation of Dewey B. Larson's Reciprocal System of theory, updated to include counterspace (Etheric spaces), projective geometry, and the non-local aspects of time/space.
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Photon 2.0

Post by bperet »

I have developed a new model of the photon, based on dimensional stability and addressing both the additive/white and subtractive/black models (RGB, CMY). Per Nehru's analysis of long ago, dimensional stability can only occur with THREE dimensions. Less than three will break down to zero, more will shoot off to infinity. This calculation was difficult to accept by most researchers because they were thinking of dimensions as a linear (yang) axis: width, height, depth, creating a volume. But this is not the only type of dimension that can exist...

With the integration of angular velocities in RS2, the concept of angular dimensions (yin dimensions). These dimensions are created by the twist of an axis--not sliding along an axis. Geometrically, we perceive an "angular dimension" as a plane--not a line, but it is a single dimension (to call it a 2D plane is to apply linear/yang thinking to something that isn't linear!) I have discussed this concept in the topic, "Resistance, Reactance, Permeability and Permittivity" (see diagram) with its electrical application.

I have now generalized the concept and it greatly clarifies a number of Larson's concepts of "units of motion," "scalar dimensions" and "speed ranges."

With the "Photon 2.0" model, there are three, orthogonal dimensions of angular velocity, graphically represented as three circles:
Three Rotational Yin Planes
Three Rotational Yin Planes
TheOccultedPlane.png (5.31 KiB) Viewed 27724 times
This rotations map to the primary colors. Because each twist of an axis can be either clockwise (CW) or counterclockwise/anticlockwise (CCW), there should be a positive and negative color for each rotational plane. These are the +RGB and -CMY color models. I have designated the first rotational plane, matching Larson's "low speed" (1-x) speed range, as the vertical, blue plane. (Starting with blue, as it is closest to the unit speed boundary.) The second yin dimension is the green plane, "intermediate speed" (2-x) and the third dimension, making an "angular volume," is the red plane, "ultra-high speed" (3-x).

If you were to spin all three planes in the opposite direction, they become yellow (1-x), magenta (2-x) and cyan (3-x).

Now there is no reason that some of the dimensions can rotate CW while others rotate CCW, so you can have color models such as RYB (red, yellow, blue), which is the standard painter's palette. So this model supports a wide variety of color schemes, simply based on the direction of rotation.

The angular velocity (speed) gives the intensity of color. This redefines the conventional RGB "color selector" of computers to this structure:
Composite Spectrum
Composite Spectrum
CompositeSpectrum.png (9.8 KiB) Viewed 27724 times
One of the major differences with this model is that the "unit speed" color is gray--not black or white! In Newton's view, white is a photon and black is the lack of a photon. In a painter's view, black is a pigment and white is a lack of pigment. This model fills BOTH roles... there exist BOTH white and black photons and pigments, along the lines of Goethe's model.

This also fixes a number of other problems, such as "wave cancellation" of light waves. If black is an absence of color, then the wave proceeds from 0.0 to 1.0 -- it cannot have a "negative," since "none" is zero, not -1. With a 0-1 range, you cannot have the destructive interference that is constantly demonstrated in experiments!

So, where ARE black, gray and white? The luminosity axis is actually a LINEAR axis, not an angular velocity: the axis created by the intersection of the red and blue rotational planes. For conventional science, this creates an illusion:
Illusion of EM
Illusion of EM
RGBphoton.png (3.25 KiB) Viewed 27724 times
Science only sees TWO rotational planes, the lower (horizontal) red one as magnetic, and the upper (vertical) blue one as electric. The orthogonal green plane, regardless of how fast its angular velocity is, always sits at gray--therefore having no detectable properties.

This model of one linear + 3 angular speeds matches the mathematical structure of the quaternion: [w/b, r/c, g/m, b/y]. The quaternion, treated as [slide, twist, twist, twist], seems to be the fundamental concept of understanding the structure of the physical universe.
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Name that Color!

Post by bperet »

Here's another problem I ran in to... a game of "Name That Color!"

The colors we see have had different names over the centuries. Go back a couple hundred years, and what we now call "blue" was called "violet." Believe it or not, there was no standardization until the advent of color television, which created the RGB system based on the colors of the phosphors being lit up by electrons from the tube. These phosphor colors were considered the new "primaries," regardless of what color they actually were, and as the use of color in computers increased, it became the standard.

When you look at the ancient color systems, you'll find that yellow and violet are opposites, as on a clear day, the deep "blue" sky above looked violet (not the case any more, with all the chemicals/chemtrails saturating the atmosphere). The negative of red was blue, not cyan. Green and magenta seem consistent, probably because of the excessive use of green in vegetation.

This is making a "standard color model" based on the quaternion a bit difficult, as the models we now use do not match what is in Nature.
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Organic Color Wheel

Post by bperet »

I've gone through a lot of research by artists and researchers, ignoring the phosphor-based color system and Newton, and a new kind of color wheel shows up--one based in Nature (almost identical to Goethe's research):
Organic color wheel
Organic color wheel
ColorWheel2.png (99.41 KiB) Viewed 27720 times
It follows a very different pattern, a RGV and BMY model.

Of course, I'm protan color blind... so no idea what I am looking at! :D I had to use the computer to calculate color values, so hopefully they are close.
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Post by bperet »

With the photon being a quaternion, it is basically a magnetic rotation. As such, the rotations can recurse just like atoms do, by octaves (like the skins of an onion). Between unit speed and unit frequency, we find 4 octaves: 1, 2, 4, 8 (doubling) with the far ends at 128, 64, 32, 16 (halving):

C: 1-128 (UV-C to IR-C)
B: 2-64 (UV-B to IR-B)
A: 4-32 (UV-A to IR-A)
Visible: 8-16 (Blue to Red in Newton colors)
Photon Octaves
Photon Octaves
PhotonOctaves.png (79.7 KiB) Viewed 27718 times
The wavelengths specified are the normal ranges for these frequency bands.
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Re: Photon 2.0

Post by Djchrismac »

Wow this has lots of food for thought, great work. So in a nutshell are you saying that the three rotational yin planes are three colours (RGB) and it's the spin interacting between them in the photon that creates the mix of colours we see?

I'm not surprised Goethe almost got it spot on. Your new wheel is fascinating, it almost splits the colours (well from my perspective it does) into half violet (3/6), yellow (2/6) and blue (1/6) and what we would normally see as primary colours are just a very thin band

It's going to be tricky to update the old "Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain" acronym...


This reverse acronym finder was useful and quite fun to use as you can select word categories:

Let's try mammals:

Rhino Otter Yak Cougar Giraffe Cat Badger Insect Vole Possum Mongoose Raccoon

Not very catchy, maybe you can create a better mnemonic... :lol:

From your quaternion photon 2.0 image, am I interpreting it corrrectly in that the photon has to travel or spin at a higher speed before it becomes visible? I thought it was the opposite way like the photons coming from the sun at 3-x speed in a coronal hole which appear black, invisible from our perspective due to moving so fast and flipping over from space/time to time/space, i've maybe just got your diagram round the wrong way in my head though.

It's fascinating seeing how musical octaves fit in with this, it feels like you are getting close to an important natural law regarding this and how speed/colour/light/music interact. I figure this is how the ancients or LM's set up secret doorways and such like that only open at a certain time of day or after certain words are said or sung... (for example entering Imaginationland in South Park or the Dwarves entering the mountain in the Hobbit).

So if a photon spinning at a certain speed and frequency does display different colours as I see it, the following came to mind which shows the wind speed colours as mainly green, moving to red the faster they get: ... 58.39,1106

Is there any way you could do something similar and show a photon spinning and the resulting colours for different speeds? Or have I picked this up completely wrong? :D
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Re: Photon 2.0

Post by bperet »

Djchrismac wrote: Thu Nov 08, 2018 9:51 am Wow this has lots of food for thought, great work. So in a nutshell are you saying that the three rotational yin planes are three colours (RGB) and it's the spin interacting between them in the photon that creates the mix of colours we see?
Yes, but the direction of rotation with give either RGB or CMY.
Djchrismac wrote: Thu Nov 08, 2018 9:51 am I'm not surprised Goethe almost got it spot on. Your new wheel is fascinating, it almost splits the colours (well from my perspective it does) into half violet (3/6), yellow (2/6) and blue (1/6) and what we would normally see as primary colours are just a very thin band
I made the wheel "by the numbers," because of my color blindness. To my sight, there are three distinct bands on the violet half, blue, violet and magenta. But everything from orange to green looks almost the same. Color is a highly subjective phenomenon.
Djchrismac wrote: Thu Nov 08, 2018 9:51 am From your quaternion photon 2.0 image, am I interpreting it correctly in that the photon has to travel or spin at a higher speed before it becomes visible?
Or lower (n/1 or 1/n). Unit speed, a displacement of zero, is gray. By default, the universe is gray... to borrow from the Minbari, it "stands between the darkness and the light." And it is from the mix of darkness and light that we get color--not as a "straight connecting line," but a dimensional rotation through the color planes. Goethe proposes the following split of blue sky and yellow sun:
Blue Yellow Projection
Blue Yellow Projection
BlueYellowProjection.png (22.77 KiB) Viewed 27707 times
The medium, the atmosphere, is 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen (at least it WAS). The way black and white pass through the atomic rotating systems of N 2-2-(3) and O 2-2-(2) produce this color split, on which the original palettes were created. Now if Goethe was an alien living in a neon atmosphere, we'd have a different spectrum.

The changing color of the sun indicates two factors: the sun is emitting radiation in the 2nd octave above visible, and the composition of the atmosphere has changed from what it was (chemtrails, SAI, geoengineering).
Djchrismac wrote: Thu Nov 08, 2018 9:51 am I thought it was the opposite way like the photons coming from the sun at 3-x speed in a coronal hole which appear black, invisible from our perspective due to moving so fast and flipping over from space/time to time/space, i've maybe just got your diagram round the wrong way in my head though.
I may have it the wrong away 'round--still doing research. If you use thermal emission, you get the sequence:

Red (warm), orange, yellow, white, blue-white, blue (fractures)

Note this parallels star colors, but thermal emission starts in the IR-A band, the 2nd octave. We SEE visible colors (1st octave), so it may be reflective symmetry... as the wavelength of IR increases (gets hotter), the colors may be reflecting backwards from red towards blue, the reverse sequence I am using. Don't know yet... you know how rotation goes from +1 to -1, then back from -1 to +1, so reflection seems common. But I'm open to opinions.
Djchrismac wrote: Thu Nov 08, 2018 9:51 am It's fascinating seeing how musical octaves fit in with this, it feels like you are getting close to an important natural law regarding this and how speed/colour/light/music interact. I figure this is how the ancients or LM's set up secret doorways and such like that only open at a certain time of day or after certain words are said or sung... (for example entering Imaginationland in South Park or the Dwarves entering the mountain in the Hobbit).
Might want to look at the Antiquatis forum post on "The World is an Illusion" where I am discussing the conjugate spectrum in this context.
Djchrismac wrote: Thu Nov 08, 2018 9:51 am Is there any way you could do something similar and show a photon spinning and the resulting colours for different speeds? Or have I picked this up completely wrong? :D
SoverT is working on a simulation to demonstrate this as we speak.
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Re: Photon 2.0

Post by bperet »

Photon 2.0 demonstration is here, showing a way to express color as 3D angular velocity instead of frequency, according to the concepts proposed in this thread. The rotating disks demonstrate the angular displacement (not speed) and the box at the bottom is the perceived color from the rotations.

Photon 2.0 Simulator

The most notable difference is that is uses three rotational dimensions controlled by three sliders that provide BOTH the negative color pallet (CMY) and positive pallet (RGB). The slider resolution is ±8 units (electric rotation) and is done primarily for ease of use. Conventional pallets use 256 units (0-255).

White: <+1,+1,+1> = +1 (positive colors)
Gray: <0,0,0> = 0 (neutral)
Black: <-1,-1,-1> = -1 (negative colors)

Unit speed, a displacement of zero, would be 50% gray... not the blackness we see in outer space. This infers that the blackness we perceive is actually a color--not the omission of light.
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Re: Photon 2.0

Post by Djchrismac »

bperet wrote: Thu Nov 08, 2018 11:33 am Yes, but the direction of rotation with give either RGB or CMY.
Got you, even more so after playing with the colour wheel.
bperet wrote: Thu Nov 08, 2018 11:33 am Or lower (n/1 or 1/n). Unit speed, a displacement of zero, is gray. By default, the universe is gray... to borrow from the Minbari, it "stands between the darkness and the light." And it is from the mix of darkness and light that we get color--not as a "straight connecting line," but a dimensional rotation through the color planes. Goethe proposes the following split of blue sky and yellow sun:

The medium, the atmosphere, is 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen (at least it WAS). The way black and white pass through the atomic rotating systems of N 2-2-(3) and O 2-2-(2) produce this color split, on which the original palettes were created. Now if Goethe was an alien living in a neon atmosphere, we'd have a different spectrum.

The changing color of the sun indicates two factors: the sun is emitting radiation in the 2nd octave above visible, and the composition of the atmosphere has changed from what it was (chemtrails, SAI, geoengineering).
It was the line i've bolded in Goethe's documentary that really hit home, it made a lot of sense and felt like a more natural way to view colour and I get the same from the wheel, it sits well with me, gut feeling says bingo!

I was going to post that Goethe was a wizard figuring this out... then I thought what if he WAS... he may well be hinting at it with this:

Perhaps an initiate into the ancient masonic-egyptian mystery schools got curious and did some experimenting... guess what, that's exactly it!

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is the great outstanding figure in German literature. Poet, dramatist, philosopher, scientist, statesman, he, more than any other modern man, is the type of the universal genius. It is no wonder then that German Freemasons point with pride to his connection with their Order, and that no German history of the Craft is complete without many references to his influence in promoting its interests in the Fatherland.
This is also key in explaining Photon 2.0 - "The way black and white pass through the atomic rotating systems of N 2-2-(3) and O 2-2-(2) produce this color split, on which the original palettes were created"

With the sun now whiter I would expect the colours to be more vibrant but I take it the grey sky of the cloud shield and the constant haze of nanoparticles that is causing the global dimming effect is making the photons less vibrant and closer to grey due to a slower spin of the angular/yin dimensions?

Another post caught my eye earlier and fits in perfectly now, don't you love it when your past self assists you... :D
Brought to you in Living Color
Post by LoneBear » Sat Apr 22, 2017 12:17 am

While out for a hike this morning (in a volcanic field), I happened to notice that much of the desert is blooming; 8-foot high bushes of little, yellow flowers, these tiny plants along the trail with huge, blue flowers and the magenta blossoms of the cacti. I was at least a mile from nowhere... so no power lines or other EM crap, and I happened to notice that there was something different about the color on these wild flowers. Normally, color can be represented by hue, luminosity and saturation--but these flowers needed something extra, what I ended up calling "radiance." It is hard to explain; it was as though the colors were not being reflected from the chemtrail-free sunlight, but being emitted directly by the pedals with an aura-like glow. I wasn't the only one to notice; another woman hiker stopped to chat and said the same thing, like these flowers were just "bursting with color." If you took a picture of the flower and compared it to the real one, I'm sure the HLS values would match--but not the R (radiance), which is zero for photographs (particularly digital ones) and 100% for the live plant. The radiance is not there on the copy.

In RS2 I postulated that there were 6 possible types of photon, based on birotation could form from rotational structures. Four of these appear in the inanimate realm; the simplest is thermal, as a complex quantity. Beyond this are life units, which are not recognized by conventional science. These octonian structures can also produce a simple, harmonic motion and are what I call biophotons and are far more complex than "color" photons. Biophotons express a color, but there are more "variables" to it, such as radiance.

It is interesting because I rarely see this in the city (and there are lots of flower beds)... it only seems to occur where mankind's influence is at a minimum (there are exceptions). Anyway, when I was thinking about it, I recalled that old, NBC peacock thing on the TV... "Brought to you in living color, by NBC." And now I know what living color is.

And I also noticed that this color was interactive--by looking at different living color flowers, you could feel different parts of the body respond in rapport. There is probably some discipline of "flower power" (a superset of color therapy) that could do a lot to effect the emotional/soul side of life.
Or is it the chem-haze combined with the EM grid that is lowering the radiance, affecting photon spin? Maybe we could use this new theory to figure out more of the chemical cloud colours i've taken photos of although from what i've seen and learned the reds are iron oxide and the other colours barium, strontium etc. There is definitely an effect that all the nanoparticles being spinned up and everything in the atmosphere being frequency rotated on a marco-scale is having on the spectrum.

Tecnicolour was always my favourite. :D

It's interesting that they used the flower of life for this:
"It is the watcher of all"... they don't even try to hide this stuff:

Interesting you mention colour theory, as Carl Jung once stated, "Color is the key to subconscious". I'm not sure is Flower Power Healing is worth pursuing further though... ;)
bperet wrote: Thu Nov 08, 2018 11:33 am I may have it the wrong away 'round--still doing research. If you use thermal emission, you get the sequence:

Red (warm), orange, yellow, white, blue-white, blue (fractures)

Note this parallels star colors, but thermal emission starts in the IR-A band, the 2nd octave. We SEE visible colors (1st octave), so it may be reflective symmetry... as the wavelength of IR increases (gets hotter), the colors may be reflecting backwards from red towards blue, the reverse sequence I am using. Don't know yet... you know how rotation goes from +1 to -1, then back from -1 to +1, so reflection seems common. But I'm open to opinions.
I've been pondering this and looking at the colour wheel. I recall how at dusk everything goes grey for a while after being vibrant during sunset, with the grey getting darker until black blends in. Could it be that the heat from the sun is what is exciting the photons during the day and spinning the yin dimensions faster, moving away from grey, with them slowing down to black after getting cooler at night?
bperet wrote: Thu Nov 08, 2018 11:33 am Might want to look at the Antiquatis forum post on "The World is an Illusion" where I am discussing the conjugate spectrum in this context.
Very interesting, so can we train the eyes to process and be stimulated by dark photons/nox?

"And by "black light," I do not mean "omission of white light." There exists BLACK PHOTONS that, in medieval wizardry, are referred to as "nox" (white light is "lux").

Our physical senses process white light photons, lux. They are not stimulated by nox, so we perceive nox as the absence of light. There is another "invisible spectrum" that is outside our perception, a door to the world of illusion."

'Tween time...
bperet wrote: Thu Nov 08, 2018 11:33 am SoverT is working on a simulation to demonstrate this as we speak.
Photon 2.0 demonstration is here, showing a way to express color as 3D angular velocity instead of frequency, according to the concepts proposed in this thread. The rotating disks demonstrate the angular displacement (not speed) and the box at the bottom is the perceived color from the rotations.

Photon 2.0 Simulator

The most notable difference is that is uses three rotational dimensions controlled by three sliders that provide BOTH the negative color pallet (CMY) and positive pallet (RGB). The slider resolution is ±8 units (electric rotation) and is done primarily for ease of use. Conventional pallets use 256 units (0-255).

White: <+1,+1,+1> = +1 (positive colors)
Gray: <0,0,0> = 0 (neutral)
Black: <-1,-1,-1> = -1 (negative colors)

Unit speed, a displacement of zero, would be 50% gray... not the blackness we see in outer space. This infers that the blackness we perceive is actually a color--not the omission of light.
This is superb! Great work SoverT and to you for the concept Bruce, it's great fun to play with and think about, i'm already wondering how I can utilise this to take interesting photographs with my DSLR and selection of lenses...

It's also perfect for iillustrating what can be tricky to visualise with words and pictures. Etidorhpa popped into my head there, I might have to check it as it has a part talking about light and photons if I recall correctly, it might match the RS2 photon model or give us more insights and not for the first time! As the kids today say when they are pleased with something someone has done... "Cap doffed"


So is grey the speed of progression and particles/atoms etc. getting in the way results in the positive colours, negative colours and all the variations inbetween depending on the particles/atoms/matter interacting with it and the speed of rotation?
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Re: Photon 2.0

Post by bperet »

One of the things I noticed when playing with the photon simulator was that if you start with gray and just slide the yellow-blue slider to blue, the resulting color is "sky blue" -- at least what I perceive as the same color as the sky. However, if I slide it to yellow, I don't get the color of the sun--I have to put it at gray and slide the red/green to max. Since both the sky and the sun are up in the air, one would expect color from the positive palette.

I find this rather interesting in lieu of my protanopia color blindness (about 2% of men). When I start with gray and offset the sliders to the 6 colors, I SEE the colors described. For example, cyan as (cyan, gray, gray) LOOKS like cyan to me, whereas if I push to (cyan, green, blue) it looks white. "Normal" people see from black, whereas protan people see from gray. An eye exam I had many years ago showed that I have more rods than cones, so get more "gray scale" than most people, which now makes sense. Protan people also have superior nightvision because of this. No wonder we see dead people! :) ... and other things.
Djchrismac wrote: Mon Nov 12, 2018 5:17 pm So is grey the speed of progression and particles/atoms etc. getting in the way results in the positive colours, negative colours and all the variations inbetween depending on the particles/atoms/matter interacting with it and the speed of rotation?
Yes. My suspicion right now is that the direction of rotation determines whether that angular velocity is spatially or temporally displaced. Atmospheric gas has small displacements in both space and time whereas things like oil and obsidian have very large temporal displacements compared to the spatial. We tend to see RGB in the sky (Newton, rainbows) and minerals reflect CMY (oil, obsidian, etc), so thinking those are temporally displaced. RGB reflection would require the spatial rotation of a photon to bounce off a spatial displacement of an atom, and CMY would need time-to-time.

Gopi was running some tests here the other day with my crystal ball and it seems that the rainbow is NOT from light going THROUGH water vapor, but bouncing off it (reflection), so there may be something to this.
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Re: Photon 2.0

Post by Djchrismac »

bperet wrote: Mon Nov 12, 2018 6:23 pm Gopi was running some tests here the other day with my crystal ball and it seems that the rainbow is NOT from light going THROUGH water vapor, but bouncing off it (reflection), so there may be something to this.
You're going to love some of these and the Peacock makes another appearance...


17 wonderfully curious facts about rainbows


Who knew these “rainy arches” had such a colorful history?!

It’s hard to see a rainbow and not feel like a little special something is happening. Some of us may even stop in our tracks and swoon at the beauty of the thing, not to mention become elated at the promise of good fortune to follow. Rainbows are stunning, like shooting stars and Northern lights, they are total magic, Mother Nature style. A fact not lost on just about every culture since time began.

But while we all know that a pot of gold awaits the person lucky enough to get to the end of a rainbow, what else do we really know about these candy-colored phenomena? There’s more to a rainbow than meets the eye! Consider the following:

1. “Rainbow” comes from the Latin arcus pluvius, meaning “rainy arch.”

2. In Greek and Roman times, it was believed that rainbows were a path created by the goddess of the rainbow, Iris, linking us to the immortals.

3. What do rainbows have to so with peacocks? The Greeks used the word “iris” to refer to any colored circle, thus the iris of the eye or even the spot on the tail of a peacock. Other words that take their cue from the goddess of the rainbow include the iris flower, the chemical iridium, and the word “iridescent.”

4. Even though rainbows figure prominently in the myths and religions of so many cultures throughout history, no one had any idea what the heck they actually were until the 17th century.

5. The Greek epic poet Homer believed that rainbows were made of a single color, purple. (How decidedly unpoetic.)

6. The Greek philosopher Xenophanes elaborated by bestowing the rainbow with another two colors, saying that it was comprised of purple, yellow-green, and red.


7. Aristotle agreed with Xenophanes in his treatise, Meteorologica: “The rainbow has three colors, and these three, and no others.” Apparently this was a hot topic!

8. During the Renaissance, it was decided that, no, there were four colors: red, blue, green, and yellow. By the 17th century, western thinkers had agreed upon five colors: red, yellow, green, blue, and purple.

9. In 1637 René Descartes discovered that rainbows were caused by light from the sun being split into different colors by rain. Gold star for Descartes.

10. In 1666, Isaac Newton added indigo and orange to give us the seven-colored Roy G. Biv that we all know and love today. However, in China rainbows are considerer to contain just five colors.

11. The truth is, there is no set number of colors in a rainbow! Each hue blends into the next without a hard boundary, leaving the interpretation up to the person who sees it and the culture that has defined it. (I'm going with 28 colors, so there.)

12. And in fact, a rainbow doesn’t even actually “exist,” … it’s not an object, it’s an optical phenomenon. Which is why no two people see the same rainbow.

13. The Telegraph explains the magic as such: "Each raindrop acts as a tiny, imperfect mirror. When the sun is right behind you its light passes through the raindrops in front of you, reflects off their rear surface and bounces back at you. The light is refracted or “bent” slightly as it passes from the air into the water; and again as it bounces back into the air again. The different wavelengths that combine to make daylight are “bent” by different amounts (42º for the red end of the spectrum, a shade less for the violet). Each raindrop acts as both prism (refraction) and mirror (reflection)."

14. Double rainbows occur when light bounces inside the water droplet more than once before escaping, the spectrum of the second arch will be reversed. Sometimes third or fourth rainbows can be seen.

15. Between a rainbow and its double the sky is darker because light reflected in raindrops in this part does not reach the observer. Word nerd alert! This area has a name: an Alexander's band, named after Alexander of Aphrodisias who first described it in 200 AD.


16. Rainbows can occur in mist, fog, sea spray, waterfalls and anywhere where light meets water in the sky and the angles are conducive. There are also rare moonbows, made at night by the light of the moon … though our eyes read these as white. This is a very good time to look for unicorns.

17. The world’s longest-lasting (or longest-observed) rainbow was seen over Sheffield, England on March 14, 1994 – it lasted from 9am to 3pm. (If there were ever an opportunity to secure a pot of gold...!)

Bonus! The number one rainbow-related video on YouTube, with a current 188,074,716 views, belongs to Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻole's ukulele-fueled rendition of "Over the Rainbow." ... nbows.html


10 is very interesting, 1666 and Newton was a masonic poster boy, it sounds like more hiding of how things really work has been implemented around then... the tentacles of the great deception reach everywhere.

14/15 reminds me of the hollow earth concentric model... maybe there is a natural law being mirrored in the double rainbows relating to spheres and spatial or temporal displacement of angular velocity?
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