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Bi-rotating Electrons

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 12:29 am
by Phillip

Can paired electrons capture a photon to become

charged, paired electrons?

How would they differ from the "trinity", charged,

paired electrons?

What would an arc likely be composed of?


Re: Bi-rotating Electrons

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 12:22 pm
by bperet
Phillip wrote:
Can paired electrons capture a photon to become

charged, paired electrons? How would they differ from the "trinity", charged,

paired electrons?
If there are only 3 dimensions available, then no. When captured, it would add to the existing electron motion because there are no dimensions available for it to exist independently. I will add the caveat that there may be 4 dimensions in the time region, which would change the case for the uncharged electron pairs, because it would leave 2 free dimensions.

The question arose about dimensions from one of Nehru's papers, where he discovered 4th-power relationships in the time region. In the plain "Euclidean" context of RS, this would require a 4-dimensional system. But when the concept of "counterspace" (polar space) is introduced, the situation may just be three POLAR dimensions (as in the quaternion), with dimensionality of t2, t3 and t4. If you notice, there is no t1 (linear), because you can't have a line in polar space--the minimum construct is a rotation.

Phillip wrote:
What would an arc likely be composed of?
Under normal conditions, charged electrons (St. Elmo's fire). It would normally be a spherical distribution of discharge, but then you have to account for the other conductor, which gives the electrons a place to go, forming the arc.

Under "abnormal" conditions, charged, paired electrons can be formed resulting in structures such as ball lightning and the "cold electric" effects of Edwin Gray.

I believe the "ball lightning" effects created by Kiril Chukanov we witnessed a couple years ago fall into this "abnormal" condition, as does Tesla's capacitor "light bulbs".