Comparison Between Theories

Discussion concerning the first major re-evaluation of Dewey B. Larson's Reciprocal System of theory, updated to include counterspace (Etheric spaces), projective geometry, and the non-local aspects of time/space.
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Comparison Between Theories

Post by bperet »

Here is some basic information on how different theories, Relativity, Reciprocal System (RS) and the Reevaluation (RS2) view the relations of space and time. In the animations below, the dimension of space is red, and the dimension of time is blue (clock time is the animation sequence, not the blue objects).

Conventional physics, based on General Relativity (GR)
gr-motion.gif (37.03 KiB) Viewed 8361 times
Space is a setting upon which things happen (a stage on which atoms are players). Time is viewed as an ordering sequence only (clock time), and is considered to be a kind of "4th dimension" to space.

The expansion of space is recognized at astronomical levels as the Hubble Expansion. Dimensions of time are not considered. To the best of my knowledge, this expansion of space is not recognized at atomic levels.

The natural datum from which things are measured is zero.

Reciprocal System of theory (RS)
rs-motion.gif (55.36 KiB) Viewed 8361 times
In Dewey Larson's Reciprocal System, space is one aspect of motion, with time being the other. Motion is considered an inverse relationship between space and time, as a ratio. This ratio (or speed, as Larson calls it) is the content of the Universe, both stage and players. Clock time still exists in a similar context to conventional physics, but because of the introduction of time as a dimensional system that has the same attributes as the spatial dimensional system, a new concept of "clock space" arises. This concept is unknown in conventional physics.

The linear expansion of space is also recognized (the progression of the natural reference system), but at both astronomical and atomic levels, where the latter gives rise to chemistry. Also, the expansion of time is recognized, again as a linear expansion analogous to space, but in the inverse aspect.

The natural datum from which things are measured is unity, the speed of light in natural units.

RS2: The Reevaluation of the Reciprocal System
rs2-motion.gif (69.17 KiB) Viewed 8361 times
RS2 keeps Larson's concept of a universe of motion, but treats coordinate space and coordinate time as projection screens on which the shadows of scalar motion are shown.

Spatial projection is considered to be yang (linear), whereas temporal projection is considered yin (polar). Both are dimensional motions, space being marked by distance and time being marked by angle.

The expansion of space and time are also recognized, but in the yin-yang realm. Space expands linearly, progressing from zero to infinity, and time expands in a polar "turn", progressing from zero to infinite angle.

Motion is represented as a complex quantity, with the real component as linear, yang space and the imaginary component as polar, yin time.

The natural datum of the system is also unity, the speed of light.
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