RS2 Mind/Brain Model

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RS2 Mind/Brain Model

Post by bperet »

I recently had some problems with the endocrine system, which sent me off on an exploration of the endocrine organs and brain for a cure. Doctors just wanted to pump me up with drugs to compensate, but I'd rather know the reason for the failure and make a permanent fix. It took a couple weeks of research, but I was able to track the problem back to a single point of failure--the hypothalamus. Then I noticed something interesting...

The structure of the brain mimics a spatial distribution of temporal motion in 8 regions (right/left frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal lobes). It also mimics the structure of the Earth with different "speed ranges", the skull being the "crust", the cerebrum being the 1-x, low speed "mantle", the corpus callosum being 2-x, intermediate speed "outer core", and the thalamus being the 3-x, high-speed "inner core". The same forces that created the Earth seem to have influenced the structure of life, which makes perfect sense.

We know from Beyond Space and Time that life units are composed of material + cosmic atoms. For cosmic atoms to coordinate, then must be temporally adjacent so they can influence each other, meaning that the cosmic half of life units form some kind of aggregate--what we would refer to as the "mind", with its non-local character as perceived from its spatial counterpart, the "brain."

Now as to the complexity of this temporal aggregate... we notice that the two, magnetic rotations of an atom tend to stay at the same level of complexity, with the maximum difference of 1 natural unit. Take iron, 3-2-8... with a total of 5 units of magnetic rotation, it could be 4-1-8 or 5-0-8, but it never is. Symmetry seems to be the natural state. That infers that the material and cosmic atoms involved in life units will be very close to the same thing, m-Nitrogen, c-Nitrogen, etc., and will have about the same number of material and cosmic atoms present. That infers that the "temporal aggregate" mind has about the same size and structure as the material brain does, except it would appear inside-out to us.

Based on the astronomical structures, the corpus callosum would then have one dimension of its motion in time, and the thalamus would have two dimensions in time. This would form the communications pathway between the brain and mind. Also remember that the conjugate is true, but the regions are reciprocally connected (m-callosum with 1 dimension in time would appear as c-thalamus with 2 dimensions in space).

The cerebrum, the bulk of the brain in space, would also have its temporal analog, the c-cerebrum of the mind. Given the reciprocal relationship, large in space = small in time, so one would expect to see the c-cerebrum, a large, temporal structure, appear in space as a very small organ, that has some temporal-based function... and smack in the middle of the "inner core" of the brain we find the hypothalamus, the "biological CLOCK" for an organism, and one of the oldest organs found in any living thing. And curiously enough, the more complex the life form, the smaller the hypothalamus seems to be... more time, less space... larger temporal cerebrum, smaller hypothalamus.

There is a second organ (technically not a "gland"), the pineal, that works in association with the hypothalamus and is often referred to as the "third eye" -- where psychic ability comes from. As Larson defined in BST, most psychic skill is the ability to parse temporal sensory data, for example, precognition is the ability to "see" a distance in time.

I suspect that the hypothalamus and pineal form a 2-way linkage between the spatial brain and temporal mind, each connected to its inverse (m-hypothalamus c-pineal). But what is the mechanism of communication across this linkage? It would have to be a "motion" that has no net motion outside the unit boundary, or it would merge with the m-atoms or c-atoms of the structure, so that limits it to the lower subatomic particles. Neither could it have a bias towards either the material or cosmic, so neutrinos, positrons and electrons are eliminated--the communication channel cannot be electrically-based if it is to move between sectors. There is only one motion left that can move in either sector without inhibition--photons. The brain-mind communication channel is based on light. And that opens up a whole new "spectrum" of understanding!
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RS2 Mind/Brain Model

Post by davelook »

Hi Bruce,

It's gonna take a few reading to digest this, but I think there's some interesting points in there.

I really hope you were able to get things back to normal, with or without drugs. I know that kind of thing can be

a challenge to deal with.

Warm Regards,

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Photonic brain model

Post by Ardavarz »

There is only one motion left that can move in either sector without inhibition--photons. The brain-mind communication channel is based on light. And that opens up a whole new "spectrum" of understanding!

This reminds me an article by the Russian engineer Yuri Nemchinov which I've read back in 1980s. He proposes a model in which the electromagnetic waves can be bearers of information through their wave pattern. For istance a simple harmonic can be considered as rendering the binary sequence 101010... (= one bit), then more complex sequences can be constructed by combining (superposition) of harmonics with same phases and different frequencies. There can be also other possible schemes for coding information by superposition of harmonics:

"It seems that in the range of every spectral group created by a heated body and represented in analysis by the Fourier series a special code correlation should exist. It is this correlation that provides effective transmission of the respective metric information. Through this process a quantization of the continuous intervals of space and time is done by the discrete set of spectral units inside the harmonics with an arbitrary degree of accuracy. Here a mathematical analogy comes to mind - the calculation of irrational quantities with constant increase of digits giving more and more exact approximation to the real value of those quantities. And from the physical point of view we have a peculiar measuring procedure going on in the Nature itself and producing some metric information encoded in the spectrum.

A generalization comes to mind that the electro-magnetic spectrum is a kind of sign super-system or meta-language which makes possible the transmission and reception of metric information between all physical bodies including the living organisms. If so, then we also receive and decode information by means of our sense organs in the process of cognition of the world around us since our sight, hearing, senses of smell, taste and touch work on atomic level only by the way of electro-magnetism. "Cognition is sensual measuring" - as subtly noted one of the philosophers.

If we consider atoms as devices which code and decode metric information, then here arises a real possibility for connecting physics with information theory with far-reaching parallels in the realm of sign phenomena on one of the most elementary levels of Nature".

(That's a bit of a crude translation done by myself. Here's the link to the original article for who can read Russian:

The philosopher he mentions in this excerpt was most likely Nicholas of Cusa (Nicolaus Cusanus) who derived "mind" (mens in Latin) from "measuring" (Lat. mensio).

Nemchinov concludes that words as "enlighntenment" or "illumination" may be not just metaphors, but actually reflecting reality of the brain processing information. A harmonic model of the brain computation could explain (assuming that the waves can interact with each other) for instance such basic functions like pattern-recognition and association as being resonance phenomena. If we continue farther from this hypothesis it is possible to see that every block of coded information (a "word") being a specific sequence of discrete units (signs, "letters") from a finite set represented this way by a wave pattern of superimposed harmonics can be equalized to a continous fraction (let's assume for simplicity that it is less than unity) where the digits represent letters. This fraction in turn is equlvalent to a ratio and thus - to a scalar motion in the context of Reciprocal System. (BTW this completely coincides with the Greek meaning of the Logos as being both "word" and "ratio"). From this point of view every physical process (or interaction of independent motions which mathematically corresponds to some kind of ultimate algebra that combines those ratios and so produces new "words" from the other "words") can be regarded as processing of information or "thinking" in a manner. Thus the universe of motion always has both physical and mental aspects simultaneously - they are complementary to each other just like space and time being aspects of motion - most likely this indeed happens on different scales and orders of complexity as interaction between the materal and cosmic sectors by the medium of photonic interface.
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pineal and pituitary gland and amygdala

Post by gvoe »

Hi Bruce,

thanks so much, it is very interesting.

I am new here and I enjoy this science.

One question: Do pineal and pituitary gland and amygdala also belong to the inner core, the thalamus?

They are situated around thalamus.

edit: I see, You wrote about the pineal gland, so I will read it more intensively.

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EM as digital communication

Post by bperet »

most likely this indeed happens on different scales and orders of complexity as interaction between the materal and cosmic sectors by the medium of photonic interface.
Something else to consider is that the photon is the simplest scalar motion, the electric/spatial (yang) projection and the magnetic/temporal projection (yin). By orienting the photon in TE (Transverse electric) or TM (transverse magnetic) orientations, you have the perfect digital signal of 1's and 0's... and with binary data, you can even include things like "error correction bit."

However, if you were to use photons to communicate to the cosmic sector from the material, or vice-versa, the signal would come across as the negation (1's and 0's exchanged). Communication would appear as a negative image. (Analogous to the negative of RGB being YMC).
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Pineal and Pituitary

Post by bperet »

Welcome aboard, Gerhard!
One question: Do pineal and pituitary gland and amygdala also belong to the inner core, the thalamus?
Been listening to David Wilcock? (Good friend of mine.)

All life units are half in the material and half in the cosmic. Life has a foot in both realms, which is what makes it "life." The way to determine what belongs to the various speed ranges is physical structure. Objects that have more of a presence in time (ultra-high speed) will have more of a spiral shape, since time is polar. Objects that are more spatial (low speed) will just be randomly distributed in a rough sphere.

The pineal looks a lot like a pine cone--lots of spiraling structure, so it would be a good bet that the influence of coordinate time is strong there, creating the spiral pattern.

You end up with three, basic shapes:
  1. Spherical, low speed structures.
  2. Planar with a twist (cylindrical), intermediate speed. DNA would be an example here, a twisting plane of connecitons.
  3. Linear with a twist (spiral), ultra-high speed, the pine cone or egg-shapes.
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Some more

Post by gvoe »

Hi Bruce,

thanks so much for Your answer

I will think about the basic shapes.

Your writing about the brain helped me to go into the center of my head in meditation yesterday. I found deep peace in there.

What I am thinking about the last weeks: ... 341e26.gif

Why is - i ∞ = 1 / i ∞ ?

Can someone explain please?

About David Wilcock: Yes, I have read much in, very good.

About RS theory: First I tried to study RS Theory, but it was very difficult for me. So I prayed that I can understand it. The door which opened then, was rs2theory.

I think that is the greatest that I met until now.

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1/i = - i

Post by gvoe »

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Post by leesaJohnson »

Thanks you so much, it is very interesting topic.
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