Harmony of the Cosmic

Discussion concerning the first major re-evaluation of Dewey B. Larson's Reciprocal System of theory, updated to include counterspace (Etheric spaces), projective geometry, and the non-local aspects of time/space.
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Blavatsky, Keely and Wilhem Reich

Post by oreneorg »

Blavatky said that Keely's engine would only work in his presence since he was like a magician who interacted with the etheric plane and the same I think of Wilhelm Reich, since both the organic accumulator as well as the cloudbuster even the experiment ORanur, it seems that they only worked in their surroundings.
Blavatky, dijo que el motor de Keely, solo funcionaria en su presencia ya que el era como un mago que interactuaba con el plano eterico y lo mismo opino yo de Wilhelm Reich, ya que tanto el acumulador orgonico,como también el cloudbuster incluso el experimento ORanur, parece que solo funcionaban en su entorno.
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musical scale

Post by oreneorg »

Parece ser no existir ninguna función matemática que relaciones las notas de la escala musical:
Parece mas bien corresponder a una discontinuidad una discontinuidad en el centro Fa y una trilogía al principio (Do, Re, Mi) y otra al final.
Sin embargo,si que existiría una envolvente que pasaría por todas las octavas que siempre son el doble que la anterior (parece el misterio de la cuadratura del circulo!...:-)).
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Re: Blavatsky, Keely and Wilhem Reich

Post by bperet »

oreneorg wrote:Blavatky said that Keely's engine would only work in his presence since he was like a magician who interacted with the etheric plane and the same I think of Wilhelm Reich, since both the organic accumulator as well as the cloudbuster even the experiment ORanur, it seems that they only worked in their surroundings.
Blavatsky, Keely, Tesla and others had "ethical control units" in their makeup, which can exert a nonlocal effect in BOTH the material (physical) and cosmic (etheric) sectors. Proximity between two bodies (or two souls, "quantum entanglement") can transmit the ethical effect to others, which is what you are seeing when these devices only function with the inventor present.

The bulk of humanity, particularly those driven by materialistic desires, lack ethical control units.
Every dogma has its day...
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Re: Harmony of the Cosmic

Post by oreneorg »

Correction errors in the musical scale
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quantum entanglement/ethical control units

Post by oreneorg »

Hola peret:
Para mi fue muy importante la contestación que me distes sobre el efecto de enmarañamiento cuantico de las personas con unidades de control eterico. Lo que esplicaria el efecto que Wilhelm Reich obtuvo en sus investigaciones, mientras estuvo presente, asi como la importancia que en el manejo de sus aparatos tenia la “estructura caractereologica” del propio investigador que manejara los instrumentos.
El haber descubierto esa explicación me compensa los 40 años dedicados a Wilhelm Reich y en donde tal como el predijo, a los 50 años después de su muerte todas sus teorías habrían sido utilizadas innutilmente.
Pero en el momento actual y siendo que ese proceso de personas con unidades de control eterico, se amplia a Keely, Tesla….Me parece muy interesante que me pudieses ayudar a analizar el mismo proceso en quien últimamente a sido muy importante para mi. Me refiero a Benjamin Creme.
En muchas fotos que se efectúan en sus charlas por en mundo, se percibe un vaporoso, que emana de el y asistentes, que yo catalogaría también como efecto eterico.
Y tal como yo lo percibi en una conferencia en España me recordó, al aura que la iglesia pone a los santos.
Voy a intentar transmitirtre fotos e información a ver si pudiésemos converger en este tema.
Hello peret
For me was very important the answer you gave me about the effect of “quantum entanglement” of people with "ethical control units". What would explain the effect that Wilhelm Reich obtained in his research, while he was present, as well as the importance of the "character structure" of the researcher who handled the instruments in the management of his apparatus.
The discovery of this explanation compensates me for the 40 years dedicated to Wilhelm Reich and where as predicted, 50 years after his death all his theories would have been used unnecessarily.
But at the present time and being that process of people with units of etheric control, it extends to Keely, Tesla .... I find it very interesting that you could help me analyze the same process in who has been very important to me lately. I mean Benjamin Creme.
In many photos that are made in his talks for in the world, you see a vaporous, emanating from him and assistants, which I would also catalog as an etheric effect.
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Re: Harmony of the Cosmic

Post by oreneorg »

Two photographs of Benjamin Creme, one at a lecture and the other at a Transmission Meditation workshop (Munich, Germany, in 2008), show golden energy flooding the hall, similar to previously published photographs which were confirmed to be blessings by Maitreya. Sent by K. H., Munich.
Dos fotos de Benjamin Creme, una en una conferencia y la otra en un taller de Meditación de Transmisión (Munich, Alemania, en 2008), muestran una energía dorada que inunda la sala, similar a fotos publicadas anteriormente que fueron confirmadas como bendiciones de Maitreya. Enviadas por Katharina Hofer, Munich.
Yo tambien percibí un aura alrededor de su cabeza el 17/02/2003, con motivo de una conferencia en el Hotel Abba Acteón de Valencia, España.
I also noticed an aura around his head on 02/17/2003, on the occasion of a conference at the Abba Acteón Hotel in Valencia, Spain.
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Re: Harmony of the Cosmic

Post by oreneorg »

Golden power floods conference room

Amsterdam, September 2006 - An extraordinary pair of 'before and after' photos. At the beginning of Benjamin Creme's lecture on September 20, 2006 in Amsterdam, Holland, a visitor from Germany made this photograph of Maitreya's adumbration to Benjamin Creme immediately after Creme appeared on stage. This 'adumbration' takes place at each conference and from time to time someone is able to capture it on film. Here you can see the last extraordinary example of this event, showing the flow of spiritual energies in the conference room.

Maitreya's adumbration seemed to last almost the entire evening. This was palpable not only by those familiar with the flow of such energies but also by the whole audience. After the final adumbration it was obvious that people were moved by the experience of the conference and by the energies given that no one seemed to want to leave or 'break the spell'.
The same scene taken by the same photographer shortly before Benjamin Creme entered the room.
Energía dorada inunda la sala de conferencia

Amsterdam, Septiembre 2006 - Un extraordinario par de fotos 'antes y después'. Al comienzo de la conferencia de Benjamin Creme el 20 de septiembre del 2006 en Amsterdam, Holanda, un visitante de Alemania hizo esta fotografía del adumbramiento de Maitreya a Benjamin Creme inmediatamente después de que Creme apareciera en el escenario. Este 'adumbramiento' tiene lugar en cada conferencia y de vez en cuando alguien es capaz de capturarlo en película. Aquí se puede apreciar el último ejemplo extraordinario de este suceso, mostrando el flujo de las energías espirituales en la sala de conferencias.

El adumbramiento de Maitreya pareció durar casi toda la velada de forma continuada. Esto fue palpable no sólo por aquellos familiarizados con el flujo de tales energías sino también por toda la audiencia. Después del adumbramiento final era obvio que las personas estaban conmovidas por la experiencia de la conferencia y por las energías dado que nadie parecía querer marcharse o 'romper el encanto'.
La misma escena tomada por el mismo fotógrafo poco antes de que Benjamin Creme entrara en la sala.
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Re: Harmony of the Cosmic

Post by oreneorg »

Conferencia de Benjamin Creme en San Francisco, EEUU, el 6 de agosto de 2002
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Re: Harmony of the Cosmic

Post by Newtome »

bperet wrote: Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:40 am Some interesting developments have been made from the RS2 research group here in Salt Lake on understanding the influence of the Cosmic sector on the Material.

What we have found is that we perceive the material sector, 3D space and clock time, geometrically. Larson took this approach by trying to stick with Euclidean geometry, even though "scalar motion" is decidedly not Euclidean. Nehru and I extended the straight-line geometrics into rotational systems (angular velocity), which Larson uses the device of "equivalent space" to explain. Now, some of the new folks that have a musical background have made an interesting discovery--the effects of the Cosmic sector, 3D time with clock space, are perceived as harmonic relationships--not geometric ones.

I do not have much of a musical background (just piano lessons when a child), so I had to do some digging to understand what they found... let's examine Larson's atomic displacement system, starting with the inert gases (like Larson does when he begins to build the atomic series).

Larson (and most of us) use geometry to explain atomic rotation by treating the two magnetic rotations as creating a sphere (such as 2-2-0, neon). When a magnetic rotation is increased (3-2-0, argon), the sphere becomes oblate having a larger diameter on one axis. Larson uses the laws of balance to prevent 3-2-0 from becoming 4-2-0, which is more erratic and instead goes back to the sphere of 3-3-0.

One of the things that is obvious, but usually missed, is that the two magnetic, double-rotating systems of the atom interact with each other--as a ratio, just like everything else. In music theory that spherical, magnetic structure is called unison, which has a ratio of 1:1 (does not have to be 1, but any ratio that reduces to 1, such as 2:2, 3:3, 4:4, etc).

Remembering that in the material sector, the magnetic rotations are in the time region--a region of 3D time and should therefore express harmonic relationships. If we look at the "spherical" magnetic rotations of inert gases:

2-2-0 Neon
3-3-0 Krypton
4-4-0 Radon

we find that they are all magnetically in unison. But what of the others?

2-1-0 Helium -- an octave, 2:1
3-2-0 Argon -- perfect fifth, 3:2
4-3-0 Xenon -- perfect fourth, 4:3

Even if you accept element 118, Oganesson, as being valid, it has displacements of 5-4-0, a third, 5:4. It seems that the noble gases are following a harmonic series that parallels music theory.

This is actually from a series of ratios of overtones... the left side being the overtone and the right being the ratio between consecutive overtones:

-- 2:1
-- 3:2
-- 4:3
-- 5:4

And the Noble gas series of magnetic rotations exactly parallels the overtone series:

1 (deuteron)
-- 2:1 (helium)
2 (neon)
-- 3:2 (argon)
3 (krypton)
-- 4:3 (xenon)
4 (radon)
-- 5:4 (oganesson)

This is just the "tip of the iceberg" regarding the harmony of the cosmic relationships. We are currently working on extending these relationships to the electric rotation and atomic properties--and getting some fascinating results--which curiously parallel the "vibratory physics" of John Worrell Keely. It seems that chemical compounds are not based on "charge valence" as understood by conventional chemistry, but by harmonic relationships of the nature just described.

For those with a musical background, I would be interested in hearing your ideas on this, as I am still digging through basic music theory.

I found my way here from a very different place which discusses many of the same principles.

Some 100 years ago many smart people discussed how harmonic relationships appeared in the stock market. They even discussed the relationship between time and price which created vectors of equal length. Then changing energy levels, or changes in vibrational states.

The vibrational states can be linked to various 3D solids and these solids can be found being formed in the movements of the stock market. Over time the faces of the solids are unveiled. As one face is formed the solid rotates and the next face is unveiled.

The best work on this is from Bradley Cowan in his books.

I was interested if his work might be relevant to the reciprocal system?
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