How is any given field effect "tied" to a space?

Discussion concerning the first major re-evaluation of Dewey B. Larson's Reciprocal System of theory, updated to include counterspace (Etheric spaces), projective geometry, and the non-local aspects of time/space.
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How is any given field effect "tied" to a space?

Post by SoverT »

Something that piqued my interest from the compilation in The Source Field Investigations was an account of something called DNA ghosting.

Basically it was observed that DNA absorbed photons and caused them to move in a spiral or vortex fashion. Then, after the DNA was removed to a different location, it was noticed that for up to 30 minutes afterwards, the photons continued to move in a spiral fashion in the location where the DNA used to be.

How can an aggregate "leave behind" a cosmic or temporal motion like that? Particularly, since time has no direction in space, how could it continue in an ordered manner, rather than randomly swirling in all 3 dimensions?
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Residual effects of cosmic motion

Post by bperet »

How can an aggregate "leave behind" a cosmic or temporal motion like that? Particularly, since time has no direction in space, how could it continue in an ordered manner, rather than randomly swirling in all 3 dimensions?
This is actually a common problem in alternative energy research. Devices will work for a while, then stop until they are physically moved to a different location, almost as though something got "filled up" and jammed the system. And that is about what is going on. We cannot directly observe the cosmic sector (3D time), only the indirect effect that time has on space, through "equivalent space."

This is the same situation with DNA ghosting. DNA is a life unit, having structure in both 3D space and 3D time. That is what defines it as "life" (see Beyond Space and Time). When you move DNA in 3D space and clock time, the effect is similar to the EPR paradox--the 3D time and clock space are not affected, so the equivalent space structure is still influencing the original location in space. It takes some "clock time" for the temporal side of things to dissipate.

If you need a visual analogy, how can a boat move around the ocean, without power or wind? Easy... the currents in the water push it, though we cannot actually see what is going on underneath the surface. This is much like the interface between the material (3D space) and cosmic (3D time) sectors--space is the air above that we see and measure, and time is the current beneath the surface, altering anything sitting on the interface--as all motion does. In the case of DNA, you are dealing with a whirlpool. Anything floating on the surface (photons carried by the progression) will keep on spinning until resistance stops the whirlpool from spinning.
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