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Division IV Chemical Bonds

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 4:22 pm
by jdalton4
I am having real difficulty understanding Larson's theory of chemical bonding in Division IV. Take Nitrogen Trichloride for example. He says that Chlorine is positive to Nitrogen and therefore three atoms of chlorine balance the negative three valence of nitrogen. But theres a big problem here. We still have an overall negative electric displacement of 6. His basic premise is that real positive displacement offsets negative displacement resulting in zero relative motion with respect to that natural datum. I dont see how Chlorine become positive if its really negative, even though its relative negativity is reduced by the higher magnetic displacement. I have the same problem with another example he uses, Phosphorus Sulfide.

Doesnt it make more sense to argue that chlorine is positive and therefore can be "enhanced" by adding two to its negative one valence to get plus one which is real positive displacement.

I am reading through Nothing But Motion and this is the first time I cannot follow his logic.